
3.7/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact 小坂城跡

住所 :

Kuwabara, Chikuma, 〒387-0024 Nagano,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Nagano

Kuwabara, Chikuma, 〒387-0024 Nagano,Japan
上野純司 on Google

源頼親 on Google

信濃 小坂城 山城(573m/155m) 遺構:石垣,土塁,郭,堀 城主:桑原氏,保科氏 歴史:築城年代は定かではない。伝承によれば在地豪族の桑原氏によって築かれたと云われる。桑原氏が塩崎城主の赤沢氏に属して小坂城に居たが、やがて桑原氏が勢力を持って赤沢氏が衰退し、桑原氏は塩崎城主となって塩崎氏を称した。 天文22年(1553年)に武田領となると保科弾正義昌が在城して小笠原氏に備えたという。 天正10年(1582年)武田氏が滅亡した後は越後の上杉氏が侵攻し、保科左近は上杉氏に降って上杉領となった。 説明:小坂城は龍洞院の北背後に聳える標高660.8mの小坂山から南へ派生した尾根の先端頂部、標高573mに築かれている。 主郭は尾根の先端頂部にあり、部分的に石垣が残る。西下から南側に掛けて帯曲輪や腰曲輪が段々と連なっているが、この辺りは開墾されていたようで農機具なども散乱しており、地形は錯乱している。 主郭の北背後は大堀切で、その背後の尾根には低い土塁囲みの小さな曲輪があり、間は堀切か虎口状の凹みがある。 北尾根をさらに登った所の南端に小さな物見のような曲輪があり、そこから北へ続く尾根には通常の堀切が六条の堀切があり、うち四条は大堀切である。 案内:龍洞院の南側にある墓地の所から小坂城へ続く山道がある。もう一つ西の谷間を登っていくルートがある。
Shinano Kosaka Castle Yamashiro (573m / 155m) Remains: stone wall, earthworks, Guo, moat Castle owner: Mr. Kuwahara, Mr. Hoshina History: The age of the castle is unknown. According to folklore, it was built by Mr. Kuwahara, a local lord. Mr. Kuwahara belonged to Mr. Akazawa, the owner of Shiozaki Castle, and was in Kosaka Castle, but eventually Mr. Kuwahara took power and Mr. Akazawa declined, and Mr. Kuwahara became the owner of Shiozaki Castle and named him. It is said that Masayoshi Hoshina was in the castle to prepare for Mr. Ogasawara when he became the territory of Takeda in 1553. After the fall of Takeda in Tensho 10 (1582), Uesugi of Echigo invaded, and Sakon Hoshina fell to Uesugi and became Uesugi territory. Description: Kozaka Castle is built at an altitude of 573m, at the top of the tip of a ridge that is derived from Kozakayama at an altitude of 660.8m, which rises to the north behind Ryudoin. The main enclosure is at the top of the tip of the ridge, and a stone wall remains partially. From the west to the south, there are a series of banded and waist-curved rings, but it seems that the area has been cleared and agricultural machinery is scattered around, and the terrain is confusing. The north back of the main enclosure is Horikiri, and the ridge behind it has a small curved ring surrounded by a low earthwork, and there is a Horikiri or a koguchi-shaped dent between them. At the southern end of the northern ridge, there is a small Kuruwa that looks like a sight seeing, and on the ridge that continues north from there, there is a normal Horikiri with six Horikiri, of which Shijo is Ohorikiri. Information: There is a mountain road leading to Kosaka Castle from the graveyard on the south side of Ryudoin. There is another route that goes up the west valley.
竹下半兵衛 on Google

(Translated by Google) Altitude 573m, relative height 155m from the temple. There are quite a lot of stone walls buried in the cultivated land, which seems to have been modified ♪ (^-^ ゞ Even if the scaffolding is bad and it seems to be moss many times with a stepped ring, I will walk around to see how far the stone wall is ~ ♪ (^^;) (; ^^) Behind the main enclosure is Horikiri Dawn Yamashiro ♪ If you climb a little more, you will see a continuous Horikiri ♪ Is it 6 consecutive chan? It's a wonderful remains, but at 17:00 in October it's dark and invisible in Yamashiro ~ Withdrawal ~ ε = ε = ┏ (> o o<")┛ ってな訳で2021`4月に再訪? 変わらずの連続堀切♬石垣♪段郭♪ さらにスグ背後の小坂山に登った ここもナニか使われたカモ?など妄想も楽しめる広ーい平場があった 何度来ても素晴らしいトコ?

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