
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 広島引越スターズ

住所 :

Kusunokicho, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0002 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : https://www.hiroshima-stars.co.jp/
街 : Hiroshima

Kusunokicho, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0002 Hiroshima,Japan
sn k n on Google

引越し日が緊急事態宣言下となってしまいましたが大変丁寧に、優しく快く引っ越しをして下さいました。 しかも引越し日が大雨となってしまったのですが、しっかりと養生してくださった為、荷物や家が濡れることも無かったです。ありがとうございました! 引っ越し比較サイトのどの見積もりよりもお安く、連絡の返信も速いです。 また、不用品・リサイクル品の相談を引っ越しと同時にやっていただけるので大変便利で助かりました! また引っ越しすることになった際はスターズさんにご相談したいです。
The moving day has been declared a state of emergency, but he was very polite, kind and willing to move. Moreover, although it rained heavily on the day I moved, my luggage and my house did not get wet because of the good health. thank you very much! It's cheaper than any quote on a moving comparison site, and it's quicker to reply. In addition, it was very convenient and helpful because you can consult with us about disused and recycled items at the same time you move! If you decide to move again, I would like to talk to Mr. Stars.
桑原一郎 on Google

安佐南区の古いリサイクルショップの引っ越しで痛い目にあいましたがこちらの引越しのお兄さんは爽やかで費用も安くつきました。 ありがとうございました?
I was hurt by moving an old thrift shop in Asaminami Ward, but this moving brother was refreshing and cheap. Thank you ?
heidi k on Google

The response was quick from the estimation stage, and the response was very pleasant on the day, and both loading and unloading were quick and polite. The cost was kept down, and it was really helpful to cooperate with the air conditioner relocation and house cleaning. It is highly recommended for those who are moving.
1986 SHU on Google

価格もサービスも最高でした!! 今まで頼んできた引っ越し業者の中でもダントツでした(*^^*) テーブルの天板が削れてしまうトラブルもありましたが丁寧に対応していただき言うことなしです (^○^)
The price and service were great! !! It was by far the best moving company I've ever asked for (* ^^ *) There was a problem that the top plate of the table was scraped, but I do not have to say it carefully. (^ ○ ^)
Sachiko H on Google

I asked my father (1 room) to move from Satakazumi to a nursing home. I couldn't bring all my luggage to the nursing home, so I asked my parents to drop me off while I was moving. Thank you very much for your kindness in accepting this request. I was a little worried because I was a moving company that I had never heard of, but it was a quick and reasonably priced response. I would like to ask if there is another opportunity. Thank you very much.
Fujimoto Miku on Google

2月に神奈川から東京へ引越し。 仕事はとにかくスピーディーで、丁寧に運んでいただきました。エレベーターに入らないサイズの物も階段で運んでくれました。 対応も良く、フレンドリーな方々でした。 大雪の中、荷物を運んでいただきありがとうございました!
Moved from Kanagawa to Tokyo in February. Anyway, the work was speedy and I had you carry it carefully. He also carried things that couldn't fit in the elevator on the stairs. The correspondence was good and they were friendly people. Thank you for carrying your luggage in the heavy snow!
友近直樹 on Google

急な引っ越しのお願いも凄く丁寧に対応してもらいありがとうございました! 大手には無い気遣が好感持てました。 料金も見積り金額から変わる事なかったので安心してお願いできる引っ越し屋さんです。
Thank you very much for your polite response to your sudden move request! I was impressed with the care that the major companies do not have. The price did not change from the estimated price, so you can ask with confidence.
Yuko Y. on Google

とても素晴らしかったです‼️ 何せ、作業リーダーの仕事がプロフェッショナル! 私も転勤族のため、数知れず引っ越ししてますが、今までで一番早く、スムーズでした!! 驚きましたー♪ 全てに臨機応変、サービス精神旺盛で、大変スムーズな気持ちのいい引っ越しでした(^^) 九州への引っ越しだったため、真冬の道路凍結が心配で、急な日付変更をお願いしたのですが、嫌な顔ひとつせずにご対応して頂きました。料金も他と比べてもとてもお安く、サービスも満足でした! 追伸 広島での引っ越しSTARSさんは素晴らしかったのですが、他県への場合、他の引っ越し業者さんとの提携もいう形になるのでしょうか?九州でも荷おろしの方は、若干杓子定規な対応で、広島での対応と全然違ったので、提携会社さんにも、STARSさんのように対応して頂きたかったです(^_^;)今後の課題かな、と思いました!
It was amazing! ️ After all, the work of the work leader is professional! I'm also a relocation family, so I've moved countless times, but it was the fastest and smoothest I've ever had! !! I was surprised ♪ Everything was flexible, with a strong spirit of service, and it was a very smooth and pleasant move (^^) Since I was moving to Kyushu, I was worried about the road freezing in the middle of winter, so I asked for a sudden date change, but I was able to respond without a disgusting face. The price was very cheap compared to others and the service was satisfactory! PS Moving STARS in Hiroshima was great, but if you move to another prefecture, will it be a partnership with another moving company? Even in Kyushu, the unloading person was a little scooped with a ruler, which was completely different from the response in Hiroshima, so I wanted the partner company to respond like STARS (^ _ ^;) in the future. I thought it was an issue!

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