清照 経堂店

2.6/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact 清照 経堂店

住所 :

世田谷区Kyodo, Setagaya City, 〒156-0052 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Webサイト : http://www.seisho-kyodo.com/
街 : Tokyo

世田谷区Kyodo, Setagaya City, 〒156-0052 Tokyo,Japan
Ao Anna on Google

ちゃんたこ on Google

19450815 BRIGHT on Google

檸檬(檸檬) on Google

Youki Takai on Google

When I moved out, I sent a notice of the renewal deadline about a month ago, but he said, "If you want to cancel, say two months ago." The key number is different from the copy, "and I was charged the key exchange fee.
Big-one Tommy on Google

以前店舗の賃貸借契約で仲介していただいたが、担当者次第だと思うが、レスポンスはいまいち。 メンテナンスを依頼して1ヶ月放置されたこともあるので、自分からしつこく連絡することが必要。 また、更新契約書の記載金額が間違えていたので、自分で要確認することが必要
I had you mediate in the lease contract of the store before, but I think it depends on the person in charge, but the response is not good. I asked for maintenance and left it for a month, so I need to contact myself persistently. Also, the amount stated in the renewal contract was incorrect, so you need to check it yourself.
口コミ太郎 on Google

担当者次第なのかもしれませんが、私の担当者の方はまともにやり取りの出来ない方でした。一部の事例を記載いたします。 ・期日を守れない 先方から提示された期日がほとんど守られることはなく、基本はこちらから催促しないとダメでした。ほとんどが管理会社が忙しくという他社のせいにして言い訳をしてました。もちろん期日を過ぎても状況の連絡等は一切無いです。 ・メールがまともに書けない メールの内容がとにかく分かりにくく、何を言っているのか読み解くのが困難。また、ほぼ100%の確率で誤字・脱字があり、不安ばかりが募るメールでした。 ・約束を守れない 問い合わせをした際に電話で知らせるから電話番号を教えて欲しいと言われ、教えたが一向に連絡はなし。後になってメールで連絡が来ていることに気が付きました。 上記は一例となりますが、とにかく終始不安になりましたし、こんな対応でも仲介手数料は払わないといけず、絶対にオススメできません。冒頭にも記載しましたが、担当者次第なのかもですが、そういった担当者がいる時点でどうなのかなと思います。
It may be up to the person in charge, but my person in charge was a person who could not communicate properly. Here are some examples. ・ I can't meet the deadline The deadline presented by the other party was rarely met, and the basics had to be urged from here. Most of them made excuses because of other companies that the management company was busy. Of course, there is no notification of the situation even after the deadline. ・ I can't write emails properly The content of the email is difficult to understand, and it is difficult to understand what you are saying. In addition, there was almost a 100% chance of typographical errors and omissions, and the email was full of anxiety. ・ I can't keep my promise When I made an inquiry, I was asked to give me the phone number because I would call you, but I did not contact at all. Later I noticed that I was contacted by email. The above is just an example, but anyway, I was worried from beginning to end, and even with such a response, I have to pay a brokerage fee, so I can not recommend it. As I mentioned at the beginning, it depends on the person in charge, but I wonder what happens when there is such a person in charge.

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