鉄板居酒屋 明香苑

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 鉄板居酒屋 明香苑

住所 :

Kyojima, Sumida City, 〒131-0046 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
街 : Tokyo

Kyojima, Sumida City, 〒131-0046 Tokyo,Japan
ウーバーで家建てる! on Google

It is a nice point to be able to take out with Una!
小関明 on Google

I came to the store because I wanted to eat Monja-yaki with my friend. There was kind of monjamo and was satisfied. The main store you went to before? This restaurant was cheaper, so I would like to try it next time.
斉藤猛 on Google

オープンして安定してきたのか、おすすめできるお店になりました。たこ焼きはうまいし、ドリンクもこのあたりでは飲めないものがあって楽しいです。 子供がおもちゃもらえるのもいい!
Whether it has opened and stabilized, it has become a recommended shop. Takoyaki is delicious, and there are some drinks that you can't drink around here, so it's fun. It's good for children to get toys!
wendy G on Google

I went there twice, including in the past, but the clerk isn't enthusiastic or lively. The customer service attitude is not good. Takoyaki is roasted separately. It's bad. Even though it's a snack for kids in downtown, you don't need much flour. Takoyaki is eaten by cheating with the taste of the sauce because it doesn't contain the ingredients to put in, probably because of cost control. Cold-fried takoyaki is more delicious. It took a long time to bake because there was little powder and a lot of water, and it wasn't a "toro". I went there two years ago, but nothing has changed twice. The deep-fried chicken is too deep-fried. Even serving drinks takes 15 minutes. There is a lot of ice, so it's hard to drink. Anyway, it's too late, and I urge you, but there is no word that kept me waiting. When I see why it's so late, I'm doing it while watching TV. All-you-can-drink for 2 hours is useless. A place where you can just enjoy the atmosphere of a bar. If you look at each item and drink separately just because the price is cheap, it is expensive for this reason. I don't know what the product is. I won't go anymore
upham 9224 on Google

店内の料理を注文してから30分待っても料理が来ないので、店員に確認したらUberの弁当と間違えて作って放置していましたとのこと、 まぁしょうがないかと思いつつ話を聞いていると「この弁当でいいですか?温めますか?」と提案されました。いや作り直せよ、、、これ以上関わりたくなかったので仕方なく弁当をもらって帰りました。 謝罪中もごめんね!となぜか上目線で、オーダーミスの確認中も確認した店員が他の店員に怒鳴っていてとても気分が悪くなりました。
Even if I waited 30 minutes after ordering the food in the store, the food did not come, so when I checked with the clerk, I mistakenly made it for Uber's lunch box and left it. When I was listening to the story, thinking that it couldn't be helped, I was suggested, "Is this bento okay? Do you want to warm it up?" No, remake it ... I didn't want to get involved anymore, so I had no choice but to get a lunch box and go home. I'm sorry while I apologize! For some reason, from the top, the clerk who confirmed the order mistake was yelling at the other clerk, which made me feel very sick.
joshua w on Google

店の雰囲気や料理全般悪くはないのだけれど、タコ焼きがボロまずだった、この辺り美味しいタコ焼き屋が有るから、そっちから持ち込みしたいレベル、一年くらい前に行ったのだけれど、最近はおいしくなったのだろうか??? 結局、色々試してみたが冴えなかったみたいで、宇奈ととに軒先を渡したみたいでウナギと?丼のテイクアウト店になってたので豚丼を購入、十分に旨いなぁ 大盛り850円でこのクオリティなら、お得です、ウナギは余り期待はしないでおこう、どうしてココの明香苑は冴えなかったんだろう、他はイイのに不思議だぁ、 ★を一つ増やしておこう
The atmosphere of the restaurant and the food in general are not bad, but the takoyaki was not bad. There is a delicious takoyaki restaurant around here, so I went there about a year ago, but recently it has become delicious. Was it? ?? ?? After all, I tried various things, but it seemed to be dull, and it seemed that I handed over the eaves to Unato and it became a takeout shop for eel and ? bowl, so I bought a pork bowl and it is delicious enough. If it's a large serving of 850 yen and this quality is good value, don't expect eels so much, why wasn't Coco's Akikaen dull, and the others are good, but it's strange. Let's increase one ★
flamer 918 on Google

たこ焼きメニュー豊富で軽くチョイ飲みから、ガッツリ飲みも有り。ドリンクが安い!のが魅力。たこ焼きはカリカリでない、もちっとした系。 京成曳舟の駅チカでふらっと行ける飲み屋さんです。支払いペイペイ対応。
There is a wide variety of takoyaki menus, from light drinks to gutsy drinks. Drinks are cheap! Is attractive. Takoyaki is not crunchy, it is a chewy system. It is a bar that you can easily go to at Keisei Hikifune Station Chika. Payment Pay Pay support.
まろん on Google

初めて連れてきて貰ったのですが、美味しいし、店員さんもいい感じで、素敵な時間を過ごせました! 夏野菜のカレー超オススメです(*´∀`*)
I got it for the first time, but it was delicious and the clerk was nice, so I had a wonderful time! Summer vegetable curry is highly recommended (* ´∀ ` *)

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