お肉屋さんの本格焼肉 一期一会

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact お肉屋さんの本格焼肉 一期一会

住所 :

Kusatsuminami, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0863 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Webサイト : https://ichigoichie-honten.owst.jp/
街 : Hiroshima

Kusatsuminami, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0863 Hiroshima,Japan
渡部克己 on Google

The price is high, but the meat is not good. The amount is small. It's late to place an order. Water does not come out. Sauce is not good above all. If you say this restaurant is delicious, you probably have a crooked mouth.
ジュリアンドレ on Google

お客が居ない訳がわかりました。一人4800円のコースでこれがお肉屋さんのと謳う内容かと思うほどお粗末でした。お金を捨てた気持ちになりました。二度と行く事ありません。 お店の方も奥に入ったきりで、お客の事もほったらかしです。本当にこれだったら焼き肉◯欒にすれば良かったと後悔しかありません。!
I understand why there are no customers. The course was 4800 yen per person, and it was so poor that I thought it was a butcher's content. I felt like I had thrown away my money. I will never go again. The shop staff is just inside, and the customers are left alone. If this is really the case, I only regret that I should have made yakiniku ◯. !!
くろりえ on Google

平日に行ったせいか、他にお客さんが居ませんでした。 コース料理にしたので食べた料理が限られてはいますが、お肉もキムチもお酒もタレも美味しかったです。特に大好物のコウネはギトギトしすぎず、それでいて味しっかり。 お値段高めですが、美味しかったし、気持ちのいい接客だったので、また行ってみたいと思えるお店です。
There were no other customers, probably because they went on weekdays. The meals were limited because of the course dishes, but the meat, kimchi, sake and sauce were delicious. Especially my favorite corn is not too tight and still tastes good. The price was high, but it was delicious and it was a pleasant customer service.
Shin Yamamoto on Google

I went there on Saturday evening. Many children are safe. Moreover, everyone had a good manner and was very comfortable. You can go with adults only, or you can go with your family. The meat was definitely delicious, and the cold noodles were delicious because the soup had a rich flavor. Draft beer was reasonably priced, so I drank too much ^^
manabu tenjo on Google

最高に美味しいお肉ですね✨ おすすめのお店です
It's the most delicious meat ✨ It is recommended shop
ago19726628 on Google

お肉屋さんのやってる焼肉屋さんだけあって、お肉のクオリティは高いです。ただ、 車では行きにくい。それでも、食べに行く価値はあると思います。
There is only a yakiniku restaurant, but the quality of the meat is high. However, it is difficult to go by car. Still, I think it is worth going to eat.
バヤシアキ on Google

You don't need a lot of delicious meat! I ate a rare red omasum!
中川大志 on Google

The first set is reasonable at 6,600 yen including A5 ridges. The hormones, Daisen chicken, were crunchy and delicious. The cold noodles are spicy solid noodles and perfect for tightening! Oolong tea 150 yen is also nice for car use. The unpretentious atmosphere was cozy.

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