
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 味噌らーめんひばり

住所 :

Kumazaki, Akaiwa, 〒709-0833 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88897
街 : Okayama

Kumazaki, Akaiwa, 〒709-0833 Okayama,Japan
たにぃ on Google

はじめは 少し甘めのスープが 生姜を溶かす事により 魔法がかかる‼️ 麺も もちもち最高で スープがよく絡み 一心不乱に食べてしまいました。 チャーシューの油の旨味と味噌と生姜の織り成すハーモニー? 普通でも 麺が多めで 嬉しいのですが 煮卵トッピングの大盛をいつも 頂きます。ガッツリ 胃袋 捕まれてます。 タラコごはんも 超オススメです。気前が 良すぎるでしょう❗っていう タラコが ガッツリ鎮座した 夢ごはん✨ なんて ステキな お店なんだ‼️と 感動しております。もちろん お店の方も 明るく親切なので そこも ポイント高いです❗
At first, a slightly sweet soup is magical by melting ginger! ️ The noodles are also chewy and the soup is often entwined, and I ate it all at once. Harmony of char siu oil and miso and ginger ? I'm glad that there are a lot of noodles even if it's normal. We always have a large serving of boiled egg toppings. Guttsuri stomach is caught. Cod roe rice is also highly recommended. The generosity would be too good ❗, the cod roe was seated in a dream rice ✨ What a wonderful shop! I am impressed with ️. Of course, the shop also It's bright and kind, so that's also a high point ❗
つぼじい(坪G) on Google

人気店みたいなので平日の昼前に訪問しました。 駐車場は広めで駐車しやすいです。 先客は3組 入口の券売機で券を購入して席に案内されます。 待つ事10分程度で着丼 味噌は苦手なのですが白みそのお陰か?くどさがなく食べやすく美味しかったです。 ただ残念なのは、今の時期に大声で喋る職人さんとその知り合いの話が食事中にも延々と大声で続き、まるでここは居酒屋?かと錯覚さえするような状態、それに対して何も注意されないお店の方に残念な思いをし「お客様は神様」という言葉を勘違いされているのかなと感じました。 一応な感染対策も窓を少し開けて出来ているみたいですが それだけに残念でなりません。 ごちそうさまでした。
It looks like a popular shop, so I visited it before noon on weekdays. The parking lot is large and easy to park. There are 3 pairs of customers You will be guided to your seat by purchasing a ticket at the ticket vending machine at the entrance. Donburi in about 10 minutes to wait I'm not good at miso, but is it because of the whiteness? It was easy to eat and delicious. Unfortunately, the story of a craftsman who speaks loudly at this time and his acquaintance continues loudly during meals, as if this is an izakaya? I felt sorry for the shop staff who didn't pay attention to the situation, and I felt that the word "customers are gods" was misunderstood. It seems that the window is opened a little to prevent infection. That's a shame. Thank you for the meal.
カズピコ和也 on Google

ちょっと前に行った投稿です。 自宅からは少し遠いので中々行けませんが。 ここの味噌ラーメンはマジで美味いです! 私の中では岡山No1味噌ラーメンです。 特製味噌ラーメンを頼みましたが 完璧なトッピング内容ですねw good job 備前味噌は程よい濃厚さで最後まで美味しく いただきました。 この日は、長野での登山帰りに寄りましたが 山陽ICから近いのも良いですし、 何より朝6時からやってるのが最高です! 疲れた体に、朝から最高の備前味噌で塩分チャージ。 また、登山帰りには 必ず食べに行きますー(*´∇`*)
This is a post I made a while ago. It's a little far from home so I can't go there. The miso ramen here is really delicious! It is Okayama's No. 1 miso ramen in me. I ordered a special miso ramen It's a perfect topping content w good job Bizen miso is moderately thick and delicious until the end I received it. On this day, I stopped by on my way home from mountain climbing in Nagano. It's good to be close to Sanyo IC, Above all, it's best to start at 6am! For tired body, salt charge with the best Bizen miso from the morning. Also, on the way back from mountain climbing I will definitely go to eat (* ´∇ ` *)
テイクイットイージー on Google

以前もラーメン屋だったところにオープン。トイレが移動され少し店内が広くなってる。 早朝からオープンの最近多くなってる形態のお店。6時から3時までの営業。味噌ラーメンメイン。 駐車場はあり。 朝は味噌ラーメンの他に朝専用としておにぎり2つに味噌汁のセットで650円。具は結構な種類から選べる。でも高すぎ!誰が頼むの?具の種類も書いてあったが絶対頼む気はなかったので写真取る気もおきず。 味噌ラーメンは地産の味噌を使用、おにぎりの米も。 特製味噌ラーメンを注文。チャーシュー、角切りチャーシュー、もやし、味玉、メンマが!生姜も? 縮れメンでスープとよく絡まってる。ただちょっと何故か苦味が感じられた。 以前のラーメン店は醤油ラーメンで自分の中でも県内で有数の大好きな店舗だっただけに跡地にこれか‥という感想。不味いではなく期待値に達してないだけ。時間合えばまた行ってみてもいいと思う。
Opened where it used to be a ramen shop. The toilet has been moved and the inside of the store has become a little wider. A store that has been opening since early morning and has been increasing recently. Open from 6am to 3pm. Miso ramen main. There is a parking lot. In the morning, in addition to miso ramen, a set of two rice balls and miso soup for exclusive use in the morning is 650 yen. You can choose from a wide variety of ingredients. But it's too expensive! Who asks? The type of ingredients was also written, but I never wanted to ask, so I didn't feel like taking a picture. Miso ramen uses locally produced miso, and rice balls are also available. I ordered a special miso ramen. Char siu, diced char siu, bean sprouts, taste balls, menma! Ginger too? It's curly and often entwined with soup. I just felt a bitter taste for some reason. The previous ramen shop was soy sauce ramen, and it was one of my favorite shops in the prefecture, so I thought it was on the site. It's not bad, it just doesn't reach the expected value. I think it's okay to go again if the time is right.
Keiichi Takahata on Google

There is no popular morning ramen these days, but I've been doing it since 6am early in the morning. Ramen 780 yen, white miso-based soup is thick and thick, and yellow Ichijire noodles are strong. Thick char siu allows you to fully enjoy the deliciousness of pork. Others include menma, green onions, wood ear mushrooms, and minced meat. It was not salty and mellow, and it tasted better than the multiple miso ramen shops in the city. (* There are individual differences in impressions.) Since the parking lot in front of the store is limited, it is better to avoid busy hours during the day and night. It was worth it to ride a bicycle over the mountains in the cold. I wanted to have the remaining soup with additional rice balls, but this time I put up with it. There was also a menu called rice ball miso soup set that was only available in the morning. I'm also interested in mapo noodles.
川野紀行 on Google

A miso ramen specialty store that opened on the site of Hisaya, a famous ramen shop in Akaiwa City. It seemed to be quite popular, and by the time I got home, a car was waiting on the road outside. Only 6 or 7 cars can be parked in the parking lot, so it is recommended to come early or late. Ramen is a thick miso ramen, and I think it's perfect for those who like gutsuri.
morishu on Google

こてこての味噌ラーメンではなく、 生姜の効いたマイルドな味噌ラーメン。 はじめて食べるタイプの味噌ラーメンでしたが、美味かった! 特製味噌ラーメン (味玉、コーン、のり、メンマ、キクラゲ、ねぎ、チャーシュー増) にバターをトッピングして食しました。 止まらなくなるスープと、良い感じのちぢれ麺、肉厚だけど柔らかいチャーシュー、絶妙に半熟な味玉、その他の具材もスープにマッチして、とても美味かったです。 嫁さんが注文した麻婆麺も少しもらいましたが、これも美味。辛いけどクセになる味でした。 店内はテーブル席が3つと、カウンターが数席。店内は広くありませんが、注文してから提供が早いので、回転も速いです。 駐車場は比較的広くて止めやすいです。 遠いけどまた行きたい!!
Not the miso ramen of the trowel, Mild miso ramen with ginger. It was the first type of miso ramen to eat, but it was delicious! Special miso ramen (Ajidama, corn, glue, menma, wood ear, green onion, char siu increase) I ate it with butter as a topping. The soup that didn't stop, the nice little noodles, the thick but soft char siu, the exquisitely soft-boiled egg, and other ingredients matched the soup and it was very delicious. I got a little mapo tofu that my wife ordered, but this is also delicious. It was spicy but addictive. There are 3 table seats and several counter seats in the store. The inside of the store is not large, but since it is served quickly after ordering, the rotation is fast. The parking lot is relatively large and easy to park. It's far, but I want to go again! !!
taun gyi on Google

Very delicious, my favorite taste and volume, next time I want to go from the morning

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