Kushiya Yokocho

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kushiya Yokocho

住所 :

Kichijoji Minamicho, Musashino, 〒180-0003 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://five-group.co.jp/business/brands/kushiyayokocho/290
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Tokyo

Kichijoji Minamicho, Musashino, 〒180-0003 Tokyo,Japan
Icarus 5608 on Google

他の串屋横丁によく行くので期待してきましたが かなりグレードが落ちます 串焼きはぬるく生臭さが残る よくわからない裏メニューを推してくる 余計な事をするなら既存のメニューのクオリティ上げるべき 従業員の接客は馴れ馴れしく無礼 これを基準としてるのはとても悲しいです
I often go to other Kushiya Yokocho so I was expecting it The grade drops considerably Skewers have a slimy fishy odor I recommend a back menu that I do not understand well If you do extra things, you should improve the quality of the existing menu Employee service is familiar and rude It ’s very sad to use this as a reference.
D-LIFE on Google

店員次第でクオリティが変わる。 喫煙ができるし16時から開いてるので、早くから飲みたい喫煙者にはオススメ! やきとりも基本的においしいです。 あっさりメニューが少ないのでもう少し野菜とかのメニューがあれば良い気はしますが・・・ 毎月4.5回くらい通ってますが、細かい事を言うと小さなミスがめっちゃ多い。 例えば領収書を下さいと言ってもレシートしかくれなかったり、注文ミスされたり。 個人的には良い店ではありますが、忙しくても暇でもその日の店員次第で全てが変わる気がするので、高評価はできないです。
Quality changes depending on the clerk. You can smoke and it is open from 16:00, so it is recommended for smokers who want to drink early! Yakitori is also basically delicious. There aren't many menus, so I think it would be nice if there were more vegetables and other menus ... I go there about 4.5 times a month, but to put it in detail, I make a lot of small mistakes. For example, even if I ask for a receipt, I only get a receipt, or I make an order mistake. Personally, it's a good store, but I can't give it a high rating because I feel that everything changes depending on the clerk of the day, whether it's busy or free.
H I on Google

It is very cheap here and it is quite delicious but it is very mysterious why the score of the eating log is low for some reason. I thought it was strange, I checked the other places and it is about the same score everywhere. I was vacant at 16 o'clock opening time, but when I left the store it was full. The audience ranged from young people to elderly people. There are high ball pitchers which I do not see much and I heard about 5 cups from the hall, but since there are few ice, I can get about 6 glasses. It is a matter of quality as a quality of high ball, but it is a pleasant thing to drink a lot and to be drunk is not thoroughly packed with ice. Moreover, since the whiskey used is made from undiluted solution instead of barrel barrel, you can enjoy the mortar flavor peculiar to corner bottle. It can be said that it is an unusual drink to wash away heavy hormones.
Sammy’s on Google

ここは喫煙天国ですね。換気が悪く私みたいにタバコを吸わない人にとっては地獄。 キャベツのお通しはおかわり自由なのが嬉しい。 レバーとモツの焼き加減がちょっとレア過ぎた。 味付けは悪くない。
This is a smoking paradise. Hell for people like me who don't smoke well because of poor ventilation. I am happy that the cabbage can be refilled freely. The baking of the liver and motu was a little too rare. The seasoning is not bad.
ʗɧɨɲəɳ. ʗặʑʋỷɐ on Google

おすすめ おつまみにも記載されているが、王道レバー1号[¥280]が、量も馬鹿多く、味も馬鹿美味い。 レバー苦手な俺がでも美味しく頂きました。 コレは、マジで食べた方が良い。 メッチャ、おすすめです✨
As mentioned in the recommended snacks, the royal road lever No. 1 [¥ 280] is ridiculous in quantity and delicious. I'm not good at liver, but it was delicious. It's better to eat this seriously. Mecha, recommended ✨
犬くん on Google

あたたかい雰囲気で落ち着ける空間!スタッフの皆さん笑顔が素敵でただいまと言いたくなってしまいます! そしてなにより今ではあまり見なくなってしまった、せんまいさしがあるではないですか!!!バラ軟骨も最近のどハマりです!!!
A relaxing space with a warm atmosphere! The smiles of all the staff are wonderful and I want to say that I am home! And above all, there is a omasum that I haven't seen much now! !! !! Rose cartilage is also a recent throat addiction! !! !!
伊藤沙枝香 on Google

新鮮なモツ焼きが食べれる!種類も豊富で何より美味しい、、、! 炭で焼いていて香りもとてもよいです! そして店員さんもとても気さくで1人でも心地よかったです! 好きな料理はバラ軟骨とこぶくろです!そしてハイボールが強炭酸でモツ達に抜群に合います!また行きます!
You can eat fresh offal grilled! There are many kinds and it is delicious above all ...! It is grilled with charcoal and has a very nice aroma! And the clerk was very friendly and comfortable even by myself! My favorite dishes are rose cartilage and kobukuro! And the highball is strong carbonic acid and goes well with the offal! I will go again!
Sato Yukihiro on Google

みくちゃん食堂って知ってる? 串屋横丁 吉祥寺店の ランチタイムは みくちゃん食堂! 何と イタリアンの まぜそば! いいですねぇ 行きつけのイタリアンラーメン店が無くなって イタリアンヌードル 欲してたのよ! いい油使ってるようで おじ様でも胃もたれなし。 本日はトマトバジル チーズとの相性も抜群で あっという間に完食! 美味しい! #みくちゃん食堂 #串屋横丁吉祥寺 #イタリアンまぜそば #武蔵野市
Do you know Miku-chan dining room? Kushiya Yokocho Kichijoji store Lunch time Miku-chan dining room! What Italian Mixed soba! It's good My favorite Italian ramen shop is gone Italian noodles I wanted it! Seems to use good oil Even my uncle has no stomach upset. Today is tomato basil Excellent compatibility with cheese Completed in no time! delicious! #Mikuchan Shokudo #Kushiya Yokocho Kichijoji #Italian Mazesoba #Musashino City

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