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京都祇園四条の鉄板料理ビストロ|鉄板ビストロ Laugh【公式】 -

祇園四条駅より徒歩1分、鉄板料理ビストロ「鉄板ビストロ Laugh」公式ホームページです。 お客様が笑顔になれるよう「本物の味をリーズナブルな価格で」という思いのもと、自慢の鉄板料理をご提供しております。 京都祇園でリーズナブルにフレンチ、イタリアンを楽しむならぜひ当店へ。

Contact Laugh

住所 :

Tominagacho, Higashiyama Ward, 〒605-0078 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Webサイト :
街 : Kyoto

Tominagacho, Higashiyama Ward, 〒605-0078 Kyoto,Japan
9604 11 on Google

ビストロなのでお肉はとても美味しいです、個人的にスペアリブというキッシュがおすすめです。 季節の地酒やおすすめの日本酒が飲めます。出汁巻と一緒に是非頼んでください、とても美味しいです! 最大許容人数30人程度の小さめのお店ですが、店員さんが親切で面白くて素敵でした。 京都旅行の良い思い出になりました、ありがとうございました。 外人さんのお客さんに対して英語能力0なじぶんがおすすめしたいぐらい最高です、本当にありがとうございます!京都に来るタイミングがあれば絶対また来ます。最高です、ありがとうございました!!!
The meat is very delicious because it is a bistro, so I recommend a quiche called a spare rib. You can drink seasonal local sake and recommended sake. Please ask with the soup stock roll, it is very delicious! It was a small shop with a maximum capacity of about 30 people, but the clerk was kind, interesting and lovely. Thank you for your good memories of your trip to Kyoto. I really want to recommend my English ability to foreigners, so thank you so much! If you come to Kyoto, you will come again. Thank you very much! ! !
mapow on Google

ランチ利用しました。オススメです! 予約して行ったところ、店員さんがビルの外まで出て待っていてくれました。 メインを選べるので、私はスペアリブ、妹はハラミステーキを注文。 副菜・ご飯・スープ・デザートがビュッフェ形式で楽しめました。 スペアリブもステーキも柔らかくて、味付けも美味しい〜 ビュッフェの自家製シフォンケーキとローストポーク、たまごサラダなんかも優しい味でこだわりを感じました。 店員さんも良い方々で、すっかりこのお店のファンになってしまいました(о´∀`о) 何よりお財布に優しい! また、来させてもらいます。
I used lunch. Recommended! When I made a reservation, a clerk waited outside the building. I can choose the main, so I ordered spare ribs and my sister ordered halami steak. We enjoyed side dishes, rice, soup and desserts in a buffet style. Both the spare ribs and the steak are soft and the seasoning is delicious~ The buffet homemade chiffon cake, roast pork, and egg salad also made me feel particular about the gentle taste. The shop assistants are also good people and have become fans of this shop (о´∀`о). Above all, it's kind to your wallet! I will come again.
한석 on Google

It seems that the buffet I used to do has stopped. However, lunch is reasonably priced, with everything from salads to desserts. It is a shop that is seriously doing.
Michael Simeone on Google

本当に素敵な店で素敵なスタッフでした!店内で食べたら持ち帰りも頼んだほど美味しかったです。店員さんはすごく親切な上に、お客さんが楽しめるように気を遣ってくれました。 This place and staff were really so nice! The food was so delicious that we ordered more to go before leaving. The staff, on top of being very kind, always cared about making sure all customers were enjoying themselves. I must say these guys are doing their best to make a great restaurant and experience, and I have rarely felt and tasted that kind of quality in a restaurant!
It was a really nice shop and nice staff! When I ate in the store, it was delicious enough to ask for take-out. The clerk was very kind and cared so that customers could enjoy it. This place and staff were really so nice! The food was so delicious that we ordered more to go before leaving.The staff, on top of being very kind, always cared about making sure all customers were enjoying themselves. I must say these guys are doing their best to make a great restaurant and experience, and I have rarely felt and tasted that kind of quality in a restaurant!
京塚尚徳 on Google

美味しかった シェフの動きが早くてビックリ また行きますネー 最高 値段もそんなに高くないし!
was delicious I was surprised that the chef moved quickly I will go again Best The price is not so high!
庭Niwa on Google

在祇園的一銭洋食旁的大樓裡的三樓的Bistro Laugh @bistrolaugh 立地十分好,進入餐廳時馬上就被老闆熱情的笑容引到座位上。 我們的套餐是「豆乳担担もつ鍋コース」? 先上來沙拉(ピクルス),清爽酸甜。 再來跟著上來的是牛豬雞 拼盤 (牛豚鶏の3種盛り),這三種肉的超好吃,真想再來一盤~ 然後是滿滿台灣味的 山菜豆腐涼盤(山菜と豆腐のゴマサラダ),這道也超級推薦,豆腐好吃,調味醬也超好吃的,完全為接下來的主菜開胃了? 主菜 豆乳擔擔鍋(豆乳坦坦もつなべ),牛腸肥滿有嚼勁,湯頭鮮美好喝,而且量多,吃得好飽! 牛排(赤身ランプステーキ),剛好吃完火鍋需要點不油膩的東西。 炸牡蠣(カキフライ),這道也很好吃,牡蠣現炸鮮美牡蠣汁,ㄧ咬下就爆漿,好吃? 再來是上來麵,這麵是下在剛剛吃的火鍋裡,讓美味可口的火鍋湯汁,做最後的一次利用。 甜點拼盤(デザート盛り合わせ),到這裡真的是好滿足了,巧克力蛋糕現烤出來味道好香~~,還有棉蛋糕與抹茶甜品。 這一頓神滿足,老闆親切好客,還有跟我們聊天,非常賓至如歸,在祇園這個位置,還能提供性價比這麼高的美食,待客還這麼真誠?,真的想為老闆加油? 推薦給大家,歡迎大家來看老闆與來吃美食~ #吧鉄板ビストロLaugh #京都鉄板焼き #京都もつ鍋
Bistro Laugh @bistrolaugh on the third floor of the building next to the eclipse of Gion The site was very good, and when I entered the restaurant, I was immediately brought to the seat by the boss's warm smile. Our set meal is "Soybean milk simmering pot コース" ? First come to the salad (ピクルス), fresh and sour. Then come up with the beef and hen platter (the three kinds of burdock burdock), these three kinds of meat are super delicious, I really want to come back again ~ Then there is a Taiwanese-style mountain bean curd cold dish (Shan と と ゴマサラダ ゴマサラダ ,), this is also super recommended, tofu is delicious, the sauce is also super delicious, completely appetizing for the next main course ? Main dish Soymilk dandelion pot (bean milk Tantan もつなべ), beef sausage is full of chewy, soup head is delicious, and the amount is large, eat well! Steak (bone ランプステーキ), just need to eat something that is not greasy after eating the hot pot. Fried oysters (カキフライ), this is also very delicious, oysters are fried fresh oyster sauce, burst under the bite, delicious ? Then come up, this side is in the hot pot just eaten, let the delicious hot pot soup, make the last use. Dessert platter (デザート盛り合わせ), it is really satisfying here, the chocolate cake is now baked to taste good ~ ~, there are cotton cakes and matcha desserts. This God is satisfied, the boss is kind and welcoming, and chatting with us, very at home, in the position of Gion, can also provide such high-quality food, hospitality is so sincere, really want to cheer for the boss ? Recommend to everyone, welcome everyone to see the boss and come to eat food ~ #吧鉄板ビストロLaugh#京都鉄板焼き #京都もつ锅
aki aki on Google

お友達とランチで利用しました。私は自家製ハンバーグランチ 友達はハラミステーキランチを。 ランチのお客様はすべてビュッフェ付きで 前菜、スープ、サラダ、ライス、スイーツが食べ放題です。 お腹いっぱい食べれるのも魅力のひとつ(^ ^) お肉だけではなくビュッフェも美味しいものたくさんなのがおススメです。 ランチは880円から。お手頃価格ーっ。 お店のインスタをフォローしてくれた方は何回来ても1ドリンクサービスになります。 ドリンク付嬉しいですね。(^ ^) 落ち着いた感じの店内が居心地良くて、私は好きです。
We used for lunch with friends. I am homemade hamburger lunch Friends have a harami steak lunch. All customers at lunch have a buffet All-you-can-eat appetizers, soups, salads, rice and sweets. One of the charms of being able to eat full is (^ ^) It is recommended that not only meat but also buffet is delicious. Lunch starts from 880 yen. Affordable price. Anyone who follows the Instagram of the store will get one drink service no matter how many times they come. I'm happy with a drink. (^ ^) I like the calm feeling inside the store.
miyuka 0802 on Google

以前友人から、 リーズナブルにお肉をいただけると聞いていた 鉄板ビストロ laugh へ行ってみました! 京阪祇園四条駅近く。 ちょっと分かりにくいけど…笑笑 通りに立て看板が出ているビルの細い通りの奥に エレベーターがありますよ。 三階にお店があります。 ランチ時間帯だったので、お店は賑わっていました(*^^*) オープンキッチンのカウンターと奥にテーブル席があり、 カウンターにご案内いただきました。 ランチメニューから 私はスペアリブランチ 娘はミスジステーキランチを(*^^*) ランチには、ビュッフェ付きなんだそう! ビュッフェは、スープ、サラダ、ポテト炒め物、デザートもあります。 ビュッフェの低温調理ローストポーク、美味しかった♪ そして、スペアリブ。 こちらは4時間煮込んだスペアリブ。 お店の看板メニューになりそうなくらいに人気なんだそう!! その柔らかさにビックリ!! 簡単に骨から外れちゃう。 上品にナイフとフォークで食べていたら、カウンター越しに シェフが、気にせず手掴みでどうぞって(*^^*) 確かに、骨付きは手掴みで食べるのが醍醐味ですね♪ ミスジも柔らかく美味しかったよーって娘も言ってました。 ディナーの予約をして帰る常連さんも多い感じでした。 リーズナブルでお店の方も気さくにお話ししてくれて アットホームなお店です。 自家製ハンバーグランチも気になる!!
Formerly from a friend, I heard that you can afford meat at a reasonable price I went to the iron plate bistro laugh! Near Keihan Gion Shijo Station. It's a bit difficult to understand ... lol Behind the narrow street of a building with a signboard standing on the street There is an elevator. There is a shop on the third floor. Because it was lunch time, the shop was busy (* ^ ^ *) There is an open kitchen counter and table seats in the back, I was guided to the counter. From the lunch menu I'm a spare brunch My daughter has a Misuji steak lunch (* ^^ *) It seems that lunch includes a buffet! The buffet also has soups, salads, fried potatoes and desserts. Low temperature roasted pork buffet was delicious ♪ And spare ribs. This is a spare rib stewed for 4 hours. It's so popular that it's going to be a shop sign menu! ! Surprised by its softness! ! It easily comes off the bone. If you are eating with a knife and fork elegantly, over the counter Chef, please do not mind and grab by hand (* ^ ^ *) Certainly, it is a real pleasure to eat by hand with bones ♪ My daughter said that Misuji was also soft and delicious. There were many regulars who made dinner reservations and went home. Reasonable and the store also talked to me It is an at-home shop. I'm worried about homemade hamburger lunch! !

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