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Contact 倉賀野城跡

住所 :

Kuraganomachi, Takasaki, 〒370-1201 Gunma,Japan

街 : Gunma

Kuraganomachi, Takasaki, 〒370-1201 Gunma,Japan
小池弘泰 on Google

I didn't know how to get there by navigation so I asked the locals three times, but there were piers and shrines. But I didn't understand and gave up and came back. At least please give me a one-way sign.
勝山芳郎 on Google

It is a medieval castle ruins on the cliff on the shore of Karasukawa. This is where the monument stands. There is no moat or earthwork in the residential area around the park
山城大好 on Google

倉賀野城の倉賀野氏は児玉党から秩父氏に入った一族の流れですが越後に行ってしまったので、戦国末期は金井氏が倉賀野氏を名乗り入った城跡ですが烏川沿いの城跡です。遺構はありません。でも 城跡の石碑はどこよりも立派です。
Mr. Kuragano of Kuragano Castle is a clan who joined Chichibu from the Kodama Party, but since he went to Echigo, at the end of the Warring States period, Mr. Kanai named himself Kuragano, but it is a castle ruin along the Karasu River. There are no remains. But The stone monument of the castle ruins is the best of all.
Yoshinori Morishita on Google

まったくの烏川の岸壁近くにあり、城址の石碑が建っています。 岸壁と言うくらいですから、かなり烏川を見下ろす高さがあり、対岸の見晴らしは良いです。
It is located near the quay of the Karasu River, and has a stone monument on the ruins of the castle. Since it is called a quay, it has a height overlooking the Karasu River, and the view on the opposite bank is good.
鍋割山のギン太 on Google

天正十五年の春、滝川一益は倉賀野城に上州の諸将を召集し、主君の織田信長が明智光秀によって討たれたことを打ち明けました。 一益の家臣達は、これを上州の武将達に隠したまま、人質を伴って京に上るべきだと進言しましたが、一益は聞き入れませんでした。 正直に全てを話し、自分はこれから北条との戦にのぞむ積もりであるが、各々去就は自由にされたいと言ったのでした。 これを聞いた小幡信貞、由良国繁、長尾顕長、渋川義勝、倉賀野秀景などの、それぞれ城持ちの諸将は、一益の正直な態度にうたれたのか、口々に共に戦うことを誓ったといいます。 権謀術数を尽くすというよりは、真っ正直な武闘派の一益の人柄は、上州人の気質に合ったのかも知れません。 その後、一益は神流川の戦いで大敗北を喫しましたが、再びこの倉賀野城に戻り、諸将に奮戦の礼を述べ、別れにひとさし舞って、京へ発っていったそうです。 いまは城跡は河畔の公園となっていました。つわもの共が夢の跡…というところでしょうか。 なお倉賀野氏は、武蔵七党の一つであった児玉党の秩父高俊が、この地に拠って倉賀野姓を名乗ったものだそうです(^_^ゞ
In the spring of Tensho, Izumi Takikawa summoned all the Joshu generals to Kurakano Castle and confessed that Oda Nobunaga, the lord, was avenged by Akechi Mitsuhide. The chiefs of Ichikushi declared that they should go up to Kyoto with hostages while hiding them in Joshu warlords, but they could not hear the best. To tell the whole thing honestly, from now on I was in a position to fight against Hojo, but each said that I wanted to be freed. The generals of the castle owners, such as Shingo Koshiba, Yura Kunisuna, Nagao Kencho, Shibukawa Yoshikatsu, and Kurakano Hidekei, who heard this, will both fight with each other, whether they are humbled by the benevolent attitude It is said that I swore that. Rather than exhausting the number of titles, the honestly strong character of the martial arts may have matched the temperament of the Joshu people. After that, Ikasu lost a great defeat in the battle of the Shinryu River, but I returned to this Kuragano castle again, said to the generals of his struggle for gratitude, seemed to leave for a while and dance to Kyoto. . The castle ruins were now a park on the riverside. It is a place where both Tsuwanomono is a dream mark. In addition, Mr. Kuragano seems to be that the Kodama Takatoshi Chichibu who was one of the Musashi seven parties surnamed Kuragano surnames based on this place (^ _ ^ ゞ
Atsushi UDONO on Google

The view overlooking the Karasu River is quite magnificent. There is also a bench where Kamachi Yamada was sitting, so it's a convenient place to sit down and pensive.
竹内勝利 on Google

この場所は車を駐車して見学する事は難しいと思います。 今日は友達に頼み、連れて行ってもらいました。 そして近くの倉賀野神社の駐車場で待機してもらっていました。 倉賀野城跡の前には烏川が流れています。
I think it is difficult to park your car and tour this place. I asked a friend to take me today. And I had them wait at the parking lot of the nearby Kuragano Shrine. The Karasu River runs in front of the ruins of Kuragano Castle.
萩原喜弘 on Google

It's a nice place to take shelter from the rain if you have a roof, but unfortunately it's a pity that you can't stop by when it rains. There is an anecdote that Shingen Takeda dropped the castle, but the history that not only Takasaki but the entire Gunma area has become Takeda's territory cannot be changed. It is strange that it is located between the shrine and the junior high school. I want to study history more and more.

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