Kururi Animal Clinic - Amagasaki

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kururi Animal Clinic

住所 :

スカイビル 1F 1-chome-22-39 Kuriyamacho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 661-0013
Webサイト : https://kururi-ac.com/

スカイビル 1F 1-chome-22-39 Kuriyamacho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 661-0013, Japan
Yuki Y on Google

They were very kind and the teachers and nurses were wonderful. I was relieved to hear about my concerns. The hospital was also a bright and comfortable space.
おきゃるくりりん on Google

少し前からお世話になっています。 先生もスタッフの方達も優しくて価格も良心的です。 先生がお一人なので、患者さんの数が増えてきて当初より待ち時間が長くなりましたが、先生が複数おられる中規模病院より個人的には安心できます。 幹線道路沿いですが、中央分離帯があるので、車では東向きからしか入れません。
I have been indebted to you for a while. The teachers and staff are kind and the prices are reasonable. Since there is only one teacher, the number of patients has increased and the waiting time has become longer than at the beginning, but I can feel more at ease than a medium-sized hospital with multiple teachers. Although it is along the main road, there is a median strip, so you can only enter by car from the east.
末長博美 on Google

It was a bright and beautiful hospital with a kind teacher and a nurse.
Threeふ 3 on Google

実家の高齢猫がお世話になっています。 他病院にて、治療の方針、待ち時間、対応などに不審感を持ち、こちらへ転院いたしました。 初診ですぐに処置をしていただき、今では元気になりました。 価格も良心的で、先生をはじめスタッフの皆さんも親切な方ばかり。 動物病院は数あれど、こんなに素晴らしい病院が近くにあってよかったです。 何より、他病院では処置もしてもらえずこのまま死んでしまうのか、、と諦めかけていた子を助けていただいたことに感謝しております。 ありがとうございました。 気持ちでは、☆5では足りないくらいの評価をさせていただきたいです。
The elderly cat in my parents' house is indebted to me. At another hospital, I was suspicious of the treatment policy, waiting time, response, etc., so I was transferred to this hospital. I was treated immediately at the first visit, and now I am fine. The prices are reasonable, and the teachers and staff are all kind. There are many veterinary clinics, but I'm glad that there was such a wonderful hospital nearby. Above all, I am grateful for the help of the child who was giving up thinking that he would die as it is without being treated at other hospitals. Thank you very much. In terms of feelings, I would like to make an evaluation that ☆ 5 is not enough.
ukulele kobeyumyum on Google

先生も看護師さんも皆さん親切で優しいです( ^ω^ ) 友人に勧められて来ましたが期待以上でした。 定期的に診てもらいたいです♡
The teachers and nurses are all kind and kind (^ ω ^) I was recommended by a friend, but it exceeded my expectations. I want you to see me regularly ♡
A Y on Google

お知り合いの紹介で何度か訪れました。 丁寧に説明してくれます。 初めてのペットなので不明点あれば聞貸せてもらってます。 1階ですが数段の階段があります。 待合室は中二階のような外が見える場所もあります。 とても綺麗です。 これからもお世話になりたいと思っています。
I visited several times with the introduction of an acquaintance. He will explain it carefully. Since this is my first pet, if you have any questions, I will ask you. Although it is on the first floor, there are several steps. There is also a waiting room where you can see the outside, such as the mezzanine floor. very beautiful. I would like to continue to take care of you.
さとうがく on Google

信頼できる先生です。 こちらの話もしっかりと聞いてくれますし質問にもしっかり答えてくれます。 先生が一人なので待つことがありますが 院内の雰囲気がのんびり優しくその後の診察もしっかり行って頂けるので気になりません。 看護師もみんな優しく穏やかでうちの子は名前を呼ばれるのをうずうずして待っています(笑)
A reliable teacher. They will listen to you and answer your questions. I have to wait because there is only one teacher The atmosphere in the hospital is laid-back and gentle, so you can have a good medical examination afterwards, so you don't have to worry about it. All the nurses are kind and calm, and my child is waiting for his name to be called (laughs).
杉田朝子 on Google

爪切りでうさぎがお世話になっております。 エキゾチックアニマルを診てくださる病院は少ないため助かっています。 先生も看護師さんも優しく暴れうさぎを対応してくださいました。 これからもよろしくお願いします。
Rabbits are indebted to me with nail clippers. It is helpful because there are few hospitals that see exotic animals. Both the teacher and the nurse kindly responded to the rampage rabbit. I look forward to working with you.

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