Kushian - Shirakawa

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kushian

住所 :

3 Chome-31-1F, Shirakawa, Fukushima 961-0856, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88788
Postal code : 961-0856
Webサイト : http://s.hitosara.com/0005021110/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5PM–11AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5PM–11AM
Tuesday 5PM–11AM
Wednesday 5PM–11AM
Thursday 5PM–11AM
Friday 5PM–11AM

3 Chome-31-1F, Shirakawa, Fukushima 961-0856, Japan
にぃにぃももた on Google

ランチが550円!安いっ!!みそ汁、ご飯、サラダと主菜。食後のドリンクまでついて550円!! サバの味噌煮、美味しかったです。
Lunch is 550 yen! Cheap! ! Miso soup, rice, salad and main dish. 550 yen for drinks after meal! !! The mackerel miso was delicious.
k see on Google

美味しかった〜というのが一番の印象です。 どのお料理も「今、手を入れた」っていう雰囲気があって、楽しめました。
The best impression was that it was delicious. All the dishes had an atmosphere of "I put my hand now" and I enjoyed it.
CWジャック on Google

コース料理で予約してたけど出てくる料理がバラバラ? 〆に焼き鳥って? 酒が進まない❗ 料理全体の味は可もなく不可もなく? 刺身ほビックリする程の色の悪さ? 2度目は絶対無し。
I made a reservation for a course meal, but the dishes that come out are different ? Yakitori is 〆 ? Sake doesn't go on ❗ The taste of the whole dish is neither good nor bad ? The color of the sashimi is so bad that I'm surprised ? Never the second time.
凪音坂田 on Google

星一も押したくないほど電話に出た女性のスタッフの感じが悪すぎる。 あまりにも無愛想で驚きました。 こういう人もいるのかと思いました。 スタッフ失格なんじゃないかなと思います。 そういう方のいるお店には美味しくても行きたくないなと感じてしまいました。
The feeling of the female staff who answered the phone is so bad that I don't want to push Hoshiichi. It was too unfriendly and surprised. I wondered if there were such people. I think the staff is disqualified. I felt that I didn't want to go to a restaurant with such people, even if it was delicious.
k sato on Google

It was cheap and delicious. However, I did not ask for the menu so much because it was about 30 minutes by the time adjustment of waiting for taxi. So I can only say that the two menus I ordered this time were delicious, not all.
ゆりっぷLove on Google

I visited you the other day. It was a cold day so I had a tomato hot pot. It warmed my mind and body with plenty of volume. Reasonable and delicious ?
石川 on Google

最初にオーダーとりに来た女性の店員さんはすごく無愛想だったんですが、そのあと来た方は気が利く丁寧な方でした。 客商売って対応してくれた人の印象でだいぶ変わるなぁ~とつくづく実感しました。 先日食べた中ではラーメンサラダや揚げ出し豆腐、メンチカツが美味しかったですね。 22時頃に5人で行入って5時間飲み食いしてワイワイしてたのに料金もだいぶ良心的でした。 「サービスです」って持ってきてもらったわさび味の枝豆やお新香盛り合わせも大変美味しかったです。 職場からそれほど遠くもないので、今度はランチタイムに行ってみたいと思います。
The female clerk who first came to pick up the order was very unfriendly, but the one who came after that was a nice and polite person. I realized that the impression of the person who responded to the customer business would change a lot. The ramen salad, fried tofu, and minced meat cutlet were delicious the other day. Around 22:00, five people went in and drank and ate for five hours, but the price was quite conscientious. The wasabi-flavored edamame and the assortment of new incense that were brought to me as "service" were also very delicious. It's not too far from my workplace, so I'd like to go to lunch next time.
akh t on Google

夜ご飯に初訪問。子供に優しいお店でした。子供も居心地良かったのか、厨房をちょくちょく覗いてニコニコしてました。山盛りのポテトとアイスクリームの提供で子供は大喜び。一週間たった今も、「お姉さんアイスくれたね」と言ってます。 メニューは豊富で魚、お肉、野菜と取り揃っているので誰と来ても食べるものがなくて困るという事はないと思います。1品1品それなりに量もあるので少人数の場合、最初に色々頼みすぎると後で食べるのは大変かもしれません。 案内された場所は個室では無かったですが、廊下で隔てていたので自分の空間は保たれます。
First visit for dinner. It was a child-friendly shop. Perhaps the child was comfortable, I often looked into the kitchen and smiled. Children are delighted with the serving of heaps of potatoes and ice cream. Even after a week, he still says, "You gave me ice cream." The menu is abundant and has fish, meat and vegetables, so no matter who you come with, you won't have to worry about having nothing to eat. There is a certain amount of each item, so if you have a small number of people, it may be difficult to eat later if you ask too much at the beginning. The place I was guided to was not a private room, but since it was separated by a corridor, my space was preserved.

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