
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact イーストコアデンタルクリニック

住所 :

Kyojima, Sumida City, 〒109 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://www.eastcore-dental.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday 9AM–1PM
Monday 10AM–1:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–1:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–1:30PM
Thursday 10AM–1:30PM
Friday 10AM–1:30PM
街 : Tokyo

Kyojima, Sumida City, 〒109 Tokyo,Japan
Yu Kageyama on Google

Both male teachers and women are polite and friendly. It feels friendly. I am used to treating my child, and my 3-year-old son was able to treat the caries safely. Children were pleased that there was a bookstore.
carly on Google

ヤブ医者です! 良いレビューはサクラでしょうか? 痛くて近所なので初めてでしたが駆け込み的に行きましたら、抜くしかないと言われ、そのまま上の奥歯を抜きました。 あり得ないほど腫れて、縫った歯肉が数時間で取れてしまい、次の日にまた行き縫ってもらって、また夜には取れてしまいました。 しかもその抜いた歯の穴から飲み物が鼻へ逆流してしまうしまつ。 抜歯の時に上顎の骨まで貫通させてしまったのです。 こちらでは手におえず、医科歯科大の口腔外科で大がかりな処置が必要になりました。 本当に大変でしたし痛かった。 しかも初めて行った日に『一度ドタキャンした人は二度と受け付けないので注意してくれ。子供がインフルエンザだろうがなんだろうが関係ないですから』と言われました。 (私、未婚で子供いないんですけど) 確かに待ってる時に受付のお姉さんが電話をとり、予約の電話の確認を先生にしていて、『◯◯さんなんですけど、どうしますか?』と聞いていて、『前にドタキャンされたから断って』と言っていました。 行ってはならない、というか存在すら許しがたい歯科医院です。 損害賠償請求したいくらいです。
I'm a dovector! Is a good review a cherry blossom? It was painful and it was the first time since it was a neighborhood, but if I went for a rush hour, I was told that there was no choice but to pull it out, pulling out the upper back teeth as it was. Swollen to an unlikely extent, the sewing gingiva could be taken in hours, I got stitched again the next day, and it was taken away at night. Moreover, drinks will flow back to the nose from the hole of the extracted tooth. I had to penetrate the bone of my maxilla at the time of tooth extraction. We can not handle it here, and we need large-scale measures in the oral surgery of Medical and Dental University. It was really hard and it hurts. Moreover, on the day when I went for the first time, "Please be careful as people who once did not accept will never accept. I do not care what a child is like influenza, "he said. (I am unmarried and I do not have children) Surely the lady at the reception took a call when I was waiting, I confirmed the reservation phone as a teacher, "I'm sorry but what do you do? I was told that "I refused because I was deceitful before." It is a dentist who can not forgive or even forgiveness. I would like to claim damages.
M N on Google

When I evaluated one of these reviews, I felt uncomfortable and scared because of the stickiness and anomaly that people who evaluated 5 with multiple accounts by the same person applied for follow-up or argued. Therefore, the word of mouth has been deleted.
Yurika Yuririn on Google

〉ヤブ医者です! 〉良いレビューはサクラでしょうか? そんな投稿がありましたが 100%あり得ない ここの院長先生に限って絶対にそんなことは無いと思います。実際この間通院した時『この口コミ、うちじゃないから信じて!』って言ってましたし。 『柿の木坂歯科クリニック』(⬅イーストコアデンタルクリニックの系列クリニック)に長いこと通っていたのですが、長年主治医として診てくれた先生が、柿の木坂歯科クリニックの院長先生が経営するこちらのクリニックの院長として異動したとの事で、昨年転院。 以前のクリニックで初めてお会いした時『絶対に治すから。僕を信じて』そう言ってくれた先生。当時はかなりの歯医者恐怖症だった私。先生が変わっただけで怖かったのですが、その言葉を信じて主治医をお願いしようと決めました。 麻酔を打つ時も『痛い想いをさせてごめんね』と優しく声をかけて下さったり『こんなに優しくてくれる先生いる?』そう思えるほど素晴らしい方。 私は先生の腕を信頼しているので、本院にいらした時に、親不知の抜歯3本、難しい虫歯の治療etc. 全てやって頂きました。 親不知3本うち1本は、他の歯の処置の時に見つけて下さり『歯茎も腫れてないし近いうちに抜こうね』と言われたのですが『抜けるなら今日』とその日に抜歯をお願いした程です。 『抜歯を即答する人は珍しい(笑)』と言われましたが、腕を信じているからお願いできたこと。 患者さんに対するホスピタリティが溢れている、『模範ドクター』だと思います。
で す I'm a doctor! サ ク ラ Is a good review Sakura? There was such a post, but 100% impossible I think that there is absolutely no such thing only to the director here. In fact, when I went to hospital last time, "Because this word is not my house! I told you. I had been a long time in "Kashiwagisaka Dental Clinic" (an affiliated clinic of Kashiwa East Core Dental Clinic), but as a director of this clinic managed by the director of Kashikisaka Dental Clinic, the teacher who consulted as the chief physician for many years Last year, she was transferred to the hospital because she was transferred. When I first met at a previous clinic, "I will definitely cure it. "Believe me." At that time I was quite a dentist fear. I was scared only by the change of the teacher, but I believed in the words and decided to ask my doctor. Even when I'm anesthetizing, I'm sorry I made you say, "I'm sorry I made you feel so painful," and I said gently, "Are there any teachers who are so kind? You are so wonderful! Since I trust my teacher's arm, when I came to our hospital, I did all three unrecognizable tooth extractions, treatment of difficult dental caries etc. I found out one of the three parent ignorance at the time of the treatment of the other teeth and told me "Gumulus will not be swollen and I will pull it out in the near future". That's about it. It was said that "the person who answered the tooth extraction immediately is uncommon (lol)", but I could ask because I believe in my arm. I think that it is "model doctor" that the hospitality for patients is full.
smile peace on Google

院長先生との出逢いは約10年前。孝明会の理事長が院長をお勤めになる、都立大学駅近くにある本院『柿の木坂歯科クリニック』 先生が柿の木に勤務時代から主治医をお願いしていますが(こちらのクリニックに移られたと知り転院しました)本当に良い先生です。 患者さんに対する接し方も素晴らしいですし、治療の腕もパーフェクト。患者さんの歯を治そう。そんな強くて優しい気持ちが凄く溢れている心優しいドクター 『絶対に直すから僕を信じて』本院で初めてお会いした時にかけてくれたこの言葉があったので、難しい虫歯の治療や親不知の抜歯(頭が顔を出している歯は全て先生に抜いてもらった)を頑張ることができたので。 抜歯で貫通したとか書かれた方がいましたが『そんな事実一切無い』そうですよ。本当に手に負えない時は大学病院を紹介するそうです。 P .S 私の前に書かれているY Yさんがおっしゃるのは、柿の木坂歯科クリニックにいらしたT先生のことでしょうか? 〉〉自分は、院長が、イーストコアにくる前から、違う歯科でお世話になっていたので。 私も柿の木からの転院です。曳舟イーストコアデンタルクリニックキッズ。この間行ったらオープンしていましたよ。セサミストリートのキャラクターが溢れる可愛いクリニックです。
I met the director about 10 years ago. The main hospital "Kakinokizaka Dental Clinic" near Toritsu University Station, where the president of the Komeikai serves as the director The teacher has been asking Kakinoki for his doctor since he was working (I learned that he was transferred to this clinic and transferred to another hospital), but he is a really good teacher. The way he treats patients is wonderful, and his treatment skills are perfect. Let's cure the patient's teeth. A kind-hearted doctor who is full of such strong and gentle feelings "Because I'll definitely fix it, believe me" I heard this word when I first met at this hospital, so I had to treat difficult cavities and extract teeth that I didn't know about I was able to do my best. There was a person who said that he had penetrated by tooth extraction, but he said, "There is no such fact." When it's really out of control, he will introduce you to a university hospital. P .S Mr. Y Y, who is written in front of me, is Mr. T who came to Kakinokizaka Dental Clinic? >> I was taken care of by a different dentist before the director came to East Core. I am also transferred from a persimmon tree. Hikifune East Core Dental Clinic Kids. I went there the other day and it was open. A cute clinic full of Sesame Street characters.
ハムちゃん on Google

I visited with tooth scaling and white molding. I'm glad that the dental hygienist who was in charge of scaling was very kind. it's the best…! !! n/a
永井望 on Google

以前かかりつけだった歯科医院が急に先生の人数が増え(その割に予約が取れず)自由診療ではない自分は先生を毎回たらい回しされ自分の主治医が誰か分からず不信に思えたのと受け付けの対応が悪くこちらの歯科医院にお世話になることになりました。もう歯医者が恐怖症になっていましたがこちらの歯科医院は受け付けの方が落ち着いた雰囲気で丁寧に受け応えして下さいましたので最初から安心しました。 治療方針も以前のところとは全くちがい時間をかけて納得行くまで説明して下さる先生で自由診療ではなくてもずっと院長先生が診て下さるとゆう事なので安心して通わせていただいています。
The number of teachers suddenly increased at the dental clinic I used to be with (I couldn't make a reservation for that), and I wasn't a free medical doctor. The correspondence was poor and I was taken care of by this dental clinic. The dentist was already phobic, but I was relieved from the beginning because the receptionist at this dental clinic responded politely in a calm atmosphere. The treatment policy is completely different from the previous one, and it takes a long time to explain until I am satisfied. Even if it is not a free medical treatment, the director will always see me, so I am relieved.
A A on Google

自分は歯が弱いほうで、重症な歯もあったりしたので、良い歯科医に出会うのは本当に本当に苦労しました。 こちらの院長は、説明は丁寧、技術も素晴らしく、やっと、通いたいと思えた歯医者さんです。 ちなみに、院長は、この数年で変わっていますので、過去の口コミの先生とは違うのでは?と思っています。自分は、院長が、イーストコアにくる前から、違う歯科でお世話になっていたので。 歯科は歩けば見つかるのに、良い先生に出会えるのは本当に容易ではありません。いったい何件の歯医者に行き、大金を使ったか… 先生を信頼して、完治して、これ以上歯を失わないように、診てもらい続けたいです。 クリニックの雰囲気もよく、お子さんも多いです。 行けば、人気なのがわかると思います。 お子さん専用のクリニックも同じ建物にできるようなので、子連れのかたは、通いやすくなると思います。
I had weak teeth and some had severe teeth, so it was really really hard to meet a good dentist. The director here is a dentist who has a polite explanation and excellent technique, and finally wanted to go. By the way, the director has changed in the last few years, so isn't it different from the past word-of-mouth teachers? I think. Before the director came to East Core, I was taken care of by a different dentistry. You can find dentistry on foot, but it's not really easy to meet a good teacher. How many dentists did you go to and spend a lot of money on ... I want to trust my teacher, heal completely, and continue to see me so that I won't lose any more teeth. The atmosphere of the clinic is good and there are many children. If you go, you will find it popular. It seems that a clinic exclusively for children can be built in the same building, so I think it will be easier for people with children to go to the clinic.

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