
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉かわい

住所 :

Fukushimacho, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0024 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88989
Webサイト : http://xn--n8jn8r887uu8p.com/
街 : Hiroshima

Fukushimacho, Nishi Ward, 〒733-0024 Hiroshima,Japan
佐伯区民お嫁ちゃん on Google

お肉全般美味しかったです 人生初の盲腸も頂きました コリコリして美味しかったです 無煙なのでありがたかったです 夫婦2人で13,000円位でした 10,000円超えしたので、と言う事でお店手作りの せんじがら をお土産に頂きました 塩が効いて美味しかったです
The meat was delicious in general. I also had the first appendix in my life. It was crunchy and delicious. I was grateful that it was smokeless. It was about 13,000 yen for two couples. I got it as a souvenir. The salt worked and it was delicious.
Duck buckwheat on Google

The "burned" liver sashimi goes to eat again with exquisite adjustment. The other meat was also very delicious.
S.カンマン on Google

新鮮で美味しい焼肉! ランチセットがお得!
Fresh and delicious yakiniku! Lunch set deals!
milanista shevchenko7 on Google

大将亡き後は初訪問でしたが、変わらず上質なお肉を供されています。 特にコウネが素晴らしく、甘い脂とコラーゲン抜群の弾力ある食感を存分に堪能できました。
It was my first visit after the death of the general, but I am still serving high quality meat. Especially the koune was wonderful, and I was able to fully enjoy the sweet fat and the elastic texture with outstanding collagen.
sem on Google

家にチラシが入っていたので宅配弁当を注文、ホルモンミックスとコウネの弁当を購入。 とても美味しい!肉は柔らかく、タレ無しで十分肉の味がして美味しい。タレも小さな容器で付いていたが、自家製なのかな?炭火のような香ばしさがあってお店に来たような気分になれた。 量はお弁当で十分お腹いっぱい。よく食べられる方にはもう少し足りないかもしれない。 まだ子供が小さくお店に伺えないが、宅配をされている間は頼みたい。
There was a leaflet in my house, so I ordered a home delivery lunch box and bought a hormone mix and Koune lunch box. very delicious! The meat is tender and tastes good without sagging. The sauce was also attached in a small container, but is it homemade? The fragrance like charcoal made me feel like I came to the store. The amount is enough for lunch. It may not be enough for those who can eat well. My child is still small and I can't go to the store, but I'd like to ask while it's being delivered.
喜多祥子 on Google

Please note that the parking lot is located in a one-way alley. Speaking of which, the clerk will guide you. Although it is located outside the downtown area, the store is spacious and clean, and the price is reasonable. Three people baked and ate as much as they wanted, such as Koune, which is said to be Hiroshima's soul food, for a little over 10,000 yen (only one cup because alcohol is not strong). It was said that it was a former carp outfielder Kawai's shop (now dead, the shop has been handed down to the locals), and a commemorative display was displayed. Thank you for the meal.
桜子 on Google

以前から気になってたのでランチを食べに行きました。 ランチのお肉は美味しく頂きましたが追加で注文した豚バラはほとんど脂でちょっと残念、豚ロースも厚切りで中々火は通らないし、女性の私たちには食べにくかったです。半分の薄さで2枚だといい感じだと思います。 嬉しいのはご飯のお代わりが出来ることと、アフターコーヒーが付いてました。
I've been interested in it for a long time, so I went to eat lunch. The meat for lunch was delicious, but the pork roses I ordered were mostly fat, which was a bit disappointing. The pork loin was also thickly sliced ​​and couldn't be cooked, so it was difficult for us women to eat. I think it would be nice to have two pieces with half the thickness. What I was happy about was that I could replace the rice and that it came with after-coffee.
略称TaKo on Google

2021/12 広島市の焼肉処、西区福島町。 焼肉店が多くある地区です。 本日は5種類のお肉からチョイスできる❝選べる3種盛りコース¥1500❞をいただきました。 ごはんはお替り無料。 キムチ、スープ、サラダが付いて、とてもリーズナブル。 肉質も申し分ありません。 ニンニクは店員さんに頼めば壺で持ってきてくれます。 これ、冷蔵管理されて◎ 店内の席は、テーブル席がメイン。 どの席も綺麗です。 このお店を立ち上げた河井氏は、元カープの選手だけあって、壁際にはカープ関連のレアグッズがゴロゴロ飾って有ります。 触ってはいけませんが、触れる距離にあるのがとても良いです。 駐車場は歩いて行ける場所にあります。 店員さんが案内してくれますよ。 注文したら「早かった」 食べてみたら「旨かった」 お金を払ったら「安かった」 店員の皆さん全員「愛想良かった」 はい、オススメ店です。 支払いはクレジット他、各種キャッシュレス利用可です。
2021/12 Fukushima-cho, Nishi-ku, a yakiniku restaurant in Hiroshima City. It is an area with many yakiniku restaurants. Today, I received a ❝3 kinds of assortment course ¥ 1500❞ that you can choose from 5 kinds of meat. Free refills of rice. Very reasonable with kimchi, soup and salad. The meat quality is also perfect. If you ask the clerk, garlic will be brought in a jar. This is refrigerated and managed ◎ The main seats in the store are table seats. All seats are beautiful. Mr. Kawai, who started this shop, has only a former Carp player, and rare Carp-related goods are hung around the wall. Don't touch it, but it's very good to be at a touch distance. Parking is within walking distance. The clerk will guide you. When I ordered, it was "early" When I tried it, it was delicious "It was cheap" when I paid All the clerk "it was nice" Yes, it is a recommended store. Payment can be made by credit card or other cashless payments.

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