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Contact leap-g

住所 :

Baba, Tsurumi Ward, Yokohama, 〒230-0076 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://leap-g.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8AM–7PM
Sunday 8AM–7PM
Monday 8AM–7PM
Tuesday 8AM–7PM
Wednesday 8AM–7PM
Thursday 8AM–7PM
Friday 8AM–7PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Baba, Tsurumi Ward, Yokohama, 〒230-0076 Kanagawa,Japan
_ TAKUZO on Google

自宅の塗装をお願いしました。自社施工の会社に絞って数社に見積もりをお願いした結果 一番丁寧な説明と明瞭会計な見積もりをプレゼンして頂き、かつこちらの要望もスムーズに受け入れて頂いたのが決め手でした。 金額は後だしジャンケンでここより安い会社もありましたが、やはり塗装は信用が一番なので、初めの印象、現調時の対応等からこちらに依頼しました。作業はとても満足しています。実際の作業の様子は動画で送られてくるので、こちらも安心しました。一つ残念なのは足場解体後、マスキングテープ等ゴミが多く散乱し現場管理が行き届いてないところがありました。言わないと行わない。ではなく言われる前に行って頂けたら最高でした。
I asked for painting at home. Results of requesting quotations from several companies, focusing on the companies that built them The decisive factor was the presentation of the most polite explanation and clear accounting, and the smooth acceptance of this request. There was a company that was cheaper than here in Janken, but since painting is the most trustworthy, I asked here for the initial impression, the response at the time of the actual preparation, etc. I am very happy with the work. I was relieved that the actual work was sent in a video. One unfortunate thing was that after the dismantling of the scaffolding, there was a lot of garbage, such as masking tape, scattered and the site management was inadequate. Don't do it unless you say it. In was the best If you can go to before, which is said without.
コケシceo on Google

技術や説明の内容に自信があるということで、他と比べると割高でしたがプロだと思ってお願いしました。 結果は、1年で塗装がポロポロと剥がれ始め2年目までに計3回も追加補修をしなければならない状態でした。 この調子ならまだあと何回か追加補修が必要になる可能性がありそうです。 塗装の乾きがどうのこうのと言い訳してましたが、そうならないよう施行するのがプロなんじゃないかなと思いました。 施行の内容もせっかく足場を組んでるんですから目立つ破損やコーキングの追加など教えてくれてもいいのに職人の不誠実さをとても感じてしまいました。 とても残念で悲しい気持ちになりました。
I was confident in the technology and the content of the explanation, so it was more expensive than other people, but I thought it was a professional, so I asked. The result was that the coating started to peel off in one year and had to be repaired three times in total by the second year. It seems that this condition may require additional repairs a few more times. I had an excuse for how dry the paint was, but I thought it would be professional to enforce it so it wouldn't. Since the details of the implementation are also scaffolding, I felt the dishonesty of the craftsmen even though I could tell them about noticeable damage and the addition of caulking. I was very disappointed and sad.
ママソラ on Google

今回ママ友からの紹介で leap-gさんに屋根と外壁の塗り替えをお願いする事に決めました。簡単な買い物ではないので絶対に失敗したくないし実は数社見積りをお願いしていました。中でも格段に調査も見積りの説明も何時間も私の質問に一つ一つ丁寧に答えて下さり、素人の私にはわからないデメリットの部分も正直に教えてくれて、とてもわかりやすかったです。決め手は社長の誠実な人柄です。ママ友の評判通り、とても分かりやすく納得のいく提案、工事でした。旦那さんもいい会社さん見つけてくれた。と凄く喜んでくれて鼻高々です!悪天候もあって少し工事が伸びてしまいましたが、天気に合わせその都度工事内容の変更理由等も細かく教えて下さり毎日不安なく過ごせました。社長も職人だと聞いていましたが仕事から帰って来たら本当に社長自ら塗っていたのでビックリしました。グレーの2色塗装凄く気に入ってます。職人さんのMさんも第一印象は恐い方かなと思いましたがとても親切で工事が終わってしまい子供が寂しがっています。leap-gさんにお願いして本当に良かったです。それから、お土産ありがとうございました。家族みんなで美味しくいただきました。動画最高です。私も紹介しますね。
This time from my mom friend I decided to ask leap-g to repaint the roof and outer walls. It wasn't an easy purchase, so I definitely didn't want to fail, and I was actually asking for estimates from several companies. Above all, the survey, explanation of estimates, and answers to my questions carefully for hours, honestly taught me the disadvantages that I don't understand, and it was very easy to understand. The decisive factor is the sincere personality of the president. It was a very easy-to-understand and convincing proposal and construction, as the mama friend's reputation. My husband also found a good company. I was so happy that I had a nose! Due to the bad weather, the construction was a little bit longer, but I was able to spend every day without anxiety because we told me the reasons for changing the construction details according to the weather. I heard that the president was also a craftsman, but when I came back from work, I was really surprised because the president himself painted it. I really like the two-color gray paint. The craftsman M also thought that the first impression was scary, but it was very kind and the construction was over and the children were lonely. I was really glad to ask leap-g. And thank you for souvenirs. The whole family was delicious. The video is the best. I will introduce it too.
添島順一 on Google

代表の提案力に魅力を感じleap-gさんに 施工をお願いする事にしました。 施工期間中も職人さん方のプロ意識の 高さに感動し納得のいく仕上がりとなりました。 また何かあればleap-gさんに ご連絡したいと思います。 ありがとうございました。
I was fascinated by the proposal power of the representative, and to leap-g I decided to ask for construction. Professionalism of craftsmen even during the construction period I was impressed by the height and the finish was convincing. If there is anything else, to leap-g I would like to contact you. Thank you very much.
fukase _ on Google

今回4社見積もりをお願いしました。 初めての塗り替えで不安な面もありましたが、その不安を全て解消してくれたのがleap-gさんでした。 お見積もりから塗装の知識のない私たちにも時間をかけて丁寧に説明してくださり、大変信頼できました。 社長から職人さん、皆さんのお人柄も良く気軽に相談しやすいのも魅力的です。 作業もとても丁寧で、毎日その日の作業内容を送ってくださり、とても安心できました。 もちろん仕上がりにも大満足です!新築のように生まれ変わった我が家に帰るのが毎日嬉しいです。本当に色々とありがとうございました。 今後も長いお付き合いになると思いますので、よろしくお願いします! ぜひ友人にも紹介したいです!
I asked for a quote from four companies this time. There were some anxieties about the first repainting, but it was leap-g who solved all the anxieties. We took the time to explain it carefully to us, who have no knowledge of painting from the estimate, and we were very confident. From the president to the craftsmen, it is also attractive that everyone has a good personality and it is easy to consult easily. The work was also very polite, and I was very relieved to receive the work contents of the day every day. Of course, I am very satisfied with the finish! I am happy every day to return to my home, which was reborn like a new building. Thank you very much for everything. We hope that you will continue to have a long relationship with us, so we look forward to working with you! I definitely want to introduce it to my friends!

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