4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact LATTE 恵比寿

住所 :

1 Chome−14, Ebisuminami, Shibuya City, 〒150-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–10PM
Sunday 9AM–10PM
Monday 10AM–11PM
Tuesday 10AM–11PM
Wednesday 10AM–11PM
Thursday 10AM–11PM
Friday 10AM–11PM
街 : Tokyo

1 Chome−14, Ebisuminami, Shibuya City, 〒150-0022 Tokyo,Japan
on Google

恵比寿駅から近く、お値段も高すぎず、雰囲気が良く技術力も高い。 コロナの自粛期間は『絶対に不要不急の外出をしないように。』とアシスタントの方は言われていたそうです。現在も対策をしっかりとっておられる様子がありますし、その点でも信頼できると思います。 なにより素敵なカットカラーと雰囲気で元気をもらえる場所です!
It's close to Ebisu station, the price is not too high, the atmosphere is good and the technology is high. During Corona's self-restraint period, "Never go out unnecessary or urgent. "The assistant said to have been said. It seems that you are still taking proper measures, and I think you can trust in that respect as well. Above all, it is a place where you can get energized with a nice cut color and atmosphere!
川村幸代 on Google

お店の中はいつも綺麗で明るく、スッキリとしていて落ち着ける雰囲気です。 私は髪型について「こうして下さい!」と明確なオーダーができなくて、きっと美容師さんからしたらちょっとめんどくさい客なのですが、笑 宮田さんはそんな私にも優しく丁寧に、そして気さくに会話をしながら一緒にどんな髪型がいいか考えてくれます。 そしていつも大満足の仕上がりで、毎回美容室に行くのが楽しみです♪ これからもずっと通いたいです!
The inside of the shop is always beautiful and bright, and the atmosphere is refreshing and calm. I couldn't make a clear order for my hairstyle, "Please do this!", And I'm sure it's a bit annoying for a hairdresser, but lol Mr. Miyata will be kind and polite to me, and while having a friendly conversation, he will think about what kind of hairstyle to use together. And I am always very satisfied with the finish, and I am looking forward to going to the beauty salon every time ♪ I want to go forever!
土井八郎 on Google

I had him cut it on 11/7, but the customer service of a man with a tattoo on his arm was too bad. The attitude that I didn't like for this order seemed to be great from beginning to end. In the end, it's a story since the store opened, but even if you have eyes, why don't you just say hello to Shikato? It was too uncomfortable as the same hospitality business
かず on Google

3年近く通ってますが 河神さんのカット、カラーがしっくりきすぎて他のお店に行けれません。 おススメです。
I've been there for almost 3 years Kawagami-san's cuts and colors are so nice that I can't go to other shops. I recommend it.
anne. on Google

「野村健太」という美容師に縮毛矯正を失敗され、店長である「河神誠一郎」という美容師と今後の対応を相談している電話を途中で切られました(^-^) そんなサロンです。サロンとしても終わってるし、人として終わってる美容師しかいないサロンです♪ 迷われている方は行かないことをオススメします(^-^)
A hairdresser named "Kenta Nomura" failed to straighten my hair, and I was hung up on the way to discuss future measures with a hairdresser named "Seiichiro Kawakami" (^-^). It is such a salon. It's finished as a salon, and it's a salon where there are only hairdressers who have finished as people ♪ If you are in doubt, we recommend that you do not go (^-^)
K - on Google

There is a big difference between those who are very good and those who are not. If you hit a good person, the cost performance is too good and you feel sorry, but if you are not good at it, even your bangs will rattle. I went there several times, but I was angry that the male staff took a photo without permission at the time of checkout and posted before / after on Instagram. It's not a thing, so I think we should ask the customer if it's okay to post it, and I don't think it's rude to post it as bofore / after. .. .. My legs are far away.
やばいやつ on Google

何回か利用させていただきましたが、この前担当して頂いた腕に刺青が入っている人の技術と接客態度が今までの人生で出会った美容師さんの中で1番最悪でした。ロングヘアでリタッチカラーとカットをお願いしましたが、入店からお会計まで50分くらいしかかかりませんでした。カラーは十分時間を置いていないので当然3日くらいで完全に元に戻りましたし、カットは5cmくらい長さ切って揃えて下さいって言ったらサイドと後ろをバツっと切られて終わりです。カットの時間1分もかからなかったと思いますww シャンプーもカラーの時って入念に洗うと思いますが1回しかシャンプーされずに頭皮は薬剤でギトギトで痒みも酷くて最悪でした。カットが終わった段階であと何かありますか?って聞かれましたが、もう何言っても無駄だと思って諦めました。予約時間の15分前くらいには着いていたのでもちろん遅刻はしていません。多分お客さんが少なかったので早く終わらせて休憩したかったのだと思いました。 美容師として以前の問題で、一社会人としての意識が低いと思います。面倒くさいというのが態度に出過ぎていてドン引きです。 ただ、他の日に担当して頂いた方はみなさんとても丁寧で接客も気持ちの良い距離感で、仕上がりも満足しています。これからはホットペッパービューティーのスタイリスト出勤表をみて、刺青の人がいない時に行こうと思います。
I've used it several times, but the skill and customer service attitude of the person who had a tattoo on my arm was the worst I've ever met in my life. .. I asked for a retouch color and cut with long hair, but it took only about 50 minutes from entering the store to making a payment. I didn't have enough time for the color, so of course it was completely restored in about 3 days, and when I told him to cut it to a length of about 5 cm and align it, the side and back were cut off and it was over. .. I think it took less than a minute to cut ww I think that shampoo should be washed carefully when it is colored, but it was the worst because it was shampooed only once and the scalp was squeaky with chemicals and itching was severe. Is there anything else at the end of the cut? I was asked, but I thought it was useless and gave up. Of course I wasn't late because I arrived about 15 minutes before the reservation time. Maybe there weren't many customers so I thought I wanted to finish early and take a break. As a beautician, I think that I have a low awareness as a member of society because of my previous problems. The fact that it is troublesome is too much of an attitude, and it is a donation. However, all the people in charge on other days are very polite, the customer service is a pleasant sense of distance, and the finish is also satisfactory. From now on, I will look at the stylist attendance table of Hot Pepper Beauty and go when there are no tattooed people.
Ryu Yanaka on Google

Perfect place to get a nice haircut

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