La Tour Shinjuku Grand - Shinjuku City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact La Tour Shinjuku Grand

住所 :

8 Chome-17-2 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 160-0023
Webサイト :

8 Chome-17-2 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan
2013 enrique on Google

Rumors that entertainers also live
JP Huấn Lê on Google

Có nhiều quán ăn ở đây
There are many eateries here
渡辺友生 on Google

It is a city.
橋本一郎 on Google

It's a nice apartment. It would be nice if there were a few more shared facilities, but I feel that this is the kind of condominium in the subcenter.
Miki Wata on Google

2011年の竣工から2020年7月まで住んでいました。間取り、建材、コンシェルジュのサービス、設備すべてが良かったです。お家賃も高めではありますが、内容を考えるとむしろコスパ良し。天井がめっちゃ高くて天井の埋め込みスポットライトの電球交換は設備管理の方がいつもやってくれました。宅急便の受け取り発送もコンシェルジュ任せできますし、うっとおしいNHKも鉄壁の┣o(・ω・。)ガード!! で入ってこれません。インターネットも標準で付いてくるので、入居したら何も手続きなしですぐに使えます。あげればキリがないですが、10年住んでも管理が完璧で劣化が見られないですし、なにより住友不動産の物件で引っ越せば、仲介手数料、礼金、w家賃不要。敷金も引越し先に移行できます。これだけで引越し費用が半額になりました。これもっと周知した方がいいですよ(→住友不動産さん)
I lived from completion in 2011 to July 2020. The floor plan, building materials, concierge services and facilities were all good. The rent is also high, but considering the content, it is rather good. The ceiling was so high that the facility manager always replaced the bulb for the embedded spotlight on the ceiling. I can leave the delivery of the courier to the concierge, and the annoying NHK does not come in because of the iron wall ┣o(・ω・.) god!! The Internet is also provided as standard, so you can use it immediately without any procedure once you move in. There is no need to worry, but even if I live for 10 years, the management is perfect and there is no deterioration. Above all, if you move to a Sumitomo Real Estate property, no brokerage fee, key money, w rent is required. Security deposits can also be moved to the new location. This alone reduced the cost of moving by half. It is better to make this more known (→ Sumitomo Real Estate)
オガッチOGA on Google

The west side is a residence and the east side is an office. Since there are 5 rooms on one floor, there is almost no batting with people in the elevator.
作田尚穂 on Google

I'm glad that the road was very wide for delivery.
Ki Ki on Google

総じて住みやすいと思います。戸数も少なくガヤガヤ感はあまりないのではないでしょうか。ワンフロアに〜4戸くらいです。 ゴミ捨て場や駐車場も綺麗に整備されていて、スタッフの方も気持ちの良い挨拶をして下さいます。フロントの方々の対応も素晴らしいです。 セキュリティは今までのどこよりもしっかりしています。鍵を忘れて外出した場合、自力では住居フロアにたどり着けないと思います。 周辺にはたくさんご飯屋さんがあり、スーパーも最近目の前に新しく増え便利です。 天井が高いので階数で景観を考えるなら+3階くらいで考えてみてください。 経年数は感じます。夏は湿気が大変こもります。 目の前のフロントタワー周囲やグランドプラザにも緑を意識して植えているので、街並みが綺麗です。タワー内のカフェもお安く嬉しいです。 グランドタワーの商業エリアで仕事している方々が休み時間にタバコを各々が点在して吸っているのはいかがなものか。喫煙スペースをつくってほしいです。
I think it's easier to live in general. The number of units is small, and I don't think there is a lot of rash feeling. There are about 4 units on one floor. The garbage dump and parking lot are well maintained, and the staff will give you a pleasant greeting. The response from the front desk staff is also wonderful. Security is stronger than ever. If you forget your key and go out, you may not be able to reach the residence floor by yourself. There are many restaurants around, and the number of supermarkets has recently increased and is convenient. The ceiling is high, so if you think about the landscape by the number of floors, please think about +3 floors. I feel how many years have passed. In the summer, it gets very humid. The area around the front tower in front of us and the grand plaza are planted with green in mind, so the cityscape is beautiful. The cafe in the tower is also cheap and happy. How about people who work in the commercial area of ​​the Grand Tower who are smoking cigarettes during their breaks. I want you to create a smoking space.

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