Kurayashiki Inari Shrine - Saitama

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kurayashiki Inari Shrine

住所 :

Omiya Ward, Saitama, 330-0845, Japan

Postal code : 330-0845

Omiya Ward, Saitama, 330-0845, Japan
takaba on Google

Wako Uka on Google

綺麗に手入れされている神社です。 水が張ってある手水舎有り 近くにコインパーキング多数有り
It is a beautifully maintained shrine. There is a water supply There is a lot of coin parking nearby
นาโอคาตะ คันโน on Google

参拝者の皆様にはあまり知られていませんが、倉屋敷稲荷神社は結構歴史が古くて400年以上前に鎮座されています。その為かこの近辺のかなり広大な土地の地主さんで、大宮区役所の敷地もすべてお稲荷さんからの借地です。下記の記事は2014年3月18日付けの大宮経済新聞からの引用です。 『初午は、2月最初の午(うま)の日に行われる「お稲荷(いなり)さんの誕生日」。もともと旧暦の初午は現在の2月初旬から3月上旬にあたるため、同社では参拝しやすい比較的暖かな気候になる3月の月次初午の日に催行している。 同祭では、キツネの面などを着けた踊り手がおはやしに乗って神楽を奉納し、辺りは軽快な神楽ばやしの音に包まれた。境内では甘酒が振る舞われ、来場者からは笑顔がこぼれた。 稲荷社に特徴的な赤い鳥居が多く立ち並ぶ同神社だが、目の前を通る道路が拡張されるため、2年前にその大半が削られ、シンボルであった桜も道路予定地にはみ出す部分が切られた。過去にさかのぼると、1965(昭和40)年には隣接する旧市役所が市庁舎を新築する際に、本殿と拝殿を移築している。祭りに参加していた氏子の男性は「まちは変化するもので、それによって神社が敷地を削られたり移動したりするのは仕方ない。それでも地域の人に愛されており、今後も地域で大切にしていきたい」と話していた。』
Although not well known to worshipers, Kurayashiki Inari Shrine has a long history and was enshrined more than 400 years ago. Perhaps because of this, he is a landlord of a fairly large area in this area, and the site of the Omiya Ward Office is all leased from Mr. Inari. The following article is a quote from the Omiya Keizai Shimbun dated March 18, 2014. "The first day is" Inari-san's birthday ", which is held on the first day of February (horse). Originally, the beginning of the lunar calendar is from the beginning of February to the beginning of March, so the company holds the event on the first day of every month in March, when the climate is relatively warm and easy to visit. At the festival, dancers wearing fox masks devoted kagura on a hayashi, and the area was surrounded by the light sounds of kagura. Amazake was served in the precincts, and visitors spilled smiles. The shrine is lined with many red torii gates that are characteristic of Inarisha, but because the road that passes in front of you is expanded, most of it was scraped two years ago, and the cherry blossoms that were the symbol also protruded into the planned road site. I got cut. Going back to the past, in 1965 (Showa 40), when the adjacent old city hall built a new city hall, the main hall and worship hall were relocated. A male parishioner who participated in the festival said, "The city changes, and it is inevitable that the shrine will be scraped or moved. Still, it is loved by the local people and will continue to be in the area. I want to cherish it. " 』\
ふみ on Google

It is a small shrine next to the Omiya ward office, but the history is old and I felt that there was too much power inside and I couldn't stay so long. I received an impression that it was kept relatively clean.
シカテブクロ on Google

近くのパソコン教室でとある検定試験を受験しました。受験前に神頼みでふらっとお参り。見事合格しました。感謝、感謝です^ ^ 大宮に立ち寄った際は、またお参りしたいと思います。
I took a certain certification exam at a nearby computer classroom. Before taking the exam, visit us at the request of God. I passed it brilliantly. Thank you, thank you ^ ^ When I stop by Omiya, I would like to visit again.
Mamasassa Takattata on Google

大宮区役所の横に鎮座していて、おそらく寺社仏閣や神社好きの人にしか立ち止まることでしょう。歴史は古く、400年前の寛永5年に遷座した、と由緒書にあり、鎮座したのはもっと昔になるでしょう。明治の始めに廃寺となった境内社でした。 普段から社務所は閉まっていて、初午祭の行事にしか開かれないと思います。お稲荷さまが4体ある中、2体は平成30年の初午に設置されました。
It is sitting next to the Omiya Ward Office, and probably only people who like shrines and temples or shrines will stop. It has a long history, and it is said that it was relocated in the 5th year of Kanei, 400 years ago. It was a shrine that was abandoned at the beginning of the Meiji era. The office is usually closed and I think it can only be opened for the festival event. Of the four Inari-sama, two were installed at the beginning of 2018.
1686i_28 grandpa on Google

The shrine is lined with many red torii gates that are characteristic of Inari shrines. Looking at the historical writings, it looks like a shrine related to Iwatsuki Castle, but it has been relocated repeatedly and is now a small Inari.
丸山健 on Google

It's not a big Inari shrine, but it seems to have a long history. It seems that it was made in a small space in the city, and although it is small, there are quite a few buildings. The cherry blossoms were beautiful.

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