L'epi Japonais

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact L'epi Japonais

住所 :

Nishigaoka, Izumi Ward, Yokohama, 〒245-0006 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/lepijaponais/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nishigaoka, Izumi Ward, Yokohama, 〒245-0006 Kanagawa,Japan
ぷくちゃん on Google

When you enter the store, you will find that you are particular about making it. The bread sandwiched between prosciutto is super delicious.
スギヤマヨシコ on Google

The harder the bread, the bitter it tastes and the more delicious it is! A small round bread is reasonably priced around 100 yen! There is one parking lot behind, but it was misplaced so we went around the front of the shop! It's 3 yen discount if you don't need a bag (^. ^)
N Hoshi on Google

国産小麦を使用するも お手頃価格で毎日食べても飽きないパン。接客良し 味良しで駅からは少し離れているが訪れる価値あり
Even using domestic wheat Bread that doesn't get tired even if you eat it daily at reasonable prices. Good service Good location and a bit far from the station but worth visiting
スープカレー on Google

美味しいという評判を聞いて行ってみました。午後だったので残り少ないパンから数種類を購入。オリーブとドライトマトのパンはとても香りが良くて小さいけど食べ応え抜群。ホットドッグはピクルスがとても美味しかった。 でもクロワッサンが一番好きな味でした。バターの香りとサクサク感とふんわり感。たまらなく美味しかった。
I heard the reputation that it is delicious. Since it was the afternoon, I bought several kinds of bread from the remaining bread. Olive and dried tomato bread is very fragrant and small, but it's excellent to eat. The hot dogs had very good pickles. But croissant was my favorite taste. The scent of butter, crispy and fluffy. It was irresistibly delicious.
Rika on Google

リベイクで知り、送料掛けるならいつか直接買いに行こうと思っていたお店でした。 お店の裏側にある一台分の駐車場が偶然にも空いていて助かりました。 コロナ感染予防で店内へは2名までしか入れないです。連れ立って行っても順に入るようになっていて徹底されています。 お客様は、ご近所さんが多いように見受けられました。 ビニールシートで覆われていて奥にある食パン類が見えず後から追加注文をしましたが混んでいるのに感じよく接してくださいまた。 ハード系のパンが好きなので美味しく頂きました。 こだわった食材を使われているにもかかわらず他のパン屋さんに比べて少しリーズナブルな気がします。 他の方のレビューにもありましたが、お昼前なのに7〜8名の方々が並ばれていたので、早めの時間に買いに行かれたほうが種類も豊富なんだろうと思いました。 また行きたいと思えるお店でした。
It was a shop that I knew from rebake and thought that I would go to buy it directly someday if I would like to pay the shipping fee. The parking lot for one car on the back side of the shop happened to be vacant, which was helpful. Only 2 people can enter the store to prevent corona infection. Even if you take them with you, they will be in order and are thorough. Customers seemed to have many neighbors. It was covered with a vinyl sheet and I couldn't see the bread in the back, so I made an additional order later, but please feel good about it even though it is crowded. I like hard bread, so it was delicious. I feel that it is a little more reasonable than other bakeries, despite the fact that it uses carefully selected ingredients. Although it was also reviewed by other people, 7 to 8 people were lined up before noon, so I thought that it would be better to go shopping early. It was a shop that I wanted to visit again.
antaba an on Google

良厳。国産、無添加、天然酵母が売りの意識高い系パン屋はちょいちょいありますがフィリングまで拘っているのは凄いです。 ただこのタイプの多くのパン屋さんと同じで味とのバランスがもう一息かと。 ライ麦を加えたリーンなドライフルーツとナッツのパンですが焼き上げないタイプなので外皮もクラムも同じ食感なのが残念です。なので味は焼きたてをそのまま食べるのがベスト、酸味も程よく押さえ込まれ、フィリングの良さが活きて美味しいです。 一方焼くとクラムがボロボロ気味になるわクラムの酸味が出てくるわで正直美味しくないです。 角食はそのままだと淡白な味わいで弾力が有りすぎて途中から食べ疲れます。焼くと一転パサッとしてしまうのでバターが必要なタイプですが主旨と相反するかと。
Good luck. There are a few bakeries that sell domestic, additive-free, and natural yeast, but it's amazing that they are particular about filling. However, like many bakeries of this type, the balance with the taste is another breath. Lean dried fruit and nut bread with rye added, but it is a type that is not baked, so it is a pity that the exodermis and crumb have the same texture. Therefore, it is best to eat freshly baked as it is, the acidity is moderately suppressed, and the good filling is alive and delicious. On the other hand, if you bake it, the crumbs will become tattered. The sourness of the crumbs will come out, so honestly it's not delicious. If the square meal is left as it is, it has a light taste and is too elastic, and you will get tired of eating from the middle. It's a type that requires butter because it makes it dry when baked, but it contradicts the purpose.
マヨマヨネーズ on Google

かなりの頻度で通っています お気に入りはクルミとレーズンのカンパーニュ、プレーンのスコーンです 甘すぎず、素材そのもの素朴な味わいがとても美味しいです!!(この素朴というのは決して貧相という意味ではない) とても上品な風味がたまりません 具を食べるためにパンを食べている感じではなく、パンを引き立てるために具がある感じです とにかく食べてみてください!! 値段は全く気にならないです。いいものをいい値段で食べる幸せがあります
I go there quite often My favorites are walnut and raisin campagne, plain scones. It's not too sweet and the simple taste of the material itself is very delicious! !! (This naive does not mean poor) Very elegant flavor is irresistible It's not like you're eating bread to eat the ingredients, it's like you have the ingredients to complement the bread. Please try it anyway! !! I don't care about the price at all. I am happy to eat good food at a good price
Rick Cogley on Google

I had a sandwich and croissant here at "L'epi Japonais Boulangerie" during my jog, and it was fantastic!

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