
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和銅採掘露天掘跡

住所 :

Kuroya, Chichibu, 〒368-0001 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Webサイト : http://www.chichibu.co.jp/~wado/
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Saitama

Kuroya, Chichibu, 〒368-0001 Saitama,Japan
守山敬之 on Google

Why write centipede as 蜈蚣? Wu is the one who takes the insect bias. Discovery of copper veins It seems that there is a deep relationship between mining technology and the Jiangnan region of China.
山﨑清 on Google

There are many open pit mines.
田森あき on Google

和銅開珎が採れた場所。 かって銅を洗っていたこの川は金運を上げるパワースポットだそうです。行くまでの道は、虫嫌いにはちょっとドキドキの道でしたが、たどり着いた場所は、涼しくて心地よい、水のきれいな所でした。
The place where Waco Kaichin was picked. This river, which once washed copper, seems to be a power spot to raise luck. The way to go was a bit throbbing way to avoid insects, but the place I reached was a cool, comfortable, clean place with water.
H. Nishikawa on Google

There is guidance from the road of the shrine, and it is better to wear some shoes as you enter the hiking course. Although it is a trace of open pit mining, it has completely returned to the original mountain.
セキセイインコ on Google

聖神社から坂を登っていきます。案内板には12分と書いてあります。ちょっとしたハイキングな感じです。遊歩道が設置されていてほどよく季節に応じて自然を身近に感じられます。橋の近くいた猫も可愛かったです。 跡地周辺部はトイレなどはないので済ませてからが良い。季節によりますが、山の中に入っいくので夏でも長袖を持って行くか虫除けスプレーなどかけていくとよさそうです。
I will go up the slope from the shrine. The information board says 12 minutes. It's like a little hike. There is a boardwalk so you can feel the nature close to the seasons. The cat near the bridge was also cute. There are no toilets around the site, so it's best to finish it. It depends on the season, but since it goes into the mountains, it seems good to bring long sleeves or spray insect repellent even in summer.
chima renren on Google

「日本通貨発祥の地」のプレートが付いた5mはあろう特大の和同開珎のモニュメントが印象的。 入口から更に先に進んだ山際が無料駐車場となっています。 「和銅採掘露天掘跡」入口の看板から湿地帯を横目に林の中を歩くこと数分。 開けたスペースに和同開珎のモニュメントと沢、和銅採掘露天掘跡が現れます。 モニュメントから更に山を登り行きついた先には露天掘り跡をまたぐ様に鉄橋が架けられており、露天掘り跡を間近に見ることが出来ます。 整備されていますが結構きつい山道なので歩きやすい靴でいかれることをお勧めします。
The overwhelming 5m Wado Kaimon monument with a plate of "the birthplace of Japanese currency" is impressive. A free parking lot is available on the mountainside, further ahead of the entrance. It takes a few minutes to walk through the forest from the signboard at the entrance to the "Wakodo mining open-pit site" with the wetland sideways. In the open space, the monuments of Wado Kai and the swamps and the traces of Wado mining open-pit mining appear. At the end of the mountain, where you can climb up the mountain, you can see the open-pit dig up close by the iron bridge that spans the open-pit pit. It is a well-maintained mountain road, but it is a fairly tight mountain road, so we recommend that you wear comfortable shoes.
ふくしまげんめい on Google

After visiting the Hijiri Shrine, ponder in front of the torii gate, climb the slope to the left for the mining site, and go down to the right for Kuroya Station. It is safe to choose the station considering my physical strength, but I thought that it would never happen again and started climbing. 20 minutes to climb on a steep slope, and a sign for going down just before giving up. After going down the steep slope, it becomes a road along a gentle mountain stream. I go around the mine ruins including gold, but I want to grudge that it is not in a place where I can easily get it.
ロードトリップ on Google

大きなモニュメントがありますが、それが無ければよく分からない場所です。 歴史を見るには面白い場所ですが、モニュメントに引っ張られると意味を見失ってしまいそう。 展望する場所は立入禁止になってました。
There's a big monument, but it's a place you wouldn't know without it. It's an interesting place to see history, but if you're pulled by a monument, you'll lose track of what it means. The place to look out was off limits.

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