Kumagaya Golf Club - Kumagaya

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kumagaya Golf Club

住所 :

1431 Ishihara, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0816, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 360-0816
Webサイト : http://www.kumagaya-gc.com/

1431 Ishihara, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0816, Japan
200系やまびこ on Google

楽しくとてもよいコースでした! 地理的に河川敷のコースかなと思いましたが、秩父鉄道の踏切を超え、場内に入ると豊かな木々が迎えてくれる上に、コースもさながらフラットな丘陵コースのようでフェアウェイが広く、戦略性がとても高い上に真夏の炎天下のラウンドながら木陰がおおく適度に息を抜きながらプレーすることができました。 またキャディさんも気さくながらも、的確なアドバイスとアシストでノンストレスで進行できました。(スライスは多かったけれど(苦笑)) いままで行った中でベストなコースでああったと思います。 ※個人的に栃尾の油揚げがとても美味しかった。。。。
It was a fun and very good course! Geographically, I thought it was a riverbed course, but when you cross the railroad crossing of the Chichibu Railway and enter the venue, you will be greeted by abundant trees, and the course is like a flat hill course with a wide fairway and strategicity. It was very high and I was able to play while taking a moderate breath in the shade of the trees while rounding under the scorching sun of midsummer. Caddy was also friendly, but with accurate advice and assistance, he was able to proceed without stress. (Although there were many slices (bitter smile)) I think it was the best course I've ever been to. * Personally, the fried tochio was very delicious. .. .. ..
倉林寛幸 on Google

熊谷駅からの送迎バスもあり、行きやすいゴルフコースです。 全体的に横幅が広くて開放的なホールが多く、とても気持ちよく打てます。グリーンは難しめだと感じました。 また、料理が美味しいです。これは嬉しいですね。 ぜひまた行きたいと思います。
There is also a shuttle bus from Kumagaya Station, making it an easy-to-go golf course. There are many holes that are wide and open as a whole, so you can hit them very comfortably. I found the green difficult. Also, the food is delicious. This is nice. I definitely want to go there again.
パーシー on Google

I forgot my jacket, and the next day, it was a little far away to get it, and when I contacted him that I would like him to send it by cash on delivery, he said, "There was. I think I can arrive tomorrow by shipping on the same day." Thank you, the jacket I received was neatly folded, put in vinyl and packed, and I was very happy to receive a polite response. I'm sorry for this review because there was no way to thank you. Thank you very much.
小太郎 on Google

素晴らしいコースです。 コースは松や杉で、 キッチリとセパレートされており、 フェアウェイは絨毯のよう。 またグリーンの状態もとても良い。 バンカーも整備されてます。 しかし美しいが、とてもタフなコース。 目標の旗がおそらく240ヤードで、 並のアマチュアだと到底届かない。 ティショットで210ヤード運んでも、 200ヤード以上残るのハメになります。 1打、2打をナイスショットしても、 40ヤード残るのでアプローチを磨かないと、スコアになりません。 グリーンは砲台で、硬くて小さいから、 アプローチにもプレッシャーがかかります。 埼玉県には、狭山、霞ヶ関、日高等々、 名門コースがありますが、コースはそんなに変わらないかも。 それなら予約しやすく、気軽にプレーできる熊谷ゴルフを選ぶのが良いと思います。
It's a great course. The course is pine and cedar, It is separated tightly, The fairway is like a carpet. The green condition is also very good. Bunkers are also maintained. However, it is a beautiful but very tough course. The target flag is probably 240 yards, If you are an average amateur, you can never reach it. Even if you carry 210 yards on the tee shot It will be a squirrel that remains over 200 yards. Even if you take a nice shot with one or two shots There are 40 yards left, so if you don't improve your approach, you won't get a score. The green is elevated, hard and small, There is also pressure on the approach. In Saitama prefecture, Sayama, Kasumigaseki, Hidaka, etc. There is a prestigious course, but the course may not change that much. In that case, I think it is better to choose Kumagaya Golf, which is easy to make reservations and easy to play.
久保誠 on Google

It is a strategic course that you will never get tired of. It is well maintained and I want to come back again and again.
Wataru Kawaguchi on Google

2021年12月訪問。 ①アクセス:東松山ICからは少し距離あります?星3 ②コース:良いショット悪いショットできちんとスコアに反映する良質なコース。河川敷ではあるが、それを感じさせない。樹齢を重ねた松が伝統と高級感を演出。風と高速グリーンに悩まされた1日。星4 ③練習場:200Yのレンジ、アプローチ&バンカー練習場あり。早めの到着が吉。星5 ④食事:少し安い。星4。 ⑤接客:おじ、おばさんフレンドリー。星4 ⑥総合:10年ぐらいぶりに来たが、初めての同伴者も満足。満杯の予約と聞いたが、ほぼスムーズに時間通りにラウンドでき、好感。また行きたい。
Visited in December 2021. ① Access: Is it a little far from the Higashi Matsuyama IC? Star 3 ② Course: A good course with good shots and bad shots that will be reflected in the score. It's a riverbed, but it doesn't make you feel it. Aged pine trees create a sense of tradition and luxury. A day plagued by wind and high-speed greens. Star 4 ③ Practice area: 200Y range, approach & bunker practice area available. Early arrival is good. 5 stars ④ Meals: A little cheap. Star 4. ⑤ Customer service: Uncle and aunt friendly. Star 4 ⑥ Overall: I came here for the first time in about 10 years, but my first companion is also satisfied. I heard that the reservation is full, but I like the fact that the round can be done almost smoothly on time. I want to go again.
f k on Google

初めて行きましたがとても良かったです。 安くて楽しめるゴルフ場です。 キャディーさんも良く1日笑いながらプレー出来ました。 またリベンジしに行きます。
I went there for the first time and it was very good. It is a cheap and enjoyable golf course. Caddy was able to play with a good laugh for a day. I will go to revenge again.
taka Abe on Google

初ラウンドでした。 河川敷ゴルフっぽくなくしっかりとしたコースなので驚きました。 それぞれに育っている木々がかなりコース戦略のカギになっているかと思います。 グリーンは傾斜がかなり効いてるのかかなり難しく久々に楽しくラインを読ませてもらいました。 食事も美味しくいただけたので次回の楽しみになりそうです。
It was the first round. I was surprised because it is a solid course that does not look like riverbed golf. I think that the trees growing in each are the key to the course strategy. It's quite difficult to see if the slope of the green is quite effective, so I enjoyed reading the line after a long time. The food was delicious, so I'm looking forward to the next time.

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