たんとと和くら 伏見桃山店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact たんとと和くら 伏見桃山店

住所 :

Kyomachi, Fushimi Ward, 〒612-8083 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://www.hotpepper.jp/strJ000776320/yoyaku/
街 : Kyoto

Kyomachi, Fushimi Ward, 〒612-8083 Kyoto,Japan
小栗栖好子(Yoshiko) on Google

かきが美味しいです。 イカとホッケの焼きも美味しかったです。 タバコが昼夜OKなのが、喫煙者には良いのかもしれませんが、吸わないお客さんにしたら不快に思うので、分煙して頂けたらと思います。
The oysters are delicious. The grilled squid and atka mackerel was also delicious. It may be good for smokers to smoke day and night, but it would be unpleasant for customers who do not smoke, so I would like you to separate the smoke.
渡邉克彦 on Google

Kujo green onion salted beef tongue set meal, beef tongue that makes you want to chew forever because you can feel the taste of meat.
銭丸哲良 on Google

ランチでは良く利用させてもらってます。 トロサバ定食が大好きで週に一度は必ず食べるようになりました。 ハンバーグも美味しく、これだけ通っていても全く飽きが来ません。職場が近くなので夜も利用させていただきますが、つまみながら飲むには最高のお店です。 また寄らせていただきます!
I often use it for lunch. I love the Torosaba set meal and I always eat it once a week. The hamburger steak is also delicious, and I never get tired of going through this much. Since my workplace is near, I will use it at night, but it is the best place to drink while pinching. I will stop by again!
daftsky on Google

喫煙可ですが、換気扇も作動しておらず、そこに8人くらいの団体客が昼飲み会を繰り広げているという、このご時世では考えられない?ような光景。 コロナ対策に関しては、換気がちゃんとなされているかかなり疑問を持ちました。 ここは、お酒を楽しみたくて喫煙もしたい方向きの店舗ですが、炭火焼きの牛タン定食はとても美味しくて、麦飯とお味噌汁は各一回ずつおかわり可能でした。 定食のメインメニューは単品で、お酒とよく合うと感じました。 喫煙客がとても多い印象を受けたので、喫煙される方か、臭いが大丈夫という方であれば、お料理もお酒も大変楽しめます。 平日の昼間、定食だけ頂きにお邪魔した際は女性の店員さんでしたが、とても丁寧に対応して下さり、好印象でした。
Smoking is allowed, but the ventilation fan is not working, and there are about eight group guests holding a lunch party, which is unthinkable in this age? A scene like that. Regarding the measures against corona, I was quite skeptical about whether ventilation was done properly. This is a store for those who want to enjoy alcohol and smoke, but the charcoal-grilled beef tongue set meal was very delicious, and barley rice and miso soup could be refilled once each. The main menu of the set meal is a single item, and I felt that it goes well with sake. I got the impression that there are so many smokers, so if you are a smoker or if you can smell it, you can enjoy cooking and drinking very much. During the daytime on weekdays, I was a female clerk when I had only a set meal, but I was impressed by the polite response.
まっちゃき125 on Google

またもや娘とお昼ご飯 牛カルビは定番のでお味
Lunch with my daughter again Beef ribs are a classic so taste
hisa-l on Google

Beef tongue has a taste that is easy for anyone to eat and goes well with beer. I wanted to pickle the mustard in Sendai. The yakitori was just right on the fire. The customer service was also polite. thank you for the food.
Toru “Harry” YOKOTA on Google

ランチで使用。実はここ、大昔は本屋さんだったんだよな。もう、その面影は全くないけれど。以前に来た時は、別のお店だったと思う。 それはそうと、ここ随分と行くのを避けてた。理由は単純で、タバコまみれで食事なんかしたくないから。この時も、前後でタバコを吸われてしまって、暗澹たる気持ちで食事せざるを得なかった。せめて、昼だけは禁煙にしてほしい。 ランチそのものは悪くないし、PayPay払いもできるので、そこはいいんだけれど、とにかく食事をする空間にはタバコはいらないので、そこだけはなんとかしてほしい。
Used for lunch. Actually, it used to be a bookstore a long time ago. I don't have that impression anymore. I think it was a different shop when I came here before. That being said, I avoided going all the way here. The reason is simple: I don't want to eat because it's covered with cigarettes. At this time as well, I had to smoke before and after, and I had to eat with a dark feeling. At the very least, I want you to quit smoking only during the day. Lunch itself is not bad, and you can pay with PayPay, so that's fine, but anyway, you don't need cigarettes in the space where you eat, so I'd like you to do something about it.
Night Bus Music on Google

Bad attitude

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