
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 喜楽飯店

住所 :

Kururiichiba, Kimitsu, 〒292-0421 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89779
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Kururiichiba, Kimitsu, 〒292-0421 Chiba,Japan
くま on Google

久留里駅そばの中華屋 極小アーケード的な建物の奥にひっそりと有るお店。 テーブル席9個程のお店。 メニューは結構豊富! 回鍋肉を注文(850円) 味濃いめ、家庭的な味付け。 年配の従業員(家族か?)4名程で切盛り。
Chinese restaurant near Kururi station A shop quietly located in the back of a tiny arcade-like building. A shop with about 9 table seats. The menu is quite abundant! Order Twice-cooked meat (850 yen) Strong and homely seasoning. About 4 elderly employees (family members?)
Ito Michihiro on Google

いや、ここはすごいな。店が最初どこにあるのか?ほんとに分からなかった。なんというか、昭和30年代ぐらいの街中華って感じ。味はよい。 正当な街中華。
No, it's amazing here. Where is the store first? I really didn't understand. Somehow, it feels like Chinese food in the 1955's. The taste is good. Legitimate Chinese food.
CoCo壱5辛 on Google

マーボーメンとチャーハンを頂きました❗マーボーメンはにんにくがきいた味付けでピリっと辛さも感じられるとても美味しいマーボーメンでした❗チャーハンはしっとりしたチャーハンで味付けが絶妙で薄くも無く濃すぎる事も無くてペロッと食べれちゃいました? お店の方々も皆さん丁寧で帰る時にはお腹も心も満たされました❗ 本当に良いお店だと思います❗
I had fried rice with fried rice ❗ fried rice was a very delicious fried rice with garlic seasoning and a spicy feeling ❗ fried rice was moist fried rice and the seasoning was not too thin and not too dark I was able to eat it ? All the shop staff were polite and filled their stomachs and hearts when they returned ❗ I think it's a really good shop ❗
manty on Google

A K on Google

駅前にあります。道端に看板がありますが、知らなかったら絶対わかりません。昔ながらのザ・中華屋さんで建物も内装もレトロです。 メニューもたくさんあるので迷います。結局、五目野菜煮ラーメンとチャーハンを注文。昔ながらのラーメンです。チャーハンも特別なものは入っていないですがすごく美味しかったです。 メディアに出るようなところはそこまでとの経験が多かったのですが、この店は本当に美味しかったです。
It is in front of the station. There is a sign on the side of the road, but if you don't know it, you'll never know. The old-fashioned The Chinese shop has a retro building and interior. I am at a loss because there are many menus. After all, I ordered Gomoku vegetable boiled ramen and fried rice. It is a traditional ramen. The fried rice didn't contain anything special, but it was very delicious. I had a lot of experience with things that appeared in the media, but this shop was really delicious.
M m on Google

知人に紹介され初訪問 人気のニバレラ定食を注文 しっかり味付けでレバーも柔らかくご飯が進みました 開店時間と同時に入れましたがすでに二組先客 昼前には6,7人の団体も来て繁盛店らしい感じでした 芸能人のサインも沢山飾ってあり料理待ち時間も気になりませんでした
First visit after being introduced by an acquaintance Order the popular Nivalera set meal The rice was well seasoned and the liver was soft. I put it in at the same time as the opening time, but already two sets of customers Before noon, a group of 6 or 7 people came and it felt like a prosperous shop. There were many autographs of entertainers, so I didn't have to worry about waiting for food.
尾崎幸春 on Google

看板は、通りに出ています。 駅のロータリー側、そして通り側の2か所に看板が出ていますが、店は、見えません。幅の狭い道を入っていくと、店が現れます。 色々な、ドラマや、旅番組で撮られているようです。 店内は、色紙でいっぱ~いです。 水曜日がお休みのようです。 私は、にらラーメンをいただきました。スープは、ばっちりでした。
The sign is on the street. There are two signboards on the roundabout side of the station and on the street side, but I can't see the store. As you enter the narrow road, you will see a store. It seems that it was taken in various dramas and travel programs. The inside of the store is full of colored paper. Wednesday seems to be a holiday. I had garlic ramen. The soup was perfect.
剛ストロング on Google

JR久留里駅前にある。気を付けないと通り過ぎてしまいそう。 入口から通路を進むと暖簾があり店だとわかる。 雰囲気は「ザ・昭和」飾り気なし。食品サンプルあり。なんてほっこりする店なんだ! 平日の13時に行ったら満席。地元の方々で盛況のよう。 テーブルごとにティッシュがあり。コロナ感染対策のためかテーブルの端にゴミ入れあり。こういうのありがたい。 メニューはご飯もの、麺類、定食と様々。迷いに迷った。 五目うま煮そば700円をオーダー。女性が注文をとり、厨房へ伝える。厨房の中にいた男性が「はいよ!」と威勢のいい声が聞こえる。いいね。「五目~」「はいよ!」 程なくして着丼。野菜が餡に包まってオンザ麺。スープを啜ると、ちゃんとうまい!ほんとに旨いんだよ。麺は普通の中華麺。相方は五目あげ焼きそばを頼んでいたけどこれも旨そうだった。 レバニラも旨そうだな。チャーハンも食べたいね。1回だけじゃ事足りません。また来たいと思う。 御馳走様でした。
Located in front of JR Kururi Station. If you're not careful, you'll pass by. If you go down the aisle from the entrance, you will find a store with noren. The atmosphere is "The Showa" without any decoration. There is a food sample. What a relaxing shop! It's full when I go at 13:00 on weekdays. It seems to be a great success with the locals. There is tissue for each table. There is a garbage bin on the edge of the table, probably to prevent corona infection. I'm grateful for this. There are various menus such as rice, noodles, and set meals. I was at a loss. I ordered Gomoku Uma Boiled Soba for 700 yen. A woman takes an order and tells it to the kitchen. A man in the kitchen hears a dashing voice saying "Yes!". How nice. "Five eyes" "Yes!" Shortly afterwards, I got a bowl. On the noodles with vegetables wrapped in bean paste. When you sip the soup, it's delicious! It's really delicious. The noodles are ordinary Chinese noodles. My partner was asking for Gomeage Yakisoba, but this also seemed to be good. Levanilla looks good too. I also want to eat fried rice. Only once is not enough. I want to come again. It was a treat.

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