La porta Kakamigahara - Kakamigahara

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact La porta Kakamigahara

住所 :

5 Chome-287 Unumakakamigaharacho, Kakamigahara, Gifu 509-0141, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 509-0141
Webサイト :

5 Chome-287 Unumakakamigaharacho, Kakamigahara, Gifu 509-0141, Japan
橋本真生 on Google

日曜のランチデート、Google?ピザ検索‥ 21号沿いに茶色のオシャレな店舗‥駐車場も広い‥店内も品良く、、「初めです」って言ったら‥丁寧に、ランチ説明してくれ、、、オーダー! 綺麗な前菜と大きなグラスドリンク、水牛の旨さいっぱいのマルゲリータ美味し?笑 生地の焦げは少し気になるand塩味強め‥具材は、薄味だから、?かな? キノコとサラミ、ピッツァ‥実は、?私は、サラミは、あんまり‥けど‥この店のサラミは、脂っぽく無く?人生初めて美味しさ感じた‥ ピッツァランチは、2人で、満足感いっぱいだから、次回は、ピッツァとパスタ?で、来たいなぁ‥グリルメニューも気になるW 従業員の女の子達(学生バイト?)皆美人で可愛い‥しかも、接客もレベル高く、シェフには、指導尊敬?笑
Sunday lunch date, Google ? Pizza search ‥ A fashionable brown store along No. 21 ... The parking lot is large ... The inside of the store is also good, and if you say "it's the beginning" ... Please politely explain your lunch ... Order! Beautiful appetizer, big glass drink, Margherita full of buffalo taste ? lol I'm a little worried about the charring of the dough and the saltiness is stronger ... The ingredients are light, so is it ?? Mushrooms, salami, pizza ... Actually, ? I don't have much salami ... but the salami in this restaurant is not greasy ? I felt it was delicious for the first time in my life ... The pizza lunch is full of satisfaction with two people, so next time I want to come with pizza and pasta ? ... I'm also worried about the grill menu W Employee girls (student part-time job?) Are all beautiful and cute ... Moreover, the level of customer service is high, and the chef respects the guidance ? lol
大平芳秀 on Google

びっくりした! まさかイタリアンでこんなに美味しい店に出会えるなんて。 何食べても旨い。近所に越してきてラッキーだ。 2回目の訪問。 今日も満足。 うっかり写真撮る前に、食べてしまう。 旨いので…つい。
I was surprised! No way you can meet such a delicious restaurant in Italian. It's delicious no matter what you eat. I'm lucky to come to my neighborhood. Second visit. I am satisfied today. I inadvertently eat it before taking a picture. Because it's delicious ...
アッシュリンクス on Google

ピザランチがおすすめ。 コスパはよくないが、 味は美味しいです。(ピザ) もちもちしていて 水牛のモッツァレラがたっぷり。 食べこたえあります。 前菜もおしゃれでコンソメスープつき。 はじめてのデートとかで行くにはいいかも、 あと美味しいピザを食べるならいいかも。 (まだ一種類しか食べてないから他はわからないが美味しそうだ。) 飲むものもついてくる。エスプレッソにした。 デザートは追加で200円だったのどやめた。 味に問題なし。
Pizza lunch is recommended. Cospa is not good, The taste is delicious. (pizza) Have Plenty of buffalo mozzarella. I can eat it. Appetizer is also fashionable with consomme soup. It might be good to go for the first date, Maybe you should eat delicious pizza. (I don't know the rest because I have only eaten one kind, but it looks delicious.) Drinks are also included. Made espresso. The dessert stopped for an additional 200 yen. No problem with taste.
天誅 on Google

Visited for dinner. COSPA is never good, but polite cooking that matches it. Pizza and pasta are top class in Kakamigahara City. Of course, if you go to Gifu city or Nagoya city, this class is crazy, but as a recommendation when visiting this area, it is a good shop of Dantotsu. Seasoning is a matter of taste, but it can be evaluated as a real Italian. However, since it is not so if everyone is going to go, it is where you want a set of seasonings on the table. Especially for pizza, I like taste and taste, so I feel that salt and pepper tabasco is good. Cheese and prosciutto are authentic and have a perfect taste for sake. The compatibility with the highball was outstanding. If you want a little cheaper, you should definitely repeat it again. In addition, there is only the original coffee shop, and it seems that there is a commitment to the coffee, so you can enjoy a delicious cup. The parking lot in the store is wide and easy to use along Route 21. Unfortunately, the inexperienced customer service stands out, and the sight of the clerk who doesn't know what to do is very worrisome. Also, when you have your hands open, you may not be talking, but cleaning around the vacant seats and more. I would like to expect future customer service education. The next time I visit, I want to visit for wine.
Takashi Fukui on Google

オススメしにくいです。 ピザのランチを食べました。 全体的に味気なかったです。ピザの塩気も薄くて、うーん。テーブル脇にも調味料はなかったのがツラい。ピザ生地がモチモチなのはよかった。 ちょっとした前菜とピザとドリンクで1600円は高いような。スープなし、デザートは別途料金でした。 新人のスタッフが不慣れなのは分かりますが笑顔や愛想も良くないのが気になりました。 お店の外観は良いですが、窓が汚くて気になりました。
It is hard to recommend. I had a pizza lunch. It was not tasteful overall. The saltiness of the pizza is thin, hmm. There is no seasoning beside the table. The pizza dough was nice. A little appetizer, pizza and a drink seem to cost 1600 yen. No soup, dessert was extra charge. I understand that the new staff is unfamiliar, but I'm worried that their smile and affection are not good either. The appearance of the shop is good, but the windows were dirty and I was worried.
e a on Google

美味しいピザが食べれるお店! ワインも種類豊富で、好みや食事内容に応じてセレクトしてくれます。 パーティーにも利用できるお店の広さが有ったので、今度は大人数で伺いたいです。 追記 久しぶりに再訪。 ピークの紅葉が見られる犬山寂光院の帰りに立寄りました。 今回はランチで利用。 パスタランチとピッツァランチをシェアしました。 今回は大和芋と自家製リコッタチーズとベーコンのピッツァを注文 大和芋の乗ったピザは初めて食べましたが やっぱり美味しい!生地が美味しい! パスタは選択出来る2種をそれぞれ注文 農園野菜のペペロンチーノは具沢山で 食べ応えある一品、これもとても美味しい 農園キャベツと柔らか鶏もも肉の煮込みソースもこれまた絶品! 食べるのに必死で、トマトソースの写真撮り忘れました 笑 初めて一緒に行った友達も気に入った様子でした。 今回もとても美味しかったです! ご馳走様でした!
A restaurant where you can eat delicious pizza! There are also a wide variety of wines, and they will be selected according to your taste and meal content. There is a wide range of shops that can be used for parties, so this time I would like to ask you with a large number of people. Postscript Revisited after a long time. We stopped by Inuyama Jakoin where you can see the autumn leaves of the peak. This time for lunch. We shared pasta lunch and pizza lunch. This time I ordered Yamato candy, homemade ricotta cheese and bacon pizza I ate Yamato's pizza for the first time After all it is delicious! The dough is delicious! Two types of pasta can be selected There are many peperoncino vegetables A delicious dish, this is also very delicious The planted cabbage and soft chicken thigh stewed with meat are also excellent! I was desperate to eat and forgot to take a picture of tomato sauce The friend who went together for the first time also seemed to like it. It was very delicious this time! It was a treat!
M C on Google

ランチやお一人様ディナーでも気軽に訪れることができるイタリアン。 雰囲気も良いし駐車場も広く出入りしやすいお店です。 でも…何かが物足りない。 味気ない? なんだろう? ピザの生地も美味しいし前菜やパスタもコスパ良い食材を使われてるのですが…旨味が足りないのかなぁ? 自分の舌がおかしいのかなぁ。 食べた後の満足感があと一歩って所でいつも止まってしまうのです。 でも近所になかなかこういうお店もないし、またきっと伺います。 これからも応援していきたいお店です。
Italian food that you can easily visit for lunch or dinner for one person. The atmosphere is good and the parking lot is wide and easy to get in and out. But ... something isn't enough. Isn't it tasteful? I wonder what? The pizza dough is delicious, and the appetizers and pasta are made with good ingredients, but I wonder if the taste isn't enough? I wonder if my tongue is strange. The feeling of satisfaction after eating always stops at the next step. But there aren't many shops like this in my neighborhood, so I'm sure I'll come back again. It is a store that I would like to continue to support.
やまたく on Google

ディナーで利用。 各務原市にあるピッツェリア『ラポルタ』。 イタリアナポリのピザ窯を使って焼き上げるピザが食べられる。 岐阜市のダアチュさんが岐阜県唯一のナポリピッツァ協会認定店だったけど、ラポルタさんの登場で、表現を岐阜市唯一に変えた?
Used for dinner. Pizzeria "La Porta" in Kakamigahara City. You can eat pizza baked in a pizza kiln in Naples, Italy. Mr. Daachu of Gifu City was the only Neapolitan Pizza Association certified store in Gifu Prefecture, but with the appearance of Mr. Laporta, did you change the expression to Gifu City only?

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