
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 寿々孝

住所 :

Kurigi, Asao Ward, Kawasaki, 〒215-0033 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:45PM
Sunday 11AM–2:45PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–2:45PM
Thursday 11AM–2:45PM
Friday 11AM–2:45PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Kurigi, Asao Ward, Kawasaki, 〒215-0033 Kanagawa,Japan
KT Longtail on Google

2020/8(土)、13時頃にランチでお邪魔しました。 車で伺いましたが店前の第一駐車場は満車、諦めて出た所で第二駐車場(大通り側)から丁度出た車がいたので入庫出来ました。その後も車がひっきりなしに入って来て、駐車するのも一苦労な感じです。 4組待ちで待った時間は20分弱位でしょうか、暫し店内で待機した後に席へ案内頂きました。 コロナ対策としては特に換気や席の間引きなどはない感じで、入退店時の手指消毒レベルの様子でした。 ランチの①いくら丼セット②天婦羅セット③冷やし揚げもちおろしそば をオーダーしました。 いくら丼のいくらは大粒でぷりぷりしていて、いくら好きの娘も美味しそうに食べてました。お蕎麦も感動する程ではありませんが、店頭で石臼で挽かれた手打ち感を感じられる味わいで、美味しく頂きました。 天婦羅も総じて美味しかったですが、何れも飛び抜けた領域という感じはなく、どれも安定して美味しい(小さく纏まっている)という印象です。 特に休日はなかなかの混雑・繁盛店なので、長時間待つならどうしようかなあ…と悩んでしまう位のお店ですかね。
We visited for lunch around 13:00 on Saturday, 2020. I asked by car, but the first parking lot in front of the store was full, there was a car that just gave up and left the second parking lot (Odori side), so I was able to enter. After that, the cars came in constantly and it was a pain to park. I wonder if the waiting time for 4 groups is less than 20 minutes, I waited in the store for a while and then I was guided to my seat. As a measure against corona, there was no particular feeling of ventilation or thinning out of the seats, and it was a state of hand disinfection level when entering and leaving the store. We ordered ① salmon roe bowl set ② tempura set ③ fried fried mochi grated soba for lunch. The salmon roe in the bowl was large and plentiful, and my favorite daughter ate it deliciously. The buckwheat noodles were not so impressive, but they were delicious, with the taste of being hand-milled in a stone mill at the store. The tempura was delicious as a whole, but none of them seemed to be exceptional areas, and the impression was that they were all stable and delicious (small pieces). Especially on holidays, it is a crowded and thriving store, so what should I do if I wait for a long time?
kazu m on Google

川崎市麻生区栗木にある「マイコンシティ栗木地区」の隣にある寿々孝さんに伺いました。街道からは1本奥に入った路地にあります。 家からも近かったのですが、有名店で混んでいると有名なお店だったので、なかなか行く機会を逸していましたが4連休の中日ということで、セレサモスで買い物をしたあとの12時過ぎに到着。駐車場は満車で、お店には入りきれない人が・・・入店するせずに帰ろうかと思いましたが、確認すると4組程度の待ちだったので並ぶことに! 15分程度待つことで念願の入店ができました。 注文はイクラ丼のセットと天ぷらのセットを注文し、シェアしました。 お蕎麦も評判通りとても美味しかったです。天ぷら、イクラ丼も美味しくお腹いっぱいになりました。締めは蕎麦湯を頂き満足(^o^)
We asked Mr. Suzutaka, who is next to "Micon City Kurigi District" in Kurigi, Asao-ku, Kawasaki. It is located in an alley that is one step back from the highway. It was close to my house, but it was a famous shop when it was crowded with famous shops, so I missed the opportunity to go there, but since it was a middle day of four consecutive holidays, it was 12 o'clock after shopping at Celesamos. Arrived past. The parking lot was full and there were people who couldn't fit in the store ... I thought I'd go home without entering the store, but when I checked, I was waiting for about 4 groups, so I decided to line up! After waiting for about 15 minutes, I was able to enter the store. I ordered a set of salmon roe bowl and a set of tempura and shared it. The soba was also very delicious as it was well received. The tempura and salmon roe bowl were also delicious and I was full. Satisfied with soba hot water (^ o ^)
Kun on Google

A soba restaurant that is just right for locals to go. There aren't many set meals, there are a fair number of parking lots, and the taste isn't bad, but it's a classic. There seem to be many families and repeaters.
Sobakiry Sembello on Google

普段行くことのない界隈でしたが、仕事の関係で、平日にすずこうさんに寄りました。 休日などは、いつも満席で、遠方からもお客が来るようなお店と聞き、期待度上がりました。 ランチメニューからまぐろセットを頼みました。切り身を想像していましたが、ネギトロ系が出てきたので驚き、メニューを見直したら中おちor切り身と書いてあるのをこちらがスルーしてましたw 蕎麦は、太い平面で田舎蕎麦寄りで、洗練された江戸蕎麦ではないですが、香り高く味のある美味しい蕎麦でした。つゆも一般の辛汁と比較し、甘い方だと思います。ちょっと宗田鰹系?の匂いが、私は気になりましたが、これは好みの分かれるところでしょう。 ガッツリ食べるには、ちょっと少なかったかもしれませんが、トータルでコスパ妥当だと思います。
It was a neighborhood I wouldn't normally go to, but due to my work, I stopped by Mr. Suzuko on weekdays. On holidays, I heard that the store is always full and customers come from far away, which raised my expectations. I ordered a tuna set from the lunch menu. I was imagining a fillet, but I was surprised because the Negitoro system came out, and when I reviewed the menu, this was through that it was written as Nakaochi or fillet w The buckwheat noodles were thick and flat, close to the countryside buckwheat noodles, and although they were not sophisticated Edo buckwheat noodles, they were delicious buckwheat noodles with a high aroma and taste. I think the soup is sweeter than ordinary spicy juice. A little Soda bonito system? I was curious about the smell of, but this is a place where people have different tastes. It may have been a little small to eat tightly, but I think that the total cost performance is reasonable.
1111 selfish on Google

小田急線黒川駅から歩くと20分掛かるかな? メインの通りを1つ入った工業団地の側にある 隠れ家的なお店 駐車場は店の前と離れた所に第2駐車場が有り なかなか良い感じの店構え 当日は蕎麦とトリカツの日替わりランチをチョ・イ・ス まずは当然お蕎麦から、上げ底の笊に綺麗に盛ってますが蕎麦の香りが薄いのは時期が悪いからだろうか? 茹で加減も良く、のど越しも最高なのにちょっと残念 つけ汁は甘過ぎず調度良く美味しいので合格 ただ蕎麦が少ないので大盛りにすると400円ちょっとプラスしないいけないので高い気がする トリカツはカリッと揚がって好きなタイプなのだが、飯は米粒がボロボロだったのは頂け無ないが蕎麦屋だからそんなもんだろうね(^_^;) 新蕎麦の時期に再訪したいが、今回全体としての評価は四つ星には値しないが値段相応でした
Does it take 20 minutes to walk from Kurokawa Station on the Odakyu Line? Located on the side of an industrial park with one main street A hideaway shop There is a second parking lot in front of and away from the store. A pretty good store On the day of the event, we will have a daily lunch of soba and chicken cutlet. First of all, of course, the soba is nicely served on the raised bottom of the bamboo basket, but is it because the aroma of the soba is light at the wrong time? It's boiled well, and it's a little disappointing though the throat is the best The soup is not too sweet and is delicious, so it passed. However, since there are few soba noodles, I feel that it is expensive because I have to add a little 400 yen if I make a large serving. I like the type of chicken cutlet that is crispy and fried, but I can't say that the rice grains were tattered, but it's probably because it's a soba restaurant (^ _ ^;) I would like to revisit during the new soba season, but this time the overall rating was not worthy of four stars, but it was worth the price.
yuk jun on Google

いつも混んでいる繁盛店。第二駐車場もあります。 コシのあるお蕎麦です。天ぷらも美味しい。次はご飯は少なめにしてもらいます?
A prosperous shop that is always crowded. There is also a second parking lot. It is a chewy soba noodle. Tempura is also delicious. Next time I will have less rice ?
Pon 3 on Google

手打ち蕎麦がとても美味しくて、川崎市麻生区や多摩区あたりでは一番好きです。 脇道に入る少しわかり難い場所にありますが、来る価値はあると思います。 あと、駐車場満車の時には第二駐車場もあります。
The handmade soba is very delicious and I like it most in Asao Ward and Tama Ward in Kawasaki City. It's a bit confusing on the side road, but I think it's worth it. Also, when the parking lot is full, there is also a second parking lot.
Tadahiko Nakamura on Google

仕事じゃないとまず訪れないような立地のお蕎麦屋さん。平日13時過ぎにランチで訪問。大盛りを頼んだところ、2枚盛りで出て来ました。 歯ざわり喉ごし上等なお蕎麦。2枚ペロっと消えました。ごちそうさま。
A soba restaurant in a location that you wouldn't visit unless you were working. Visited for lunch after 13:00 on weekdays. When I asked for a large serving, it came out in two servings. Soba with a good texture and throat. Two pieces disappeared. Feast.

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