Kurashina Internist Clinic - Itabashi City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kurashina Internist Clinic

住所 :

サークルポーチ 3 Chome-17-1 Tokumaru, Itabashi City, Tokyo 175-0083, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 175-0083

サークルポーチ 3 Chome-17-1 Tokumaru, Itabashi City, Tokyo 175-0083, Japan
on Google

先生に説得力と熱意と魅力がある 是非オススメしたい ただ診察待ちに時間がかかりすぎるので、星4つ
The teacher has persuasive power, enthusiasm, and charm. I would definitely recommend it. However, it takes too long to wait for a medical examination, so 4 stars.
エミ on Google

優秀 端的 的確 な 治療 対応… とてもよいDr.だと思います。
Excellent, accurate and accurate treatment ... I think it is a very good Dr.
太郎バカ on Google

There were many people who were drugged and were not feeling well. There were some people with allergies who couldn't take off their masks, but I heard that they weren't very satisfied with the treatment. He is an inexperienced teacher who is not qualified to speak internal medicine. It may be better for me to choose another hospital, but I'm a teacher who isn't sure. You may want to make sense on your own, but isn't it completely lacking in knowledge? It is unavoidable to continue treatment that is not suitable for each person. An idiot who prescribes medicine and looks like the end!
Tomomi on Google

病状や療養方法の説明などは全く無いままあっという間に診察終了、でやたらに薬だけ出されてた いや、わざとこっちに聞こえる様に独り言っぽく「こんな患者診たりとかやってらんねー」的な嫌味をボソッとつぶやいたのだけはよく聞こえたけど こっちは困って体調悪いなかやっとこ来たのに… こんな奴でも医者出来んのかよと思う最底辺ライン
The medical examination was completed in no time with no explanation of the medical condition or medical treatment method, and only the medicine was given out. No, it sounds like I deliberately muttered the dislike of "I don't want to see a patient like this." I came here when I was in trouble and I wasn't feeling well... The bottom line that I think even such a guy can't be a doctor
元3研 on Google

昨今の情勢から、現在は風邪の症状がある人は来院前に電話すのが必須となっています。 ちと過剰に薬に頼りすぎな節があるような気もしますが、診察時間を長めに取ってくれる先生なので、回転命でやってるような一部の病院よりは良い先生なのではないでしょうか。
Due to the recent situation, it is now mandatory for people with cold symptoms to call before coming to the hospital. I feel that there is a section that relies too much on medicine, but since he is a teacher who takes a long time to see the doctor, I think he is a better teacher than some hospitals that have a revolving life.
福山修一郎 on Google

The severe cough in the middle of the night, which could not be treated at other hospitals, was cured. I thought it was because of the medicine that the teacher gave me.
大塚洋史 on Google

他でなかなか治らなかった咳が、こちらで見てもらって薬出してもらったらスッと引きました。 先生は忙しいでしょうし、あまり寄り添って話すタイプの方では無さそうにみえたので、そういう診療を好む人はそう言うお医者さんにかかられた方が良いかと思います。
I had a cough that I couldn't get rid of elsewhere, but when I got a look at it and gave me some medicine, I pulled it out. The teacher will be busy, and it seems that people who are not very close to each other talk to each other, so I think it would be better for people who like such medical treatment to see a doctor who says that.
tkg n on Google

The fever did not go down easily and the cause was unknown at other hospitals, but I went to this place to find out the cause, and when I took the medicine, the fever disappeared immediately.

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