買取専門リサイクルマート 静岡パルシェ店

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 買取専門リサイクルマート 静岡パルシェ店

住所 :

Kuroganecho, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0851 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.recyclemart.jp/shop/parche/
街 : Shizuoka

Kuroganecho, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0851 Shizuoka,Japan
山下ひじゅう on Google

I bought a camera and a watch higher than I had imagined before, so this time I saw about 20 points of my bride's bag and accessories, but I didn't seem to have passed so much time as I assessed while talking. I'll come back again.
みなみ on Google

I had my bag bought and my mother was indebted to me several times during my lifetime. It seems that my mother's room can be redecorated little by little.
マロたけ on Google

今日、記念硬貨の買取をお願いしに行きました。親切な対応して頂き、安心してお願い出来ました。思っていた以上の査定をして頂き、満足して帰りました。 また機会があれば、寄りたいと思います。
Today, I went to ask for a commemorative coin. Thank you for your kind support and peace of mind. I was satisfied with the assessment, which was more than I expected. If I have another chance, I would like to stop by.
ta su on Google

I had them buy several types of cash vouchers that I didn't plan to use. I'm glad that the JCB gift card and the ticket common to all department stores were bought at a higher price than the ticket shop!
木村汐里 on Google

I have used it several times. We are happy to serve customers every time. It's in the station building, so it's easy to use.
なのなの on Google

テレホンカードが50枚ほどあったので売りに行きました。 買い取りに行く前、安く買い叩かれない様に事前にネットでテレホンカードの買取金額を見たところ一番高い所で375円。 勿論店舗が無いネットのサイトとは違い実店舗は場所代がかかるので多少安くなってもしょうがない事は承知で行きましたが張り紙はテレカ買取200円。 やはり多少買取金額は安い模様。 致し方ないがテレカの枚数がたくさんあるのでダメ元で値上げ交渉してみる事に、ダメなら200円で売ろうと思っていましたが、店舗スタッフが「先月はオープンセールで300円買取だったんですけど残念っすね笑笑300円の時に来ていれば!!笑笑」と言われて唖然、更に「3日後また来てくれたら250円にしますよ笑」と言われて困惑。 何故先月よりも安い金額の為に3日後に来なければならないのか… 3日後250円なら今でもそんなに変わらなくないか?と思い交渉で今250円にする事が可能か聞いて良いと言ったのに査定後には「やっぱり230円で笑」と言われガッカリして売る気も無くなりました…更に他の店で2万と言われたヴィトンの財布はコピー扱いして金額がつかないと… 鑑定力もない様子 貴金属も同日k18リングネックレスなどをg/4300円で他店で買取して頂いていたので参考程度にここのお店の買取金額を聞いた所自信満々にg/4100円と言ってました…安い… 査定も時間が掛かったので時間がだいぶ勿体なかった そんなにヴィトンの財布の真贋難しかったんでしょうか…?ヴィトンは定番商品なのに… 。感想としては今回の件でもう行く事は無いでしょう。 ただ他店より安いだけでぼったくりと言うほど安くは無いので多少の買取金額の安さが気にならない人は買物前に商品を預けてパルシェを見て回るにはいいかもですね。
I had about 50 telephone cards, so I went to sell them. Before going to buy, when I looked at the purchase price of the telephone card on the net in advance so that it would not be hit cheaply, it was 375 yen at the highest place. Of course, unlike the internet site where there is no store, the actual store costs a lot of space, so I knew that it couldn't be helped if it was a little cheaper, but the poster was a telephone card purchase of 200 yen. After all it seems that the purchase price is a little cheap. I can't help but because there are a lot of telephone cards, I decided to negotiate a price increase with no use, and if it was not good, I thought I would sell it for 200 yen, but the store staff said, "Last month I bought 300 yen at the open sale. I'm sorry, lol lol If you come when you come at 300 yen !! lol lol "and I was stunned, and I was confused when I was told" I'll pay 250 yen if you come again in 3 days ". Why do I have to come 3 days later because of the cheaper price than last month ... If it is 250 yen 3 days later, isn't it still so different? I thought that it would be okay to ask if it was possible to make it 250 yen now, but after the assessment, I was disappointed and I didn't feel like selling it at 230 yen. The wallet of Louis Vuitton, which was said to be 10,000, must be treated as a copy and the amount of money must be paid ... It seems that there is no appraisal power. When I asked about the purchase price of the shop, I was confident that it was g / 4100 yen ... Cheap ... It took a long time to assess, so it was a waste of time. Was it so difficult to authenticate the Louis Vuitton wallet? Even though Vuitton is a standard product ... As for the impression, I will not go anymore in this case. It's cheaper than other stores, but it's not cheap enough to say rip-off, so if you don't mind the low purchase price, it might be a good idea to leave the product and look around the Parche before shopping.
Sa ki on Google

I use the station every day, so when I have something I want to sell, I buy it here. The female staff member told me that the assessment should be explained carefully and chats should be held until the next customer comes. The staff here are easy to talk to.
土屋めぐみ on Google

義父母の遺品整理や自身のバッグ等の買取で数回お世話になっています。 いつも品物を丁寧に扱ってくださり、買取価格も予想より高いことが多いので、とても満足しています。 また、買取りしてもらえるのか不安な品物も気軽に聞くことができ安心します。 またお願いしたいと思っています。
I have been indebted several times for organizing my parents-in-law's belongings and purchasing my own bags. I am very satisfied because they always handle the items carefully and the purchase price is often higher than expected. Also, you can feel relieved to hear about items that you are uncertain about whether you can buy them. I would like to ask again.

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