Leonardo - Yokohama

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Leonardo

住所 :

1 Chome-10-1 Sengencho, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0072, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 220-0072
Webサイト : http://www.ne.jp/asahi/kamikoro/top/leonardo/honten/honten.html

1 Chome-10-1 Sengencho, Nishi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0072, Japan
SHO TAKA on Google

主にスケールを扱ってます。お値段は定価かものに応じてお高いです。 ただ外に出てる袋入りのジャンク品はオススメです。半分宝探し。 店長さんも気さくな方ですよ。
Mainly dealing with scale. The price is high depending on the price or things. I just recommend junk items in bags that are out. Half of a treasure hunt. Manager Mr. Are You a friendly.
Mitz Fukuda on Google

The plastic models piled up in the store are spectacular. It seems that there are about 5,000 more inventories that cannot be placed in the store due to lack of space. There is a wealth of model-building potential, so it's a good idea to talk about it.
荒木だいち on Google

タミヤ系の車やミリタリーモノのキットが隅までびっしり。 入り口の前にはジャンル問わず割りと色々なジャンクパーツだったりカプセル品が単体で置いてあったりしてました。 店主は品の良さそうなおじさんって感じ。
Tamiya-style cars and military mono kits are all over the corner. In front of the entrance, there were various junk parts and capsules alone, regardless of genre. The owner feels like a good old man.
藤永和彦 on Google

I felt bad. The chairman died and there are plenty of things, but they were unfriendly and didn't fit my skin. Even people who aren't suitable for customer business with a casual response have a bad image in a disrespectful way. I was disappointed because I like plastic models as well.
GF8北蓮 on Google

It ’s a very good shop with lots of rare items.
andou on Google

確かに他の方の口コミであるように口は悪いかもしれない。でも話していると(口は悪いが)探しているプラモデルのことについて色々と教えてくれるし、何よりプラモデル愛に溢れている。職人とはああいうものだ。そう、店主というよりプラモデル職人。ペインティングの腕前でいうならばもはや芸術家といっても過言ではない。 プラモデルの品数は車、戦車、戦闘機どれをとってもあの小さな店内に信じられないくらいの量を置いてある。横浜駅からはちと遠いが一度立ち寄ってみる価値はある!
Certainly it may be awkward as it is the word of mouth of others. But when I talk to him (although he has a bad mouth), he tells me a lot about the plastic model I'm looking for, and above all, he is full of love for plastic models. That's what a craftsman is. Yes, a plastic model craftsman rather than a shopkeeper. It is no exaggeration to say that he is an artist when it comes to his painting skills. The number of plastic models is incredible in that small store, whether it's a car, a tank, or a fighter. It's far from Yokohama station, but it's worth a visit!
高橋龍一 on Google

I used to buy a stained mook book and was told that I wouldn't get a buy price, but I would pick it up, so when I left it in the store, it was grass that was sold at a fixed price at a later date. I haven't been there again since then.
mum pot on Google

Amazingly hobby shop!

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