Kurita Dermatology Clinic - Nagoya

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kurita Dermatology Clinic

住所 :

Sakae, 2F, 4 Chome-1-16番36, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0008, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 460-0008

Sakae, 2F, 4 Chome-1-16番36, Naka Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0008, Japan
yuui mino on Google

We had a medical examination about acne and eczema. Dermatologists may be everywhere ... It is said that no matter what you say, you do not know the cause. I got the medicine for acne, but no effect at all ... I waited for a long time to pay according to the time I was doing, but in the end I didn't understand the cause and there was no meaning. It was good not to go. The receptionist was nice and nice.
merotan mero on Google

Listen to the symptoms you want to talk to without failing to the end. A teacher with a soft atmosphere. I can't come if I don't come by subway, but the dermatologists in the neighborhood really come to this clinic because I don't trust them because I hear only half the story.
ゆう on Google

肌荒れが続いた為人生で初めて皮膚科に行こうと思い口コミを調べてこちらに決めました。 ビルのワンフロアの一角にあるこじんまりしたところで平日の17:00頃でしたが数人待ち合い室で待っているくらいで15分くらいで診察室に通して頂きました。 キツめのテキパキした先生は自身の性格上苦手なのですがこちらの先生はとても柔らかい雰囲気できちんとこちらの話しを聞いてくれる方でしたので安心しました。また何かあれば診察して頂きたいです。 受付の方も嫌な感じは全くありませんでした。
Since my skin was rough, I decided to go to a dermatologist for the first time in my life after checking the reviews. It was around 17:00 on weekdays in a small corner on one floor of the building, but it took about 15 minutes for a few people to go to the examination room. I'm not good at the tight and fluffy teacher because of my personality, but I was relieved that this teacher was a person who listened to me properly in a very soft atmosphere. If there is anything else, I would like you to see me. The receptionist didn't feel unpleasant at all.
ああ on Google

優しい女性の先生で、丁寧に話を聞いてくださりました。 肌の調子がいいと褒めてもくれました。 待ち時間も比較的短いと思います。
She was a kind female teacher and listened to me politely. He also praised me for my good skin condition. I think the waiting time is also relatively short.
sayana ooki on Google

とても丁寧な対応の女医さんで、こちらの状況や現在飲んでいる薬などを聞いた上で副作用なども配慮したちょうどいいお薬をだしてくれました。お薬の説明もしっかりしていただき助かりました。 受付の方も丁寧で良い印象でした。 ビルの2階。エレベーターからでてすぐ右側にあります。
She was a very polite female doctor, and after listening to the situation and the medicines she was currently taking, she gave me the right medicine with consideration for side effects. It was helpful to have a solid explanation of the medicine. The receptionist was also polite and had a good impression. The second floor of the building. It is on the right side of the elevator.
KEN JOVI on Google

1週間ほど目の周りが乾燥してカサカサして、かさぶたのようになったり、ヒリヒリしたりと毎朝起きるたびにまぶたが腫れぼったくて、憂鬱でした。 原因が分からず、保湿ばかりしてもどうにもならなくなったので仕事帰りに行ける皮膚科を探していたら、こちらの口コミが良かったので、初めて来院しました。 受付の方も、先生も丁寧で話を聞いてくださって、原因は花粉症だと言われました。 今年は目の中ではなく、目の周りに症状が出てしまうらしいです。 処方箋も出してもらえて、もっと早くこれば良かったと思いました。
The area around my eyes was dry and dry for about a week, and I felt scab-like and tingling, and every time I woke up every morning, my eyelids were swollen and I was depressed. I didn't know the cause, and even if I just moisturized it, I couldn't help it, so I was looking for a dermatologist who could go home from work. This review was good, so I visited the hospital for the first time. The receptionist and the teacher listened carefully and told me that the cause was hay fever. It seems that symptoms will appear around the eyes, not in the eyes this year. I was given a prescription, and I wish I had done this sooner.
p p on Google

今までかかった女医さんの中で一番の先生でした。こんな医者いるんだといい意味でびっくりしました。 良かった点 ①長くなっても最後まで話を聞いてくれた ②話しの中で質問をしても、その都度丁寧に答えてくれた ③少しでも良くなるように治療法や薬を色々と提案してくれて、こちらがきちんと納得した上で治療や薬の処方をしてもらえた ④看護師さんもかなり優しくて、声掛けもたくさんしてくれたので、血液検査や注射も安心して受けられたし、全く痛くなかった ⑤こちらの話がまとまらなくても、イライラを表に出さず話をさえぎらずに待ってくれた 悪かった点 ①予約制ではないので少し待つ ②ホームページが無いので、病院の詳細や先生について、行くまでよく分からなかった 急に顔・体の皮膚が人生で一番ボロボロになり、もうこのボロボロのまま治らないのでは…と毎日死ぬほど不安でしたが、本当に行ってよかった。もっと早く行けばよかったです。 先生も看護師の方も受付の方も、控えめで丁寧で優しくて、嫌味も威圧感も全く無くて、インフォームドコンセントもきちんとしていて、人に勧めたい病院だと思いました。
He was the best teacher I've ever had. I was surprised that there was such a doctor. good point ① He listened to the story until the end even if it became long ② Even if I asked a question in the conversation, he answered politely each time. ③ He suggested various treatments and medicines so that he could improve even a little, and he was able to prescribe treatments and medicines after he was properly convinced. ④ The nurse was very kind and gave me a lot of voices, so I was able to take blood tests and injections with confidence, and it didn't hurt at all. ⑤ Even if this story wasn't settled, he waited without showing frustration and interrupting the story. Bad point ① Wait for a while as it is not a reservation system ② I didn't know the details of the hospital and the teacher until I went because there was no homepage. Suddenly my face and body skin became the most tattered in my life, and I was worried that I wouldn't heal with this tattered skin anymore ... I was so worried that I would die every day, but I'm really glad I went. I should have gone earlier. The teachers, nurses and receptionists were modest, polite and kind, had no sarcasm or intimidation, and had informed consent, so I thought it was a hospital I would recommend to people.
dee geo on Google

Small clinic, not too crowded, skilled doctor and polite staff. She has the best solution for everyday skin issues.

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