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大阪市・上新庄駅近くのラーメン屋【KUCHE】 - Toxtukari2.jp

大阪市東淀川区、上新庄駅近くのラーメン屋【KUCHE】は、名物「つけ麺 KURO」をはじめ、種類豊富な創作ラーメンが楽しめるお店です。カフェのようなおしゃれな雰囲気の店内なので、ランチにもおすすめです!

Contact KÜCHE

住所 :

Zuiko, Higashiyodogawa Ward, 〒533-0005 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://www.toxtukari2.jp/
街 : Osaka
Description : Laid-back venue with traditional decor, known for tsukemen dipping noodles & a dark, rich broth.

Zuiko, Higashiyodogawa Ward, 〒533-0005 Osaka,Japan
taka Taka (たかさん) on Google

3回目 エビ団子入り塩つけ麺HAKUを頼もうと思いましたが、意気地無しでやはりKURO'を頼んじゃいました。 やはりKURO美味しいです。 次はHAKUか創作麺を頼もうと思います。 最後に割ご飯(100円)追加しました。 わりスープは無料です。 スープが暖かくなり、ご飯をレンゲに乗せスープをすくって食べる。 これまた美味い。 次もまた、訪れないと思います。 2回目の訪問 今回は、つけ麺注文してみました。 麺はつけ麺にしては、やや細め。 もちもち感も少し柔らかめ。 私にとってはとても良い感じのもちもち感でした。他のお店の麺はもちもちし過ぎてなかなか噛みきれないので苦労しました。しかし、こちらの麺は本当に程よい感じで食べやすいです。 スープの中には鰹?の細切れが程よく入っており最後まで味か薄くなる事もなく食べる事が出来ました。 別皿にカイワレ、玉子、チャーシューが乗せて出てきます。 これも、自分の好きなタイミングでスープに入れて食べたりそのまま食べたり出来るのでスープと絡めたくない人も良いと思いました。 私はあまりつけ麺食べてて来てないのですが、何故麺は冷たいまま出て来るのか?が分かりません。 暖かいまま出すと、麺が延びてしまう為なのか? 折角熱々で出てきたスープが麺を食べ進めると麺の半分位で冷めてきてしまい、美味しさが半減して残念に思います。 KUCHEさんのつけ麺の麺は、今まで食べた麺の中では1番です。それだけに残念。 スープも鰹の切り身が沢山入っており、風味も味わえて良かったです。 また、再訪したいお店の中の1つです。 初めておじゃましました。 注文したのは、醤油ラーメン スープも飲み干しました。煮干しなのか ちりめんがそこに沢山入ってるのが珍しくとても美味しく頂きました。 麺は細麺で。焦がし醤油と紫蘇が入っているらしく食べていくとほんのり紫蘇の味がするのも美味しくあっさり感じられたした。 注文したのはNagomi。 他のお客さんを見てみると、つけ麺を全員食べており、つけ麺推し!なのが何となく伝わりました。今回は、普通にラーメンを頼みました。 お店の方も気さくに話して頂き、帰り際に名刺も頂きました。 駐車場はお店には無いので、近くの駐車場に止めてからが良いです。 1000円以上だったか?注文したら、会計時に駐車券見せると100円引きします。という張り紙が、カウンターの上に貼ってありました。 お店の前には止めないのが、お店にも迷惑がかからないし、利用する側のマナーですね。 少し離れたとあるラーメン屋さんには、書き込みにあった通り、やはり路駐してありました。 私は、江坂からウォーキングで上新庄までを散策しているので、運動したご褒美に今回初めてお伺いしました。 これからも、上新庄エリアのラーメン屋を探索してみたいと思います。
Third time I wanted to order HAKU, a salted tsukemen with shrimp dumplings, but I wasn't stubborn and ordered KURO'. After all KURO is delicious. Next, I will order HAKU or creative noodles. Finally, we added split rice (100 yen). The soup is free. When the soup becomes warm, put the rice on the astragalus and scoop up the soup to eat. This is also delicious. I don't think I'll come again next time. Second visit This time, I ordered Tsukemen. The noodles are a little thin for tsukemen. The chewy feeling is also a little soft. It was a very nice and chewy feeling for me. I had a hard time because the noodles in other shops were too chewy and I couldn't chew them. However, these noodles are really moderate and easy to eat. Bonito in the soup? I was able to eat it until the end without the taste becoming lighter. Kaiware, eggs, and char siu will come out on a separate plate. This is also good for people who don't want to get entangled with the soup because they can put it in the soup and eat it as it is at their favorite timing. I haven't eaten tsukemen so much, why do the noodles come out cold? I don't understand. Is it because the noodles will stretch if they are served warm? It's a pity that the soup that comes out hot is halved in deliciousness because it cools down to about half of the noodles as you continue to eat the noodles. KUCHE's Tsukemen noodles are the best noodles I have ever eaten. That's a shame. The soup also contained a lot of bonito fillets, and it was good to taste the flavor. It is also one of the shops I would like to visit again. I was disturbed for the first time. I ordered soy sauce ramen I also drank the soup. Is it boiled? It was unusual for a lot of crepe to be in there and it was very delicious. The noodles are thin noodles. When I ate it as if it contained charred soy sauce and shiso, it tasted a little shiso, which was delicious and light. I ordered Nagomi. Looking at the other customers, they all eat tsukemen, so I recommend tsukemen! I somehow got it. This time, I ordered ramen normally. The shop staff also kindly talked to me and gave me a business card on my way home. There is no parking lot at the store, so it's best to park at a nearby parking lot. Was it over 1000 yen? If you place an order and show your parking ticket at the time of checkout, you will get a 100 yen discount. There was a sticker on the counter. The thing that you can't stop in front of the store is that it doesn't bother the store and it's the manners of the users. At a ramen shop that was a little far away, as I wrote, it was still stationed on the road. I am walking from Esaka to Kamishinjo, so I visited for the first time as a reward for exercising. I would like to continue exploring ramen shops in the Kamishinjo area.
ramentimesだいち on Google

はいはーい、#ラーメンの時間ですよ? . 《#KUCHE 》 『冷製鳥塩ラーメン (〆ごはん付き:限定 )』 『チャーシュー増し (ラーメンサーキット特典 )』 . この日、仕事終わってそのまま帰宅?? …のはずが、疲れたし冷やし食べたいなぁ…とボーッと考えてたら、なぜか上新庄にあるKUCHE さんの前に? カウンターに空きがありすぐに入店。 メニューには記載がないものの、冷やしができるとのことなので注文。 ラーメンサーキットの冊子も提示。 記載の特典は麺大盛りですが、冷やしの場合チャーシュー増しになるようです。 いえごはんあるので大盛りよりチャーシュー増しの方が助かります(笑) 調べてみたら、KUCHEさんは実に3年ぶりの訪問。しかも3年前も冷やしを頂いていたという? . しばらくして着丼〜? ってあれ?ライスまで提供? そういえば〆ごはん付きでしたね! まずはスープを… 鶏ベースのあっさりとした冷製スープがめっちゃ美味〜い! ちゅるちゅるとした麺を啜ると、ほんのりとした酸味が徐々に感じられる構成。 レモンの酸味に加え、丼の底には梅も入っていて、これがナイス味変に。 大判の豚チャーシューも美味しいんですが、やはり鶏チャーシュー!しっとりとしてめっちゃ好き! 麺を完食した後は、〆ごはんをスープにダイブ! 梅の風味がたまらない出汁茶漬けに変身〜 もちろん完食完汁〜 ご馳走さまでした? . この冷製鳥塩ラーメン、メニューには載っていませんがいつでも提供頂けるそうです! 小ライスまで付いて850円とかなりコスパ良し!なんですが、小ライス無しも800円で可能だそうですので、いえごはんある方にはいいかも(笑) ただ、梅出汁茶漬けがめちゃくちゃ美味しいので、やっぱり小ライス付きがおすすめです??
Yes, it's time for #ramen ? .. 《#KUCHE》 "Cold chicken salt ramen (with rice: limited)" "Additional char siu (ramen circuit privilege)" .. On this day, I finished work and went home as it was ?? I was supposed to be ... but I was tired and wanted to eat chilled ... but for some reason I was in front of KUCHE in Kamishinjo ? There is a vacancy at the counter and you can enter the store immediately. Although it is not mentioned in the menu, it is said that it can be chilled, so I ordered it. A booklet of the ramen circuit is also presented. The benefits listed are a large serving of noodles, but it seems that char siu will be added if it is chilled. No, there is rice, so it's better to add more char siu than a large serving (laughs) When I looked it up, KUCHE visited for the first time in 3 years. Moreover, it was said that he had been chilled three years ago. .. After a while, donburi ~ ? What is that? Served to rice ? Speaking of which, it came with rice! First of all, soup ... The chicken-based light cold soup is really delicious! When you sip the chewy noodles, you can gradually feel the slight acidity. In addition to the sourness of the lemon, there is also plum on the bottom of the bowl, which makes it a nice taste. Large-sized pork char siu is also delicious, but after all chicken char siu! I really like it as moist! After eating the noodles, dive the rice into the soup! Transform into soup stock chazuke with irresistible plum flavor ~ Of course, complete meal and complete soup ~ Thank you for the treat ? .. This cold chicken salt ramen is not on the menu, but you can always serve it! Even small rice is included and it costs 850 yen, which is quite good! It seems that it is possible for 800 yen without small rice, so it may be good for those who have rice (laugh) However, the plum soup chazuke is insanely delicious, so after all it is recommended to have a small rice ??
室伏まこと on Google

初めて行かせていただいたラーメン屋さん。 つけ麺が一番人気みたいなのですが、自分はあっさりが好みなのでラーメンNAGOMIを注文。 初めて食べる味だったのですが、優しいながらもしっかりコクがあるスープに極細麺、さらに上に乗っているレアチャーシューが何とも美味しい♪ さらに刻んだしその葉が入っていて、それもめちゃくちゃ美味しい。 スープも最後まで飲んでしまいました(笑) 是非また行きたいお店です。
The ramen shop I went to for the first time. Tsukemen seems to be the most popular, but I like ramen NAGOMI because I like it lightly. It was the first taste I had eaten, but the gentle but rich soup, the extra-fine noodles, and the rare char siu on top are delicious! It's also chopped and contains the leaves, which are also insanely delicious. I drank the soup to the end (laughs) This is a shop I definitely want to visit again.
m a on Google

つけ麺を食べようと久しぶりに訪れたら KUROのラーメンが!! ラー油がたくさん入ってるので 辛いかと思ったらそんなことはなく チーズっぽいソースとも相まって とても美味しいかったです! 山椒もピリっと効いててよかったですね?
If you visit for the first time in a long time to eat tsukemen KURO ramen! !! Because it contains a lot of chili oil If you think it's painful, that's not the case Coupled with cheese-like sauce It was very delicious! I'm glad that Sansho was also effective ?
Deniz on Google

Best tsukemen in the whole world.
Mick on Google

Great tasting ramen and friendly service!
Corbin Jurgens on Google

Very tasty. Was suprised by the board pinned with many currency notes including my own country, New Zealand. If you plan to go here and have some currency at home maybe bring it and offer it to them. Not sure if they're still taking it though. I went with a friend who himself had heard they're good. I could see that a lot of people who came in just got the Tsumeken. It is a little cramped in there. We had to wait about 5 mins for a table to clear as it was full when we went at lunchtime.
Lydia Pincott on Google

Incredibly good! Tsukemen is such a treat and this tsukemen is worthy of being that treat. I got the Kuro tsukmen which has a wonderfully rich and deep flavour with hints of charcoal, and a slow cooked chashu that’s incredibly tender. The noodles are nice and thick with a good bite. Clean and friendly environment, well worth it. :)

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