Kusa-no Ie Akasakaten - Minato City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kusa-no Ie Akasakaten

住所 :

三田ビル 3F 2 Chome-14-33 Akasaka, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 107-0052
Webサイト : https://gh3d800.gorp.jp/

三田ビル 3F 2 Chome-14-33 Akasaka, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan
hiroyuki tanaka on Google

ランチは1000円を切りつつも、サラダバーやドリンクバーがついてきます。 店内もあまり混んでおらず4人くらいで訪問してもサクッと入れそうです。店内も広く、ゆったり話せます。
Lunch costs less than 1000 yen, but comes with a salad bar and drink bar. The inside of the store is not very crowded and it seems that even if you visit with about 4 people, you can enter quickly. The inside of the store is large and you can talk comfortably.
焼肉総合チャンネル on Google

2019.12ランチ訪問 YouTubeで赤坂焼肉の特集をしているときに発見した焼肉屋さん。 赤坂駅を出て右手に徒歩10秒の好立地。 建物の3階は草の家さん、2階には肉源さん、同一建物に2軒の焼肉屋さんが入ってるビルも珍しい! 店舗の入口はスナックのような扉と看板ておもしろい。 入店すると店内はおしゃれ感も高級感もレトロ感もあり居心地は抜群! オーダーしたのは前沢牛ミックス大1,970円 ブランド牛でしかも大盛り肉、約1.5倍の量でこの値段はいくらランチといえコスパ最強! 加えてライス、サラダバー食べ放題、ドリンクバーまでセット。 ありえない、価格破壊もいいところ。 お客さんにはありがたいお店です。 さて、そうなると味はどうなのか! まずドレッシングの味はオニオンベースの好きなドレッシング、これはうまい! キムチ、昔ながらのこってり自家製キムチ、濃厚な味わいと程よい辛さが癖になるうまさ! わかめスープは牛出しが良く効いていて飲みやすい味付け。 肝心のお肉はさすが前沢牛! 固さこそ多少ありましたが赤身肉の味がしっかりしていて旨味たっぷり。 前沢牛ってこんな美味しかったっけと思うほど。 サラダもご飯ももちろんおかわり、食後にはドリンクバーからアイスコーヒーをチョイス。 薄いコーヒーを想像していましたが香りも味も濃い目で凄く美味しい! 今年1年で100軒近く焼肉ランチを食べましたが文句なくベストオブイヤー! 再訪確定で年内にもう一度伺います。
2019.12 Lunch visit A yakiniku restaurant that I discovered while working on Akasaka Yakiniku on YouTube. A good location 10 minutes walk from Akasaka Station on your right. The building has a grass house on the third floor, a meat source on the second floor, and a rare building with two yakiniku restaurants in the same building! The entrance of the store is interesting with snack-like doors and signs. When you enter the store, the inside of the store has a sense of fashion, luxury and retro feeling, and the comfort is outstanding! I ordered Maezawa beef mix size 1,970 yen A brand beef and a large serving of meat, about 1.5 times the amount, this price is the best price for lunch, but the cospa is the strongest! In addition, rice, salad bar all-you-can-eat, drink bar set. Impossible, price destruction is also a good place. It is a shop that is appreciated by customers. Now, what about the taste? First of all, the dressing taste is onion based favorite dressing, which is delicious! Kimchi, old-fashioned homemade kimchi, rich taste and moderate spicy taste become a habit! The wakame soup is seasoned so that it is easy to drink and works well. Maesawa beef is the most important meat! There was some hardness, but the taste of red meat was firm and full of umami. I think Maezawa beef was so delicious. Of course, salad and rice are replaced, and after the meal, you can choose iced coffee from the drink bar. I imagined a light coffee, but the flavor and taste were very delicious with dark eyes! I ate nearly 100 Yakiniku lunches in the year this year, but without a complaint, the best of year! I will come back again later this year with a return visit.
Kenji S on Google

ランチで伺いましたが、サラダ、ドリンクついてメチャ安な上に店もオシャレだし、美味しいし、なんなのこの店って感じです。赤坂ですよね、ここ。 とても美味しかったので、お勧めします!
I visited for lunch, but the salad and drinks are cheap, the shop is fashionable, it's delicious, and it feels like this shop. It's Akasaka, right here. It was very delicious, so I recommend it!
Ayano on Google

I ordered a large set of grilled ribs and loin for about 1900 yen (with a salad bar). The salad bar wasn't interesting and the meat was normal, so for the price, I thought. It didn't come out as much as other Korean foods.
Yuki G on Google

お水のようなウィスキーが出てくるよ。高いウィスキーは注文しない方がいい。 薄いのでは?と確認しても規定通りとの事でした。残念すぎる。。。 接客は一回行けばわかる。提供遅い。お酒薄い。味はそれなり。会計高い。 接客がすべてを台無しにしてる。勿体ない。 同じ値段で焼肉行くなら他の店を挑戦したいと思う。二回目はない店 オススメしません
Whiskey like water will come out. You shouldn't order expensive whiskey. Isn't it thin? Even if I confirmed that, it was as specified. It's too disappointing. .. .. You can understand the customer service once you go. Offer is slow. Alcohol is thin. The taste is reasonable. Accounting is expensive. The customer service is ruining everything. I'm sorry. If you go to yakiniku at the same price, I would like to try another restaurant. A store that never has a second time Not recommended
都市伝説の歩き方 on Google

肉の味は良いが、店員さんの接客がとても残念でした!コースを頼みましたが、とにかく出て来るのが遅くアルコール飲んで無いのにスタートしてから終わるまで3時間かかりました(笑) 店員さんの動きものんびりで、仕事に対する姿勢が現れています…。赤坂の焼肉店なのに!改善を求めます! The meat tasted good, but the waitstaff was very disappointing! I ordered a course, but it took 3 hours from start to finish even though I did not drink alcohol. The waitstaff also moved very slowly, which shows their attitude towards their work.... This is a yakiniku restaurant in Akasaka! I demand improvement!
The meat tastes good, but the clerk's customer service was very disappointing! I asked for a course, but it took me 3 hours from the start to the end even though I was late to come out and didn't drink alcohol (laughs). The clerk's movements are laid-back, showing his attitude toward work ... Even though it's a yakiniku restaurant in Akasaka! Seeking improvement! The meat tasted good, but the waitstaff was very disappointing! I ordered a course, but it took 3 hours from start to finish even though I did not drink alcohol. The waitstaff also moved very slowly, which shows their attitude towards their work .... This is a yakiniku restaurant in Akasaka! I demand improvement!
藤田大輔 on Google

I ordered a Korean set meal course. For the shortage, I ordered additional meat from a la carte and enjoyed it to the fullest. The course is abundant and enjoyable, although the individual quantity is small. Kimchi, Cajun, Loin, Tan, Chijimi, and Sundupuchige became my favorites. Is the sauce generally sweet and spicy? The spicy sauce of Cajun was very delicious, and it was also used for the meat after that. It's a very large shop, so I could relax. Korean government? It seems that it has been commended as a Korean restaurant. It's different from authentic Korean food, but it's recommended because you can enjoy Korean food and yakiniku casually.
Mathieu Delamarche on Google

nice Yakiniku, old place but food is great!

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