Le Vin et la Viande - Chuo City

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Le Vin et la Viande

住所 :

東銀座ビル 1F 3 Chome-9-18 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Postal code : 104-0061
Webサイト : https://ginza-levin.com/levinginza/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Description : Simple, warm environment with wood accents, offering traditional, seasonal French cuisine.

東銀座ビル 1F 3 Chome-9-18 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan

22.1.13 昼 パスタランチをいただきました。 海老と生海苔のクリームパスタ タリアテッレ税込1400円 内容、パン、パスタ、ドリンク(フリードリンク) パンは、温められていて柔らか目のパンで中の胡桃、胡麻が良い風味を出していました。 パスタはちょいお高めの奴、海老は大ぶりでプリプリ、良きでした。 クリームソースはアッサリでも濃厚でも無く普通、生海苔が大量に入っていて海苔の風味が良きでした。 タリアテッレは、ちょい柔らか目モチモチ感が失われて残念。 評価は、このメニュー的にはサラダ無しで1400円だとちょい悪かなと思えますがパスタの盛りが多く満足感有りました。 内容加味して普通かなと 1000円メニューだとかなりコスパ良いですね 他のビストロ的なメニューも食べで見たくなりました。
22.1.13 noon I had a pasta lunch. Cream pasta with shrimp and fresh seaweed Tagliatelle tax-included 1400 yen Contents, bread, pasta, drinks (free drinks) The bread was warm and soft, and the walnuts and sesame seeds inside gave it a nice flavor. The pasta was a little expensive, and the shrimp was big and prepreg, which was good. The cream sauce was neither assari nor rich, and usually contained a large amount of raw seaweed, and the flavor of the seaweed was good. It's a pity that tagliatelle loses its soft and chewy texture. The evaluation seems to be a little bad if it is 1400 yen without salad for this menu, but there was a lot of pasta and I was satisfied. I think it's normal considering the contents The 1000 yen menu is pretty good at cospa I also wanted to eat other bistro-like menus.
さくらい.まさゆき on Google

【2021.03.05訪問】 銀座に用事があって出かけた後、ランチを食べていきたいなと思ってお店を探していたんです。表通りではなくてちょっと裏通りに良いお店がないかなと散策していたときに見つけたのがLE VIN ET LA VIANDE(銀座ルヴァンエラヴィアンド)さんです。 フレンチビストロで落ち着いて食事がいただける雰囲気のお店です。お値段高いかなと思いきやランチが安かったので即決で入店しちゃいました。緊急事態宣言中に伺ったのでお客さんは少なかったですが、今はお客さんも増えて賑わっているのではないかなと思うようなお店でした。 ◆ ビーフ100%ハンバーグ黒いデミグラスソース ¥1000 ランチメニューは全部で5種類あって、すべてパンorライス、ドリンク付きのメニューでした。銀座だとドリンクは別料金だったりもう少しお値段が高いことが多いのでリーズナブルだなと思いました。 僕が選んだのはビーフ100%ハンバーグ黒いデミグラスソースです。出てきたハンバーグ見てビックリしましたが、本当にデミグラスソースが真っ黒なんですよ。でも、ソースが苦いとかそういうことはなくてむしろちょうど良い濃さのソースで好きでしたね。 ハンバーグはカットするとジワーッと肉汁が溢れ出てくるんですよ。中心部に赤みが残っているのでミディアムレアくらいの焼き加減ですかね。生っぽいのはあまり得意ではないので焼き加減もこれくらいが好みでした。ランチもちゃんと作っているのがわかるし、お値段以上の美味しさなのでまたリピートしたいですね。ディナーで利用するのもありですね。
[Visit 2021.03.05] After going out to Ginza for business, I was looking for a restaurant because I wanted to have lunch. I found LE VIN ET LA VIANDE when I was strolling around to see if there was a good shop on the back street instead of the main street. It is a restaurant with a calm atmosphere where you can enjoy a meal at a French bistro. I thought it was expensive and the lunch was cheap, so I decided to enter the store immediately. The number of customers was small because I visited during the declaration of an emergency, but now it seems that the number of customers is increasing and it is crowded. ◆ 100% beef hamburger black demiglace sauce ¥ 1000 There were 5 types of lunch menu in all, all with bread or rice and drinks. In Ginza, drinks are often charged separately or a little more expensive, so I thought it was reasonable. I chose 100% beef hamburger black demiglace sauce. I was surprised to see the hamburger steak that came out, but the demiglace sauce is really black. However, the sauce wasn't bitter or something like that, but rather I liked the sauce with just the right thickness. When you cut the hamburger steak, the gravy overflows. There is redness left in the center, so it's about medium rare. I'm not very good at being raw, so I liked this much as well. You can see that lunch is also made properly, and it is more delicious than the price, so I would like to repeat it again. It is also used for dinner.
Kasper Jerlang on Google

Unfriendly. Worst experience ever.
Dave Thompson on Google

Great lunch friendly and casual little bistro
Yu-chan on Google

The set lunch was good value for it's location
Samantha Lees on Google

The steak was delicious! Bread also amazing. Just wish they wouldn't charge extra for butter.
Addison Drake on Google

Amazing place, incredibly kind and attentive staff. Had a wonderful evening there. Food was authentic and tasty. Went above and beyond our expectations. Made our evening special, and would give 10/5 stars if I could. Definitely would recommend!
Ruslan Pseunok on Google

Quite good, probably more for dinner than lunch. Steak was good, but chewy cut, hamburg was also good, but a bit too simple. Deserts: cheesecake was very tasty, but small. Creme caramel was nice, but too much, and as a result whole thing was too sweet. Ice tea serving was too simple. Bread was amazing! Looks like they got good wine choice. Will repeat, but dinner

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