生島神社 - Amagasaki

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 生島神社

住所 :

Kuriyamacho, Amagasaki, 〒661-0013 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 661-0013
Webサイト : http://ikushimajinja.com/
街 : Hyogo

Kuriyamacho, Amagasaki, 〒661-0013 Hyogo,Japan
篠原聖護 on Google

I thought of a shrine loved by the locals
山崎美和 on Google

For the first time, I visited there, but it was a relaxing space because I was called Ujigami. It was a very quiet shrine that didn't feel like coming for the first time.

This is the local Ujigami. It's behind the Tachibana Elementary School I used to go to, and when I was little I was looking forward to the festival stalls.
スナックゴン on Google

地元で人気の神社さんです。 正月は長蛇の列もめずらしくありません。 活気があってご利益もいただけそうです。
It is a popular shrine in the local area. Long lines are not uncommon during the New Year. It is lively and seems to be profitable.
南形浩 on Google

JR神戸線 立花駅から歩いて14分ぐらい、朱色のコントラストが素敵な小綺麗な神社、生島神社が鎮座されてます。コンパクトながらも佳い雰囲気有ります。
About 14 minutes on foot from Tachibana Station on the JR Kobe Line, Ikushima Shrine, a beautiful shrine with a nice vermilion contrast, is enshrined. Although it is compact, it has a nice atmosphere.
鉄人ターミネーター on Google

明けましておめでとうございます。 本年も宜しくお願い致します。 先日、元日に尼崎市栗山町にある生島神社⛩️へ初詣に行きました。毎年そうですが、境内の外の道路の辺りまで並びます。この日もそうですが参拝者の方?が約70~80メートル本殿まで並んでいました。そして、境内に入ると正面に、美しい朱色の本殿があり、その参拝の途中の左側に毎年恒例の福火?が焚いていました。「大晦日の大祓は、半年の罪穢を祓い清め、新しい年をお迎えいただくための大切な行事です。生島神社では、大晦日から正月にかけて境内で福火?を焚いており、この福火?にあたり、一年間無病息災に過ごすよう願っての事だそうです。」それから、本殿~生島弁財天~交通神社にお参りをさせて頂きました。人々?は、地元の氏神様を大切に思い、毎年お正月には必ず初詣をして、一年の思いをこの生島神社⛩️に願いを込めてお参りをされるようです。? [生島神社] 所在地 尼崎市栗山町2丁目2丁目24-33 阪神バス「立花支所」東約50m 生島神社は、かつて生島と呼ばれていた尼崎市立花地区の上之島・栗山・大西・三反田4か村の惣氏神で、中世には生島荘の氏神であったと考えられています。生島荘は多田源氏の一族源実国が開発した所領で、平安時代の終わり頃、実国の子孫が天皇家に土地を寄進しています。 由緒 生島神、足島神は生国魂大神、咲国魂大神とも申し、伊邪那岐命、伊邪那美命の御子で、大八洲の御霊。大地と生命の営みを続けている一切を守護する大神です。 鎮座地の立花地区の上ノ島・栗山・大西・三反田の四町はその昔、生島と呼ばれ、天長七年(830)に朝廷によって開発されたところです。康治元年(1142)には、開発領主であった源実国の子孫が、この生島庄に当たる場所を時の関白・藤原忠通に寄進しました。同じ頃、僧澄海が大般若経を『生島大明神』に献じたと伝えられています。これが文献上の初見。 寡聞ではありますが、摂津国東生郡の式内大社である難波坐生國咲國魂神社(二座)に関する説明などには当社を元社とする話は紹介されていないようです。 二の鳥居と拝殿  本殿  お姿 拝殿の前にしだれ桜が寄贈されて植えられています。右近の桜、左近の桜であり、せっかくの「立花」地域の名が泣いている気分です。 JR立花駅から一本しか道を歩いていないが、およそタチバナの地名と他の地域との違いは感じられないです。せめて、生島神社に一本でも橘の木が植えられておれば、何となく気が済んだ所です。それでも生島神社の存在がタチバナの地名を語っているとも言えるのです。生國魂大神と咲國魂大神、それぞれ常世の国からの来訪神と云うことです。 朱塗りの本殿は木々と竹藪に埋もれて見えにくいのですが、それだけに神々しいです。 社殿  お祭り 10月14日 例祭 参考 生島神社略誌 平成祭礼データから 創立は仁徳天皇の御代と伝えられ、社伝によれば人皇第十六代仁徳天皇当地方に行幸のみぎり、生島巫神を鎮め給ひ、其の後天皇都を高津(大阪)に遷されるや、当生島巫神を大阪の庄石山崎(現在の大阪城附近)に遷座せられ、爾後生島庄栗山村に生島巫神の別霊を祭祀、一祠を存続せられたと、今尚当地に於ては、大阪生国魂神社より、其の創祀古しと伝え、信じられています。この事柄は「三代実録、摂津志」に明記せられて居り、明治維新迄は、生島明神、生島弁財天の称を以って知られ、生島宮寺を廃し、生島神社と改め、明治六年八月郷社に列せらるのです。 大正三年六月二十七日生島庄の内上ノ島村々社須佐男神社を合祀、同年七月一日同じく大西村々社熊野神社合祀、大正四年十二月九日同じく三反田村々社八幡神社を合祀して現在に至るのです。 [生島神社のご案内] 4世紀、第16代仁徳天皇の御代に創立。御祭神は、生島神、足島神、天照大神、須佐男神、八幡大神、伊邪那[岐、伊邪那美神。御祭神の「生」という意味は、生成、進歩、完成を、「足」という意味は、充実、繁栄、発展を表します。この大地の御守護と共に大地に生を受けているあらゆるものの生命の完成を御統轄される神様です。摂末社に、生島辨財天社があり、寛平2年(890年)弁財天女像を氏神として祭り、その脇に毘沙門天像、地蔵菩薩像を安置。安産の神、子供の守護神として信仰されています。また、生島稲荷社は、商売繁昌、開運厄除、産業発展の神として崇敬されております。
Happy new year. I look forward to working with you this year as well. The other day, I went to the Ikushima Shrine ⛩️ in Kuriyama-cho, Amagasaki City for the first time on New Year's Day. Like every year, they line up around the road outside the precincts. As was the case on this day, worshipers ? lined up to the main shrine about 70 to 80 meters. When I entered the precincts, there was a beautiful vermilion main shrine in front of me, and on the left side of the worship, the annual Fukuhi ? was burning. "The New Year's Eve is an important event to cleanse the sins of half a year and welcome the new year. At Ikushima Shrine, a fortune fire ? is burned in the precincts from New Year's Eve to the New Year, and this fortune fire ? It seems that he hopes to spend a year without any illness. "Then, I visited the main shrine-Ikushima Bentaiten-Traffic Shrine. People ? cherish the local Ujigami, always visit the shrine every New Year, and make a wish to visit this Ikushima Shrine ⛩️ for the year. ? [Ikushima Shrine] location -2-24-33, Kuriyama-cho, Amagasaki-shi About 50m east of Hanshin Bus "Tachibana Branch" Ikushima Shrine is the Ujigami of Uenoshima, Kuriyama, Onishi, Santanda 4 or village in the Amagasaki Municipal Flower District, which was once called Ikushima, and is thought to have been the deity of Ikushimaso in the Middle Ages. Ikushimaso is a territory developed by Gen Tada's clan Genjiku, and at the end of the Heian period, descendants of the homeland donated land to the Emperor's family. honorable history Ikushima God and Ashijima God are also called Ikutama Omikami and Sakikuni Tamashii Omikami, and are the sons of Izanagi and Izanami, and are the spirits of Oyasushi. It is a great god who protects everything that continues the life of the earth and life. The four towns of Uenoshima, Kuriyama, Onishi, and Santanda in the Tachibana district of the enshrined area were once called Ikushima, and were developed by the imperial court in the 7th year of Tencho (830). In the first year of Koji (1142), the descendants of Genjiku, who was the development lord, donated the place corresponding to Ikushimasho to Kampaku and Fujiwara no Tadamichi. Around the same time, it is said that the monk Sumiumi dedicated the Daihanwakkei to "Ikushima Daimeijin." This is the first look in the literature. It seems that the story about our company is not introduced in the explanation about Namba Zao Kunitama Kunitama Shrine (Niza), which is the Shikinai Taisha Shrine in Tosei-gun, Settsu Province. Second torii gate and hall of worship  Main shrine  Appearance Weeping cherry blossoms are donated and planted in front of the hall of worship. The cherry blossoms in Ukon and Sakon, I feel like the name of the "Tachibana" area is crying. I only walk one road from JR Tachibana station, but I can't feel the difference between the place name of Tachibana and other areas. At the very least, if even one tachibana tree was planted at Ikushima Shrine, I would have somehow felt better. Nevertheless, it can be said that the existence of Ikushima Shrine speaks of the place name of Tachibana. Ikutama Omikami and Sakikuni Tamashii Omikami are visiting gods from the land of the eternal world. The vermilion-painted main shrine is buried in trees and bamboo bushes, making it difficult to see, but it is divine. Shrine  Festival October 14th annual festival Reference: Ikushima Shrine abbreviation From Heisei festival data It is said that the founding was the reign of Emperor Nintoku, and according to the shrine, the 16th Emperor Nintoku went to this area to calm the Ikutama shrine god, and then the emperor's capital was moved to Kozu (Osaka). It is said that the Ikutama shrine was relocated to Shoishi Yamazaki (currently near Osaka Castle) in Osaka, and that the spirit of the Ikutama shrine was enshrined in the village of Sho Kuriyama in the later islands, and that one shrine was kept here. It is believed to have been created by the Osaka Ikutama Shrine. This matter is clearly stated in "Sandai Jitsuroku, Settsushi", and until the Meiji Restoration, it was known as Ikushima Myojin and Ikushima Benzaiten. You will be lined up at Tsukigosha. On June 27th, 1918, I enshrined Susano Shrine in Uenoshima Villages, and on July 1st of the same year, I enshrined Onishi Villages Kumano Shrine, and on December 9, 1918, I also enshrined Santanda Villages Hachiman Shrine. It is enshrined and continues to the present. [Information on Ikushima Shrine] Founded in the 4th century, in the reign of the 16th Emperor Nintoku. The gods of the ritual are Ikushima God, Ashijima God, Amaterasu Omikami, Susa Omikami, Hachiman Omikami, Izanami [Ki, Izanami Mikami. The meaning of "life" of the saijin means generation, progress and completion, and the meaning of "foot" means fulfillment, prosperity and development. He is the God who governs the perfection of the life of everything that is born on the earth together with the protection of this earth. At Setsumatsusha, there is Ikushima Tsuzai Tensha, which celebrates the Benzaiten maiden statue as a god in Kanpei 2 (890), and Bishamonten statue and Jizo Bodhisattva statue are enshrined beside it. It is worshiped as a god of easy delivery and a guardian deity of children. In addition, Ikushima Inarisha is revered as a god of business prosperity, good luck and industrial development.
davey stokhof on Google

Beautiful shrine, spacious in an area you wouldn't expect. Local shrine
Paul T on Google

Lovely peaceful place. In a crowded residential area, but feels serene and not cramped at all. Nice.

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