Kuidōraku Head Office - Yokote

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kuidōraku Head Office

住所 :

7-13 Maego 1bancho, Yokote, Akita 013-0038, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 013-0038
Webサイト : http://www.kuidouraku.biz/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM

7-13 Maego 1bancho, Yokote, Akita 013-0038, Japan
tarou ichikumi on Google

昼食のついでに横手やきそばを食べてみたく入店。13時頃だったためか団体さんが食べ終わって丁度空いたところに入れました。 やきそばのメニューは、写真付きで初めてきたお客も選びやすいようになっています。 写真は牛バラやきそばです。横手やきそばを食べるなら余計な肉は無くてもよいですが、小腹が空いてる人はちょうど良いかと思います。 蛇足ですが、新型コロナの影響かガイド等に掲載されている店舗の多くが閉店、休店しています。特に観光面での訪問者が減っているようで、駅近くが閑散としており、店巡りもしづらい雰囲気がある中、支店も含め営業されている食い道楽さんの存在は大きいと思います。
Entered the store to try Yokote Yakisoba while having lunch. Perhaps because it was around 13:00, the group finished eating and put it in the vacant place. The yakisoba menu is easy for customers who are new to Yakisoba to choose. The photo is beef fried noodles. If you eat Yokote Yakisoba, you don't need to have extra meat, but if you are hungry, I think it is just right. Although it is a fluke, many of the stores listed in the guide etc. are closed or closed due to the influence of the new corona. In particular, it seems that the number of tourists is decreasing, the area near the station is quiet, and it is difficult to visit the shops, so I think that the presence of Gokudo Raku, who is open including branches, is large.
Masaharu Matsubayashi on Google

I visited you on the way from Tono to Sakata. Won the B-class gourmet grand prix? I remember it was a famous store. I had beef fried noodles, and the fried egg is on top of the sweet fried noodles. Salad is also served together. The noodles are chewy, chewy and go well with the sauce. The main business is like a yakitori izakaya. The customer service was also polite and pleasant.
triple2 dak.s on Google

横手そばならここがピカイチ!! 同行者(現地の方)の猛烈なアピールでこちらにお邪魔しました! 諸々立て込んでおり今回は横手そばのみ頂きました。 何度か横手に行った事があり横手そばを食べた事がありますが、少し苦手でして同行者の誘いにも斜に構えていたのですが、まぁ美味しい! 同行者曰く、「ここ以外では食べたくない!」との事。 わかります。 是非一度召し上がって下さい。 夜は居酒屋をやっているので、今度は飲みんで〆の横手焼きそばします!
This is the best place for Yokote soba! !! I visited here with the ferocious appeal of my companion (local person)! I've been working on various things, and this time I received only Yokote soba. I've been to Yokote several times and ate Yokote soba, but I wasn't very good at it and I was holding it diagonally at the invitation of my companion, but it's delicious! The companion said, "I don't want to eat anywhere else!" I understand. Please enjoy it once. I'm running an izakaya at night, so this time I'll have a drink and 〆 Yokote Yakisoba!
H S on Google

駅前店に比べメニュー豊富、コロナ禍で激選メニューの様だが、それでも色んな種類楽しめる、ホルモン鍋は一人分だと少ないよって言われるので二人分オーダー、ぺろっと最後まで美味しくいただきました!飲み放題があればもっと良いかな、一人でもこみっと小さいカウンターで飲めるお店!直前に電話で混み具合聞いておくと良いですよ、激混みだと当然提供遅れがちです、 横手焼きそばも当然対応してくれますが、まあメインの品ではないので、ビール片手におつまみ程度なら楽しめるかと、B級グルメなんでまあそこそこには美味いっすよ!、焼き鳥はやはり旨し!
Compared to the station square store, the menu is abundant, it seems to be a carefully selected menu due to corona, but you can still enjoy various kinds, and it is said that there are few hormone pots for one person, so I ordered for two people and it was delicious until the end! It would be better if there was all-you-can-drink, a shop where even one person can drink at a small counter! It's a good idea to ask on the phone just before the crowd, and if it's extremely crowded, the offer tends to be delayed. Of course, Yokote Yakisoba is also available, but it's not the main dish, so I wondered if I could enjoy it with a beer in one hand, and because it's a B-class gourmet, it's delicious! , Yakitori is still delicious!
高山博之 on Google

横手焼きそば四天王の常連店で、地元御用達の居酒屋「食い道楽」さん。夜は何度かお邪魔しましたが、昼営業には行ったことがありませんでした。 ランチメニューがあるのは聞いてましたので、初訪問してみました(*^^)v 食い道楽さんの売りの一つ「鶏もつ煮」を中心とした定食。出汁巻き玉子かサラダを選択するので、出汁巻き玉子を注文。 先にお新香が運ばれてきて、本膳を待ちます。人気店だけありかなりの混み具合で、配膳まで多少時間がかかるのでそこは我慢ですね。 お茶を啜りながら、お新香を頂きます。 メニューを見たときから感じてましたが、予想通り結構なボリュームです(@_@) 早速、鶏のもつ煮から頂きます。甘い味付けでしっかり煮込まれた鶏もつは、味が隅々まで濃厚にしみ込んで美味しいです。煮込む時間を調整しているようで、歯応えは残しつつ難なく噛み切れる火加減が良いですね。 鮭の塩焼きは、薄味で鶏もつとは対照的。秋田県南の鮭と言えば塩っぱい味付が多いですが、こちらは私的には丁度いい塩加減。 出汁巻き玉子は、お酒のつまみに合う仕上がり。日本酒が欲しくなりますね(#^^#) ご飯は、地元産あきたこまち。モチモチ・ツヤツヤが存分に味わえます。セリ蒸しもほうれん草のお浸しも美味しく堪能させて頂き、どうもごちそうさまでした(#^.^#)
Yokote Yakisoba A regular shop of the four heavenly kings, a local favorite izakaya "Eating Douraku". I visited there several times at night, but I had never been to the daytime business. I heard that there is a lunch menu, so I visited for the first time (* ^^) v A set meal centered on "Chicken motsuni", one of the selling points of Eating Douraku. I choose omelet rolls or salad, so I ordered omelet rolls. Shinka is brought in first and waits for the main set. It's only a popular restaurant and it's quite crowded, so it takes some time to serve, so I'm patient. Enjoy a new incense while sipping tea. I've felt it since I saw the menu, but as expected, it's quite a volume (@ _ @) I'll start with the chicken simmered. The chicken offal, which has been simmered with sweetness, is delicious because the taste is soaked into every corner. It seems that the simmering time is adjusted, and it is good to adjust the heat so that it can be chewed without difficulty while leaving the texture. Grilled salmon with salt is light and contrasts with chicken offal. Speaking of salmon in the south of Akita prefecture, there are many salty seasonings, but this is just the right amount of salt for me. The soup roll egg has a finish that goes well with the sake knob. I want sake (# ^^ #) The rice is locally produced Akitakomachi. You can fully enjoy the chewy and glossy texture. I enjoyed the steamed auction and the soaked spinach deliciously, and it was a feast (# ^. ^ #)
herman prianto on Google

Delicious yakisoba with good price
Steven Lee on Google

They served yakisoba with different topping with quite cheap price. Ordered the shop's special yakisoba, it was good and come in big size.
Joakim Johansson on Google

Best soba I have ever eaten and from now I will compare all soba to this delicious one. I like the cosy interior and the staff was polite and friendly.

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