LAKIA不動産 布施店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact LAKIA不動産 布施店

住所 :

Chodo, Higashiosaka, 〒577-0056 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
街 : Osaka

Chodo, Higashiosaka, 〒577-0056 Osaka,Japan
S T on Google

事業用物件をお借りしました。 早く契約を巻きたいと伝えたところ、郵送ではなく 車でオーナーさんの元へ走って下さりとても迅速に契約をまくことが出来て助かりました。 連絡の返信も早く、信頼できる方でした。 定期的に物件を探しているので、また物件を借りる際にはお世話になろうと思います。
I rented a business property. When I told him that I wanted to get a contract as soon as possible, he ran to the owner by car instead of mailing it, and it was helpful to be able to get the contract very quickly. The reply to the contact was quick and reliable. I am looking for a property on a regular basis, so I would like to take care of it when renting a property again.
Kanako Suzuki on Google

松浦様にお世話になりました。 こちらの提示した条件から、私たちが自分でも気づいていなかったニーズに気づいてくださり、ぴったりの物件を一生懸命に探してくださりました。 広範囲のエリアでの内見にも嫌な顔一つせず、終始丁寧に説明をして下さり、細かな質問にも温かく答えていただきました。 決して急いで契約に結びつけようとせず、こちらが納得いくまで同じペースで寄り添ってくださり、おかげさまで短期間で満足したおうち探しが出来ました。 「内見せず物件を決めることが最近は多い」と問い合わせして答えられる不動産屋さんが多い中で、「必ず内見したい」という私たちの気持ちを尊重してとことん付き合ってくださり感謝いたします。 次に引っ越しをする際にもぜひお力添えをいただきたいです。ありがとうございました。
Thank you to Mr. Matsuura. From the conditions presented here, we realized the needs that we were not aware of, and worked hard to find the perfect property. He gave me a polite explanation from beginning to end without making a disgusting face in the wide area, and he warmly answered small questions. I never hurriedly tried to conclude a contract, but he stayed at the same pace until I was satisfied, and thanks to you, I was able to find a satisfying house in a short period of time. While there are many real estate agents who can answer inquiries that "there are many cases where we decide on a property without showing it inside," we thank you for respecting our feelings of "I definitely want to see inside". .. I would like to ask for your help when you move next time. Thank you very much.
yumi mizu on Google

結婚のために新居を探しにLAKIAさんに来ました。 こだわりがめっちゃめっちゃ強かったんですが要望を丁寧に聞いてもらい、良い物件を紹介してもらいました。 旦那がその物件をかなり気に入って即決!! 物件確認中も移動中も担当さんが色々話をしてくださり楽しかったです。 新婚生活楽しみです。 LAKIA布施の山Pさんオススメです笑 ありがとうございました!
I came to LAKIA to find a new house for my marriage. I was very particular about it, but I asked them to listen carefully to their requests and introduce me to good properties. My husband liked the property so much that he decided immediately! !! It was fun for the person in charge to talk about various things while checking the property and moving. I am looking forward to my newlywed life. LAKIA Fuseyama P is recommended lol thank you very much!
よしむらみゆ on Google

This time, I visited LAKIA Real Estate Fuse store to find a room, and Mr. Yamashita was in charge of it! We kindly responded by telling us the desired conditions and budget! I visited without deciding anything on the whole and told only the general hope, but I am very satisfied because I found a good room that I was satisfied with! I thought he was a fun and reassuring person who would be kind to me even if I was talking! We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for responding to the first time until late.
Hattori J on Google

問い合わせ段階から入居時期や準備についての日程感などを共有いただき、年末という時期に引っ越すが安心して部屋探しをすることができました。 慣れない土地の中で、周辺の設備や土地柄など丁寧に説明いただきました。
From the inquiry stage, I was able to share the schedule for moving in and preparations, and even though I moved to the end of the year, I was able to find a room with peace of mind. In the unfamiliar land, he carefully explained the surrounding equipment and land pattern.
Lilty Lilty on Google

今倉さんというスタッフの方に対応していただきました。 とても丁寧な接客をしていただき大変感謝しております。 仕事の都合で急遽移動になったので、職場付近で早急に入居出来る所はありませんかと飛び込みでお店にきたのですが、条件や予算をしっかり聞いて下さり、自分にあった居住を一緒に探していただいたりと大変お世話になりました。 正直な感想で、レスポンスが早く他の不動産も5件ほど回ってから来たので色々条件に関しても何をとっても一番よかったです。 大阪で引っ越しをされる方はぜひ今倉さんに引っ越し相談されてみてはいかがでしょうか?
I had a staff member named Mr. Imakura respond. Thank you very much for your very polite customer service. I moved suddenly because of my work, so I jumped in to see if there was a place near my workplace where I could move in immediately, but he asked me about the conditions and budget, and I lived with him. Thank you very much for your search. To be honest, the response was quick and I came after about 5 other real estates, so I was very happy with the various conditions. If you are moving in Osaka, why don't you consult with Mr. Imakura about moving?
ねこk on Google

村上さんに対応していただきました。 知りたい情報をなんでも的確に答えてくれて、信頼できる方でした。 ベストな物件が見つかるまで頑張って下さりとても心強かったです。 今まで何度か引っ越しをしてきましたが、THEデキる不動産屋さんという感じでした!お店もきれいでした。 また引き続き、宜しくお願い致します。
Mr. Murakami responded. He was a reliable person who answered exactly what he wanted to know. It was very encouraging to work hard until I found the best property. I've moved several times, but it felt like a real estate agent! The shop was also beautiful. Thank you for your continued support.
Andrew Simpson on Google

Was patient with me despite not having perfect Japanese. I was able to find a nice place.

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