Kurashikirodo Hall - Kurashiki

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kurashikirodo Hall

住所 :

5-38 Inarimachi, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0822, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 710-0822
Webサイト : http://www.sanbg.com/roukan/

5-38 Inarimachi, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0822, Japan
香西晴久 on Google

It was clean. The building is old
岡英輝 on Google

ライブで行きました。子供の頃に訪れた時と全然変わってなくて懐かしかったです。小じんまりとして 昭和を感じます。
I went live. I missed it because it was the same as when I visited when I was a kid. I feel the Showa era as a small area.
斎藤元有輝 on Google

The facility is an old building that has been decades old. The way to enter and exit is narrow, so you need attention.
妹山卓司 on Google

あんな街中に公の機関があるとは思いませんでした。 建物も綺麗で中の係員さんもとても親切にして頂きました。
I didn't think there was a public institution in that city. The building was beautiful and the staff in the room were very kind.
そらつばめ on Google

The location is difficult to find because the road is narrow, but you can use the conference room with free parking at a reasonable price. There are two parking lots in front of and behind the building.
白石白石 on Google

カーナビで行ったけど、広い道路で終了してしまい キチンと辿り着くのに、5分以上かかった。もう少し看板欲しい❗
I went with a car navigation system, but it ended on a wide road and it took more than 5 minutes to get there. I want a little more signboard ❗
隆宏 on Google

The facility itself is old but good for seminars and workshops. The narrow parking lot is a problem. 3 number size makes it hard to get out when the car is parked next to it (especially at night). The width is too narrow.
中山晴恵 on Google

The building is old, but the toilets are well cleaned instead. I think the usage fee is also cheap.

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