Kusunoki Winery - Suzaka

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kusunoki Winery

住所 :

123-1 Kamegura, Suzaka, Nagano 382-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 382-0033
Webサイト : http://www.kusunoki-winery.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–4PM
Sunday 10AM–4PM
Monday 10AM–4PM
Tuesday 10AM–4PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–4PM

123-1 Kamegura, Suzaka, Nagano 382-0033, Japan
古川大 on Google

長野県でオススメするワイナリーの一つです。 ガーデンソイルさんと協賛のマルシェも開催されます。 オススメのワインはメルロ品種とピノ・ノワールです。
It is one of the wineries that we recommend in Nagano Prefecture. The Marche sponsored by Garden Soil will also be held. The wines we recommend are Merlot and Pinot Noir.
Akino SINBORI on Google

The apple juice of Shinano Sweet is very delicious. Recommended for souvenirs.
Wataru Kato on Google

スパークリングを含むワインやシードル、ジュースを小売りしてます。 同じ場所で製造もやってるようです。
We sell wine, cider and juice including sparkling. It seems that they also manufacture at the same place.
mar s on Google

長野にある小さなワイナリー。 見学や試飲もできてとても親切な蔵です。
A small winery in Nagano. It is a very kind storehouse that you can visit and sample.
かずや on Google

This place is nothing at the public hall.
T W on Google

A winery near a residential area. The lawn was carefully maintained and clean. It was vacant on Sunday afternoon. The explanation of wine is also polite. I'm looking forward to drinking wine from now on.
ユウキ on Google

素直に美味しいワインを供給してくれる、貴重なワイナリーです。 ぶどう品種も多彩で国内でこんな品種も作れるんだ!という驚きだけなら結構最近では珍しくないかもしれないですが、ちゃんと一定のクオリティーと葡萄由来の特色の感じられるレベルに仕上げてくるあたりが流石です。 金額も手がとどき易く、のんでみようかな?!と思える絶妙な値付け。いや、パフォーマンスからすれば安い部類に入るかも。 何度かリピートしていますが、毎回違う品種のワインを数種類購入していますが、今のところハズレなしです!!おそるべし。 ショップにいるソムリエから日本食に合わせて楽しめるワインを目指していると伺いました。普段の食事と併せていただけるので、特別な一日でなくても楽しめ肩肘はらなくて良いのもいいですね。 抜栓後は、少しずつ風味がわりますので何日かに分けて楽しむと、ワインの懐の深さを知ることができるでしょう。 恐らく2020年はかなりの当たり年、リリースが楽しみです。
It is a valuable winery that honestly supplies delicious wine. There are a wide variety of grape varieties, and you can make such varieties in Japan! It may not be unusual these days if it's just a surprise, but it's a good idea to finish it to a level where you can feel the certain quality and the characteristics derived from grapes. The amount of money is easy to reach, so why not try it? !! Exquisite pricing that seems to be. No, it may be in the cheap category in terms of performance. I've repeated it several times, and every time I buy several different varieties of wine, I haven't lost anything so far! !! I'm afraid. I heard from the sommelier in the shop that they are aiming for wine that can be enjoyed along with Japanese food. You can enjoy it with your usual meal, so you don't have to worry about shoulders and elbows even if it's not a special day. After unplugging, the flavor will change little by little, so if you enjoy it in several days, you will be able to know the depth of the wine. Perhaps 2020 is quite a hit and I'm looking forward to the release.
134 viadelserafico on Google

There is beautiful scenery. The stuff is very kind.

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