Lawson JR Shizuoka Station West - Shizuoka

2.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Lawson JR Shizuoka Station West

住所 :

39-1 Kuroganecho, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0851, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Postal code : 420-0851
Webサイト :

39-1 Kuroganecho, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0851, Japan
猫大好きフリフリー on Google

日本人より外国人店員の方が接客レベルが高い不思議な店。 また、トイレは使わせる気がないようです。ゴミ箱もなし。 他にも、レジのならぶ場所がわかりづらく、ならぶ場所を間違えると高圧的に注意されるなど、全体的にイラっときます。仕事前、仕事後にイラつきたい人にオススメ!
A mysterious store where foreign clerk has a higher level of customer service than Japanese. Also, I don't seem to want to use the toilet. There is no trash can. Other than that, it is difficult to know where the cashiers are lined up, and if you make a mistake in the lineup, you will be warned of high pressure. Recommended for those who want to get frustrated before and after work!
中川優樹 on Google

静岡駅近くのローソン! 新幹線乗る際はいつもここを寄らさせて頂いてます。
Lawson near Shizuoka Station! Whenever I get on the Shinkansen, I always drop by here.
小林雄太 on Google

Owner if you want tartar sauce when you buy El Chiki and Burger? Is it a cost reduction that the old man told me not to handle? It's stingy.
Nao K on Google

Japanese couples, especially their husbands, chat with acquaintances in the neighborhood and there is no sign of responding to the fact that people are lined up at the cash register, and foreigners will reluctantly do the cash register for the first time. I have no complaints about the style, but I'm in a hurry, so I can't make it in time for the Shinkansen. If you are in a hurry, I think Seven-Eleven at the south exit is better. There are many people who ask for time-consuming work such as paying taxes and dealing with coffee, so when you wait, you just buy juice and you have to wait 5.6 minutes.
nt rg on Google

セルフレジしか使わないので何も困りません。店員さんもブスッとしてるわけじゃないし声掛けもあって、並んでいたらレジ開けてくれますよ。 アソシアのローソンはセルフレジじゃなくなったりするけど、こちらの一番奥は常にセルフなので急いでいる時など有難いです。
I only use self-registration, so I don't have any problems. The clerk isn't too sloppy, and there is a voice, and if you line up, he will open the cash register. Lawson of Associa is no longer a self-registration, but since the innermost part here is always self, I am grateful when I am in a hurry.
green on Google

The attitude of the uncle who seems to be the owner is too bad. I just talk to my acquaintances. And maybe the owner's wife, the aunt also has a bad attitude. However, he is instructing foreign clerk in a big way. I think you should study about customer service. It is a convenience store that has only disgust.
サンバイズ on Google

R4年4月訪問 ガード下のローソン。 静岡駅からアスティを通って屋根伝いに行ける好立地にも関わらず、店内は広々として、街なかのコンビニによくある、通路で人とすれ違えない、ということがない。 セルフレジも導入されており、キャッシュレスや酒タバコを買わない事を条件に自分で商品バーコードを読ませ、会計できる。 快適。
Visited in April, R4 Lawson under the guard. Despite being in a good location where you can go along the roof from Shizuoka Station through Asti, the store is spacious and you will not be able to pass people by the aisle, which is common in convenience stores in the city. Self-checkout has also been introduced, and you can read the product barcode yourself and make a payment on condition that you do not buy cashless or liquor cigarettes. comfortable.
robert-gilles martineau on Google

Practical convenience store inside Shizuoka Station

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