
2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 上板橋診療所

住所 :

Kamiitabashi, Itabashi City, 〒174-0076 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://kamiitaclinic.com/
街 : Tokyo

Kamiitabashi, Itabashi City, 〒174-0076 Tokyo,Japan
山田太郎 on Google

ぼったくり検査。 鼻の奥をこするだけの抗原検査で、なんと一万一千円取られました! 普通こんなにかかるなら、事前に患者に教えません?1万超えですよ! そのあと、診断書がいるか聞かれて要らないと言いましたが、診断書もらってたら一体いくらかかったことか・・・。 他のレビューにも公費での検査を断られた方、いらっしゃいましたね。利益優先というレビューもありました。 違う国なら訴訟が起きていそうです。 皆さん!ドブに捨てても良いほどお金が余っているわけじゃないなら、この病院には行かないようにしましょう。
Rip-off inspection. An antigen test that just rubbed the back of my nose cost me 11,000 yen! If it usually takes this much, why not tell the patient in advance? It's over 10,000! After that, I was asked if I had a medical certificate and said that I didn't need it, but how much would it cost if I got a medical certificate? There were also other reviews who refused to be inspected at public expense. There was also a review that profits were prioritized. Proceedings are likely to occur in different countries. everyone! If you don't have enough money to throw it away, don't go to this hospital.
shii on Google

悪い口コミばかりでビクビクしながら行きましたがそんなに悪くないですよ。受付の方、看護師さん、先生、皆さん忙しそうに常に動いている感じでしたが動線が悪いのでは?と思いました…余計なお世話ですが。 女性の先生が態度が悪いという口コミもありましたが、すごく優しい、とまでは感じませんが丁寧に診て下さいましたし、不安には感じませんでした。テキパキしている分早口でちょっと分からない点もありましたが、大事なところはちゃんと分かったのでまぁいいかなとおもいました。 初診ではないのに問診票が住所から書かなくてはいけないのと、記入項目が沢山あって書くのに時間がかかるのがちょっと手間でした。
I went there with all the bad reviews, but it's not so bad. The receptionist, nurses, teachers, everyone seemed to be busy all the time, but the flow line is bad, isn't it? I thought ... It's extra care. There was a word of mouth that the female teacher had a bad attitude, but I didn't feel that she was very kind, but she examined me carefully and I didn't feel anxious. There were some things I didn't understand because I was so nervous, but I thought it was okay because I understood the important points. Although it was not my first visit, I had to fill out the questionnaire from the address, and there were many entries, so it was a bit of a hassle to write.
船着ひな on Google

診察しているのかなって感じ。看護師の問診しか見てなさそう。 発熱外来として行ったら、順番に検査して陰性だから、次は採血と。採血しないとわからないものかね。看護師の問診しか見てなさそう。 オミクロンに関しては抗原検査では陰性になるケースが多いので、ここで検査するくらいなら、実費3000円の唾液のPCRを受けたほうがいいかもしれませんね。
I feel like I'm seeing a doctor. It seems that only the nurse's interview is seen. If I went to the outpatient department for fever, the tests would be negative in order, so the next step was to collect blood. You don't know unless you collect blood. It seems that only the nurse's interview is seen. As for Omicron, there are many cases where the antigen test is negative, so it may be better to have a saliva PCR with an actual cost of 3000 yen, rather than testing here.
トラ on Google

一言で言って最悪です。 発熱外来と激しい頭痛でかかったにもかかわらず、診断結果は謎の胃腸炎…こちらの同意を得ることもなく数々の検査を行い、結果として7000円かかりました。 検査についての納得感がないのでただただぼったくられたように感じています。なぜその検査をするのか、先に教えてほしかったです。 また、出す薬についての説明もなく、検査結果出るまでに10日かかると言われたのに次の受診日についての相談もありませんでした。お忙しいのは分かりますが、いくらなんでも雑すぎやしないでしょうか? 看護師さんはとても良い人だったので星2にしましたが、正直もう二度と行きたくないです。口コミ見てから行けば良かった…
In a word, it's the worst. Despite having a fever outpatient and a severe headache, the diagnosis was mysterious gastroenteritis ... I did a number of tests without my consent, and as a result, it cost me 7,000 yen. I'm not convinced about the inspection, so I just feel like I'm sick. I wanted you to tell me why you do the inspection first. In addition, there was no explanation about the medicine to be given, and although it was said that it would take 10 days for the test results to be obtained, there was no consultation about the next consultation date. I know you're busy, but why not make anything too messy? The nurse was a very good person, so I gave him 2 stars, but honestly, I don't want to go there again. I should have gone after seeing the word of mouth ...
Hi Australia on Google

I had a throat examination and a PCR test. The nurses, staff, doctors, everyone treated me very nicely. I didn't have a place to take a PCR test in my neighborhood, so I changed trains and buses, but if I was in the neighborhood of my house, everyone would like to go here.
五十嵐益江 on Google

口コミ通りでした。風邪で来院し 薬はでましたが 出して欲しい 薬(うがい薬 トローチ)は 自費です。こんな事言われたの 初めてです。 4日が たっても 治りません。看護師さんが 親切 丁寧なの お医者さんの フォローなのでしょう。ワクチン接種も 終わったので 別の 医療機関を 考えます。
It was as word of mouth. I came to the hospital because of a cold and got medicine, but I want to get the medicine (mouthwash troche) at my own expense. This is the first time I've been told this. It doesn't heal after 4 days. The nurse is probably a kind and polite doctor's follower. Now that the vaccination is over, I will consider another medical institution.
a on Google

I visited the outpatient department for fever. Compared to other places, I had the impression that they would respond on the day as well (I called in the afternoon and went straight to the afternoon). There is no alcohol disinfection, put shoes in the shoe box and wear slippers. Since general medical care and fever outpatients are not separated, I will wait at almost the same place as general medical care (laugh) It is delicate as an infection countermeasure, but since there are no fever outpatients available at this time, it feels unavoidable. is. (I think that those who come to the examination normally are uneasy.) I think that the nurse's interviews and responses are good. The teacher is a clear person, and I think his tastes will be different. Employees do not wear protective clothing. Only bare hands and non-woven masks are available. It's not a hospital I want to go to, but I think it can't be helped because I have no choice.
O O on Google

最悪の女医。もう2度と行かない。 星一つさえつけたくない。 濃厚接触者でコロナの疑いがあったので電話でその旨を伝えて予約していきました。 電話対応はとても良かったのですが、 まず行ったらこのご時世にも関わらず患者向けのアルコールは無し、スリッパは消毒すらされていなく沢山の人の手が普通に触れるようになっていて衛生面最悪でした。 濃厚接触者であり、高熱以外の症状は出ていると言っているのに素手で診察してくるし医師も看護師も不織布マスク一枚。笑 コロナってそんな風邪みたいな扱い?って思いました。 女医は口調が高飛車で強めで態度が悪く、 挙げ句の果て高熱じゃないから濃厚接触していてもPCRは公費では受けさせられないと言われ、自費ならいいですよ言われるしまつ。笑 だったら電話診療でいいだろ。 自費でお金取りたいだけなんだなと思いました。 喉見て腫れてるか確認しただけで、風邪とも何とも診断されず、何の薬を出したかも教えられず、 ただただ診察料を取られた。 喉の腫れなんて素人でもわかる。笑 だから病院に来たのに、本当に何の意味があったんだろう。 時間とお金だけ無駄にした。 ここの女医によって、とても不愉快な気持ちで帰りました。思い出すと今でも腹が立つ。 ちなみに、 女医が信用できなくてその後PCR無料のセンター行ったら陽性でした。 まじでヤブ医者。
The worst female doctor. I will never go again. I don't even want to have one star. I was a close contact and suspected Corona, so I told that by phone and made a reservation. The telephone correspondence was very good, When I first went there, there was no alcohol for patients in spite of this time, and the slippers were not even disinfected and many people could touch them normally, which was the worst hygiene. He is a close contact, and although he says he has symptoms other than high fever, he consults with his bare hands, and both doctors and nurses use a single non-woven mask. Smile Is Corona treated like such a cold? I tought. The female doctor has a high-flying tone, a strong tone, and a bad attitude. It is said that PCR cannot be accepted at public expense even if it is in close contact because it is not a high fever, and it is said that it is okay if it is at your own expense. Smile If so, telephone medical treatment would be fine. I thought I just wanted to get the money at my own expense. I just looked at my throat and checked if it was swollen, but I wasn't diagnosed with a cold, and I couldn't tell what medicine I had given. I just got a medical examination fee. Even an amateur can understand the swelling of the throat. Smile So what did it really mean when I came to the hospital? I wasted only time and money. The female doctor here returned with a very unpleasant feeling. I still get angry when I remember. by the way, I couldn't trust the female doctor, and when I went to the PCR free center after that, it was positive. Seriously a yab doctor.

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