
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社マイタウン西武

住所 :

Kurihara, Niiza, 〒352-0035 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.mytown-seibu.com/
街 : Saitama

Kurihara, Niiza, 〒352-0035 Saitama,Japan
ミリヤ on Google

すみれ on Google

色々なところで検討していましたがなかなか決まらず、友人の紹介でマイタウン西武さんに相談しました。 じっくりと説明して頂き、不明点はきちんと解消してくれましたので、安心して購入を決められました。
のだめぐ on Google

スケジュール調整などがスムーズで、丁寧な接客を受けることができました フットワークが軽く、予定を立てたらすぐ行動してくれました。臨機応変な対応ありがとうございました。
The schedule adjustment was smooth and I was able to receive polite customer service. He had a light footwork and acted as soon as he made a plan. Thank you for your flexible response.
瑠璃子 on Google

新座市内で一軒家を購入しました。営業の方は地元物件のプロであるだけでなく、とても信頼できる方でした。 はじめての家購入にあたってとても不安だったローンについてもきちんと相談に乗っていただき、ありがとうございました^^
I bought a house in Niiza city. The sales person was not only a professional in the local property, but also a very reliable person. Thank you for taking the time to consult with me about the loan that I was very worried about when I bought my first house ^^
ガーデナーSato on Google

From the first impression to the purchase, it felt very good and I was able to trust it consistently. I was relieved when I was asked to come to my place if I had any questions after purchasing the house.
Kei Aoki on Google

He gave me accurate advice in every detail. Is it peculiar to a real estate agent, who responds in good faith without forcing you? There was no persistent telephone sales and he proceeded at this pace.
Kentaro on Google

いくつもの不動産会社に相談しながらマイホーム探しをしていました。 私たちの譲れないこだわりや、コストを抑えたいという希望を親身になって引き出してくれたマイタウン西部さんには感謝しています。 こちらの条件にあったメモリアシリーズに越して1年たちますが、小さい子どもにも安全で使い勝手のよいのと、飽きのこないデザインにとても満足しております。
I was looking for my home while consulting with several real estate companies. I am grateful to Mr. Nishibe, My Town, who kindly brought out our unyielding commitment and desire to keep costs down. It's been a year since we moved to the Memoria series, which meets these conditions, and we are very satisfied with the design, which is safe and easy to use even for small children, and which we never get tired of.
KEIKO on Google

When I inquired about the property, I was able to see it immediately on the day of the transaction, and even during the transaction, I was able to respond flexibly to my convenience, and the footwork was light and speedy. It was very helpful even with young children because of the careful consideration. The explanation was easy to understand, and I was very sincere and relieved to answer the detailed questions each time.

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