Lawson Tsuruse Station West - Fujimi

2.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Lawson Tsuruse Station West

住所 :

2591-1 Tsuruma, Fujimi, Saitama 354-0021, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Postal code : 354-0021
Webサイト :

2591-1 Tsuruma, Fujimi, Saitama 354-0021, Japan
市ヶ谷有咲 on Google

I go there once in a while because it is often handled by BanG Dream key chains.
あなごえどまえ on Google

とても気持ちのいい接客をされる従業員の方がいらっしゃって、ここ数ヶ月は気分良く利用できている。 主観でしかないので評価はこんなもので。
Some employees have a very pleasant customer service, and they have been able to use it comfortably for the past few months. Evaluation is like this because it is only subjective.
Watanabe Ayumi on Google

Used during the day. The basic clerk's response was quite bad, but today I was given a minimal response that stunned me. A part-time girl named Yamami. There's a shortcut from the back. Quite a word from above. It was a bit of a quarrel.
とね on Google

コピー機を利用しに行ったが、ふと足下に何かの気配を感じたのでチラ見すると、チャバネゴキブリ。 衛生面が不安になる店舗でした。
I went to use a copy machine, but suddenly I felt something under my feet, so I glanced at it and found a German cockroach. It was a store where hygiene was a concern.
HINOTORI on Google

The attitude of the male clerk in the morning is too bad. Since he is arrogant, he left the product at the cash register several times. I haven't reflected on it at all.
つよ on Google

ローソンでは珍しいくらい品揃えが超悪い。 700円クジで当たった商品3種類全て置いてなかった。 700円クジ中にタバコ(一般的に売れている銘柄)を1カートン注文するも2回行って2回ともなくてバラで7個(1回は8個)だけしか無かった。 女性のバイトの子「レシート要りますか?」って聞いてくるし最悪なイメージしかない。 なので少し遠くなるけど富士見上沢公園前店に行ってます。
The assortment is extremely poor, which is unusual for Lawson. I didn't put all three types of products that I won with a 700 yen lottery. I ordered one carton of cigarettes (generally sold brand) in a 700 yen lottery, but I went twice and there were only 7 pieces (8 pieces at one time) instead of 2 times. A female part-time job child asks "Do you need a receipt?" And has only the worst image. So it's a little far, but I'm going to the Fujimi Kamisawa Park store.
スペースコブラ on Google

I use it occasionally.
矢野晃 on Google

I didn't know how to use Loppi in online shopping, so I asked a clerk to tell me, but it's not a very good way to treat me.

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