Le Ciel Pâtisserie - Kamagaya

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Le Ciel Pâtisserie

住所 :

1 Chome-13-10 Minamihatsutomi, Kamagaya, Chiba 273-0123, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 273-0123
Webサイト : https://ja-jp.facebook.com/p.leciel/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–7PM
Thursday 11AM–7PM
Friday 11AM–7PM

1 Chome-13-10 Minamihatsutomi, Kamagaya, Chiba 273-0123, Japan
いしだ。 on Google

最悪の気分になったので星1で、 記念日のケーキを探していて訪れたのですが、なかなか決まらなく写真を見て悩んでいました。 するとなんだか嫌な視線を感じました。 オーナーだかなんだか知らないが男性店員がこちらを睨みつけていました。 何を理由で睨みつけていたのか分からなく考えつつもケーキを決め購入しようと思いました。 受け取り時間を確認したかった為、女性店員に営業時間を聞いたところ、Googleには20時と表示されていたのですが現在は19時までのようです。 時間を見たところ19時を少し過ぎていたので、あぁこれが理由で睨みつけていたのかな、と分かり急いでそのままケーキの購入手続きをしていました。 すると、男性店員が自分の視界の入る位置にまでやって来て、何度も何度もこちらを睨みつけていました。 この瞬間に自分も時間を勘違いしていたので悪いのですが、記念日の為の大事なケーキをこんな対応しかできない男性店員のいる場所で、こんなに最悪の気分で購入するなんてありえない!と思いすぐに購入をキャンセルしました。 店員が客に対してとる態度としては下の下 危なくこんなお店にお金を落とすところでした 絶対に二度と行きません
I felt the worst, so with 1 star, I visited there looking for an anniversary cake, but I was worried about seeing the photos because I couldn't decide. Then I felt an unpleasant gaze. I don't know if it's the owner, but a male clerk was glaring at me. I decided to buy a cake while thinking about why I was glaring at it. I wanted to check the pick-up time, so when I asked the female clerk about the business hours, Google displayed it as 20:00, but now it seems to be until 19:00. When I looked at the time, it was a little past 19:00, so I wondered if this was the reason I was glaring at him, so I hurriedly went through the cake purchase procedure. Then, a male clerk came to a position where he could see himself and stared at me over and over again. It's bad because I misunderstood the time at this moment, but it's impossible to buy an important cake for an anniversary in a place where there is a male clerk who can only handle it like this! I immediately canceled the purchase. The attitude that the clerk takes toward the customer is below I was about to drop money in a store like this I will never go again
鈴木マサカズ on Google

オーナー様のいかしたクルマ繋がりで、気になっていたLeCielにようやく足を運べました。 店内の雰囲気から、早々、お気に入り決定❤️ 4種類のケーキを買わせて頂き、家に帰り早速試食しましたが、どれも美味しかったです。 お気に入りは、1番人気のノアール‼️ いや~、最高でした? Staffの方々も、お店の雰囲気とマッチしていて、なんともいかしたお店であります?
With the owner's cool car connection, I finally came to Le Ciel, which I was curious about. From the atmosphere inside the store, you can quickly decide on your favorite ❤️ I bought 4 kinds of cakes and went home and tasted them immediately, but they were all delicious. My favorite is Noir, the most popular! ️ No, it was awesome ? The staff members also match the atmosphere of the shop, and it's a really cool shop ?
トマト脳 on Google

こんなに美味しいケーキが食べられるなら都会に行かなくてもOK! どのケーキも甘さ控えめで甘いのが苦手な人でもイケると思います。 以前、ジャルダンデフルールで大きい版を作ってもらった時とても嬉しかったです。初めて知った時からずっとファンです。 すし博と並んで鎌ヶ谷の宝です!
If you can eat such a delicious cake, you don't have to go to the city! I think that all cakes are modest in sweetness and are good for people who are not good at sweetness. I was very happy when I had a big version made by Jardin Defrule before. I've been a fan since I first learned about it. Along with Sushi Expo, it is a treasure of Kamagaya!
染矢芳伸 on Google

All of them are beautiful cakes that I visited for the first time, but I think they are a little small. ❗ All of them were delicious. I think it would be better if the strawberry shortcake was bigger.
鈴木正則 on Google

見た目だけでなく、食べても期待を裏切らない、本格的なケーキを購入できるお店です。駅からは徒歩でも10分以上はかかる、立地が決して良いとは思わない場所ですが、車で来て購入するお客で行列ができます。渋煮の栗が入ったモンブランがお気に入りで、毎回購入しています。 店内が狭いことと、今はコロナ禍のため2組までしか店内に入れません。週末は店外に2~5組位並びます。キャッシュレス決裁はPaypayのみです(2021/9)。駐車場は店舗敷地内に3台だけですが、道路にも停車して購入する方は多いです。 買うのに苦労をするので嫌になる時もありますが、いい意味で1個500円位で売るようなレベルのケーキではないので、しばしばリピートしてしまします。
It is a shop where you can buy authentic cakes that not only look good but do not disappoint when you eat them. It takes more than 10 minutes on foot from the station, which is a place I don't think is a good location, but customers who come by car and purchase can line up. I like Mont Blanc with astringent chestnuts and buy it every time. Due to the small size of the store and the corona sickness, only two groups can enter the store. On weekends, 2 to 5 groups line up outside the store. Paypay is the only cashless payment (2021/9). There are only three parking lots on the premises of the store, but many people stop at the road to purchase. Sometimes I don't like it because I have a hard time buying it, but in a good way it's not a cake that sells for around 500 yen, so I often repeat it.
y atsu on Google

GoogleMapを閲覧中に高評価のケーキ屋さんがあることを知り行ってみました。 こじんまりとしてとてもきれいなお店で、創作系で色々な素材を使い、それでいてお洒落なケーキがたくさん並んでいてどれにするか迷いました。 私はノワールというチョコレートのケーキを頂きましたが、チョコが滑らかで生クリームチョコムースも重ねてあり、とても美味しくて楽しめました。 家族も色々なケーキを食べましたがとても美味しいといってました。少し遠かったですが、行ったかいがありました。また行きたいと思います!
While browsing Google Map, I found out that there is a highly rated cake shop. It's a small and very beautiful shop, using various creative materials, but there are many fashionable cakes lined up, so I was wondering which one to choose. I had a chocolate cake called Noir, and the chocolate was smooth and the cream chocolate mousse was layered, so it was very delicious and I enjoyed it. My family also ate various cakes, but they said they were very delicious. It was a little far, but I had a chance to go. I think I want to go again!
K H on Google

I don't like sweetness so much, but shortcake, Noir and Mont Blanc are all delicious. Moderate sweetness that was not too sweet, fluffy cream and sponge, and an easy-to-eat cake. Since the parking lot is small, I have no choice but to choose a vacant time zone.
Michael Schmidt on Google

Decent selection. The cakes are very delicious. They're a little small for their price. Most are around 500yen and are maybe 3 or 4 bites.

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