Lare - Setagaya City

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Lare

住所 :

3 Chome-16-2 Komazawa, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0012, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 154-0012
Webサイト :

3 Chome-16-2 Komazawa, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0012, Japan
指銭湯 on Google

元々洋菓子店なのでケーキが美味しい。自家焙煎されたコーヒーが浅煎りから深煎りまで選べて自分好みのコーヒーを頼めるのも魅力です。 懐かしい手回し式のアイスシェイバーで作られるかき氷もおすすめ。ソフトアイス入りのスペシャルでキンキンに体を冷やしてからホットコーヒーを飲むという常連さんもいらっしゃいます。
The cake is delicious because it is originally a pastry shop. It is also attractive that you can choose your own roast coffee from shallow roast to deep roast and ask for your favorite coffee. Shaved ice made with a nostalgic hand-drawn ice shaver is also recommended. There is a regular who drinks hot coffee after cooling her body with a special soft ice cream.
ka F on Google

テイクアウトで伺いました。 ケーキとコーヒープリン持ち帰りましたが、紙袋の上からビニール袋に入っていて受け取る時に「縦に持ってください」と言われました。 その通りに特に揺らすこともなく持ち帰り、家に着いたらビニールが真茶色になって液体が溢れており、一緒に買ったケーキもびちゃびちゃに、、、液体の正体はコーヒープリンでした。ひっくり返って全部液状になってました。よくよくみるとプリンには蓋が付いてませんでした。 おそらくつけ忘れではなく、元々つけない仕様なんだと思います。 紙袋も薄っぺらくて中身が簡単に横になる事が予想できます。 まず渡す時に「蓋がついていないです」と一言声をかけてくださればそうならなかったと思います。 そして薄っぺらい紙袋の上からのビニール袋という包装方法、、、これも考えた方がいいと思います。 大半のケーキ屋さんは簡易的な箱に入ってますよね。 加えてプリンには蓋をしてほしいです。 せっかく買ったのにプリンもケーキも食べれませんでした。 またお手洗いお借りしましたがあまり綺麗ではありませんでした。古さがあり和式なのは仕方ないですが、年季が入っているせいか汚れがすごかったです。
I asked for takeout. I took the cake and coffee pudding home, but when I received it in a plastic bag from the top of the paper bag, I was told to take it vertically. I took it home without shaking it, and when I got home, the vinyl turned brown and the liquid was overflowing, and the cake I bought together was messed up ... The liquid was coffee pudding. It turned over and became all liquid. If you look closely, the pudding did not have a lid. Probably not forgotten, I think that it is a specification that can not be attached originally. The paper bag is also thin and you can expect the contents to lie down easily. First of all, I think it wouldn't have happened if you said "I don't have a lid" when handing it over. And I think you should think about the packaging method of a plastic bag from the top of a thin paper bag. Most cake shops come in simple boxes, don't they? In addition, I want the pudding to be covered. I bought it, but I couldn't eat pudding or cake. I borrowed a restroom, but it wasn't very clean. It's old and Japanese style, but it was very dirty probably because of the season.
まーむる on Google

桜新町のイートインのあるケーキ屋と含めて時々訪れる。地元に愛されるような喫茶店で、また売りにしているコーヒーを目当てに人の出入りは多い。 コーヒーの味は正直そこまで違いが分からないので深入りは避けるが、美味しい事は確か。ケーキとも良く合う。 ここのケーキは良い意味で完成されていない印象。日常の連続にあるケーキ。毎日食べられるような、何個でも食べられるようなケーキ。自制するのが大変なケーキ。 後、カレーがとても美味しい。黒く、しっかりと煮込まれ、ちゃんと辛味もある喫茶店のカレー。 パフェはシンプル且つボリューミー。
I sometimes visit it, including a cake shop with an eat-in in Sakurashinmachi. It is a coffee shop loved by the locals, and many people come and go for the coffee that they are selling. To be honest, I don't know the difference in the taste of coffee, so I avoid going deep, but it is delicious. It goes well with cake. Impression that the cake here is not finished in a good way. A cake that appears in everyday life. A cake that can be eaten everyday and can be eaten as many as you want. A cake that is difficult to control. Later, the curry is very delicious. Curry from a coffee shop that is black, stewed well, and has a spicy taste. The parfait is simple and volumey.
R A on Google

東京観光での一休みの際に訪問。 店内の雰囲気に魅了された後、その場でマスターがコーヒーを煎てくれました。とてもコクのある美味しいコーヒーでした。 このご時世にも関わらず、優しく接してくださり、汗だくの自分にうちわを渡してくださりました。 東京に来た際は再訪したい。
Visited during a break from sightseeing in Tokyo. After being fascinated by the atmosphere inside the store, the master brewed coffee on the spot. It was a very rich and delicious coffee. In spite of this time, he treated me kindly and handed me a Uchiwa to my sweaty self. I want to visit again when I come to Tokyo.
Miss Sae on Google

前を通るたびに気になっていたけど、車寄せが悪くていつも素通り。 でも、こちらの評価が高かったので伺う事に。 外から見る限りケーキのショーケースがあったので、お菓子屋さん?かと思っていたけど、こちらの投稿でもあった絶品だというカレーをテイクアウトする事に。 テイクアウトは本格的にはやっていらっしゃらないのか?テイクアウトの包材を探したり(苦笑)していらして、結局15分ほど待つ事に。 待っている間もお客様はひっきりなしに出入り。 どうやら間口からは想像できない?奥の広さ?! (ちょっと覗いただけなので判りませんが) 店の外にはコーヒーの麻袋が重ねてあり、なんとこれを購入しに来ている人もいらして。 麻袋についてのコマーシャルとかも一切ないので、隠れた裏メニュー?なんでしょうか?! 持ち帰ったカレーは昔、喫茶店で食べた様な真っ黒のカレー。 丁寧に玉葱を炒めたのが判る!!! 玉葱の甘さと優しいスパイスが牛肉の脂が相まって何とも言えないまろやか〜な美味しさ。 またテイクアウトで伺おっと! 楽しみが増えました。
I was worried every time I passed in front of me, but the car wasn't close enough and I always passed by. However, this was highly evaluated, so I'd like to ask. As far as I can see from the outside, there was a cake showcase, so is it a candy store? I was wondering, but I decided to take out the curry that was also posted here. Isn't takeout done in earnest? I was looking for take-out packaging (bitter smile) and ended up waiting for about 15 minutes. Customers constantly come and go while waiting. Apparently can't you imagine from the frontage? The size of the back? !! (I don't know because I just took a peek) There are piles of coffee hemp bags outside the store, and some people come to buy them. There are no commercials about hemp bags, so is it a hidden back menu? What'll we do? !! The curry I brought back was a black curry that I ate at a coffee shop a long time ago. You can see that the onions were fried carefully! !! !! The sweetness of the onion and the gentle spice combined with the fat of the beef make it a mellow taste. See you at takeout again! I have more fun.
mi on Google

カレーが美味しい喫茶店です。 ケーキも昔ながらのお味で、とても美味しいです! ホットコーヒーは、煎り方が選べてこだわり派の人も楽しめると思います。 とにかくカレーがおすすめなので、ぜひ食べてほしいです! 地元の人に愛される素敵なお店です。
A coffee shop with delicious curry. The cake has a traditional taste and is very delicious! You can choose how to roast hot coffee, and I think that even discerning people can enjoy it. Anyway, curry is recommended, so I definitely want you to eat it! It's a nice shop loved by the locals.
Mariia Ermilova on Google

1. The curry, coffee and cake were all delicious. 2. When I talked with my friends [where is Russia from], the store manager put out a globe. A cafe in Setagaya where you can see the world. I felt good. Thank you very much.
Justin Shircliff on Google

Great local coffee shop run by a couple with outstanding service. They were both very nice and accommodating. The coffee was really good and there are numerous beans to choose from. They also have a great selection of sweets. Cozy inside with a very eclectic vibe. Worth a stop and I’ll be back.

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