旬割鮮 地鶏料理 天

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 旬割鮮 地鶏料理 天

住所 :

Kyoda, Maizuru, 〒624-0823 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777788
Webサイト : http://www.ten-maiduru.com/
街 : Kyoto

Kyoda, Maizuru, 〒624-0823 Kyoto,Japan
Kojima Nobuyuki on Google

It was a restaurant where you can eat delicious seafood with private rooms.
HIRO n Au on Google

道すがらに寄りました。 アルコールは飲まず、食事がしたい事をお伝えし食べたい物と予算を言ってお任せで造って頂きました。 生物 揚げ物 焼き物 統べて美味しかったです。 お勧めします。
I stopped by the road. I didn't drink alcohol, I told them what I wanted to eat and told them what I wanted to eat and what the budget was and made it up to me. Creatures Deep-fried foods Grilled foods were all delicious. It is recommended.
きろ(てぃせ) on Google

日本酒もお料理も最高ですね。 生牡蠣のおろしポン酢やとり貝、カマ焼き諸々頼みましたがどれも美味しかったです。 冬場に行けば美味しい蟹も頂けるのかな?また行きたいです。
Sake and food are great. I ordered grated oysters, ponzu sauce, chicken shellfish, and grilled sickle, but they were all delicious. Can I get delicious crabs if I go in winter? I want to go again.
M D on Google

I had to ask for the price, but it was ordered. I had a change in accounting, but when I got the money, I chatted with another customer. I thought I was going to pretend that I forgot, or I chose it on the wedding anniversary, but I felt really sick at the end. That aunt was at least seated and should apologize, but let the young child go without apology, the food was delicious, but at least she never went.
Concierge V on Google

I haven't eaten local chicken so much, but the seafood is excellent. Unless you live very close to the location, you will be driving, but then you will not be able to drink. The fish is really delicious, even if you pay the taxi fare.
はいふん on Google

I cook very carefully. It is recommended.
m takayanagi on Google

ラストオーダーギリギリでしたが快く迎え入れてくださり、店内の雰囲気も良く安心できるお店でした。席はカウンターです。お料理もとても美味しかったのですが、店主さんと奥さんの気の利いた言葉がけや、器や手書きのメニューなど、楽しかったなぁ…こう言う場所でお酒を飲むとほんとに美味しんですよね。卵かけご飯の卵が大きかったのですが、有精卵のことを鶏どおりが愛し合ってできたものと説明されました。笑 心地いい時間が過ごせました。何度も通いたいお店です。 脂ののった炙りしめ鯖、かぶら煮が今回は特に印象に残ってます。 2021/11/6 追記 サンマの刺身が美味しすぎて感動。鮮度とこだわりがさすがです… 自家製の厚揚げも今まで食べた厚揚げで一番美味しくて、タレも作り方を教えていただきました。いつ来ても美味しい感動するものがあって最高です!店主ご夫婦とのお話も楽しい
Although it was the last order, the restaurant welcomed me and the atmosphere inside the restaurant was good and I could feel at ease. The seat is a counter. The food was very delicious, but I enjoyed the nice words of the owner and his wife, the bowls and the handwritten menu ... It's really delicious to drink at a place like this. The egg of the rice with egg was big, but it was explained that the fertilized egg was made by the love of chicken streets. Lol I had a good time. It is a shop that I want to visit many times. The greasy roasted mackerel and turnip simmered are especially impressive this time. 2021/11/6 postscript The saury sashimi is so delicious that I was impressed. As expected of freshness and commitment ... Homemade Atsuage is also the most delicious Atsuage I have ever eaten, and he taught me how to make sauce. It's great to have something delicious and inspiring whenever you come! It's fun to talk with the owner and his wife
奥津香里命 on Google

入店時3時間前に電話をして予約。 ①入店後、予約無しでカニのコースが食べられた。「カニを食べに来ました」、と店で突然言うと、イケスにいる松葉ガニで、「刺し身」「焼きガニ」「カニ鍋」「雑炊」ができるけど32000円はします。仕入れの時点で高価なんです、と。舞鶴までわざわざカニを食べに来たので、食べることにしました。 ②産地のラベルあり。『津居山港 幸生丸』とありました。城崎温泉の所の港の「幸生丸」が獲ってきた松葉ガニなんですね。 ③美味しかったです。「刺し身」は苦手なので無しにしてもらって、「焼きガニ」「カニ鍋」「雑炊」とても美味しかったです。 ④鮮魚。刺身の盛り合わせも注文。新鮮でとても美味しかったです!鯛の腹身が特に新鮮で分厚く美味しかったです。ブリも甘かった。 ⑤雑炊は「卵」と「刻みネギ」と「海苔」が出てきて、自分でいい感じの雑炊が作れました。 ⑥全部で35500円でした(*^^*)。 ⑦一つ残念に思ったのは、最後に店主か女将さんが会計時や店を出るときに一瞬でもあいさつにいらっしゃらなかったこと。遠路来たこともお話していたのですが。料理をしていて忙しいのは見てわかりましたが、代わりに若手の方からでも一言あればよかったです。残念でした。
Make a reservation by calling 3 hours before entering the store. ① After entering the store, I was able to eat the crab course without reservation. When I suddenly said "I came to eat crab" at the store, I can do "sashimi", "yakimono", "crab pot" and "rice porridge" at the Matsuba crab in Ikes, but it costs 32,000 yen. It's expensive at the time of purchase. I came all the way to Maizuru to eat crabs, so I decided to eat them. (2) There is a label of the production area. It was called "Tsuiyama Port Kosei Maru". It's a snow crab caught by the "Kosei Maru" at the port of Kinosaki Onsen. ③ It was delicious. I'm not good at "sashimi", so I asked them to remove it, and "yakimono", "crab pot", and "rice porridge" were very delicious. ④ Fresh fish. I also ordered a platter of sashimi. It was fresh and very delicious! The belly of the sea bream was especially fresh, thick and delicious. Yellowtail was also sweet. ⑤ As for porridge, "eggs", "chopped green onions" and "nori" came out, and I was able to make a nice porridge by myself. ⑥ It was 35,500 yen in total (* ^^ *). ⑦ One thing I was disappointed with was that the owner or the landlady didn't come to greet me even for a moment when I checked out or left the store. I was also talking about coming a long way. I knew that I was busy cooking, but I wish I had a word from a young person instead. That's too bad.

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