Kōyō High School - Okayama

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kōyō High School

住所 :

1500 Fujita, Minami Ward, Okayama, 701-0221, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 701-0221
Webサイト : http://www.koyohigh.okayama-c.ed.jp/

1500 Fujita, Minami Ward, Okayama, 701-0221, Japan
こって牛 on Google

It is the largest high school in Honshu where there is a clothing design department.
ou Ry on Google

生徒指導の教師は言いがかりをつけてくる。 校則もブラック
Student guidance teachers make a point. School rules are also black
Lill on Google

何かあるとすぐ反省文。 生徒を見た目で判断する。 また常に見下してる。 実習は良い内容だが、(教え方は悪い) 放課後なども使うため自分の時間が無い。 教師の言動が人としておかしい。常に矛盾。 この学校を考える人、他行け。
As soon as there is something, a reflection statement. Judge the students visually. I always look down on him. The training is good, but (teaching is bad) I don't have time for myself because I use it after school. The teacher's behavior is strange as a person. Always a contradiction. Those who think about this school, go elsewhere.
Shizuko Kanda on Google

Fengji[ふぉんじー] on Google

With this corona sickness, I sit in a group on the ground in the corner of a convenience store without a mask in the daytime and lie down. One is also smoking. I don't know if it's the test period, but do the teachers go around the places where they often hang out? I don't know what path the students will take, but it will reduce the dignity of the school.
Ain* on Google

責任もとれない上から目線一日一回以上ミスをする。教師と生徒の立場逆にした方が質のある時間が送れる。 老化した先生と現代の私たちには文化の差が激しすぎるため、超ブラック校則。 時間の大切さを知りたい人や時間を無駄にしたい人はここオススメ。 私はここで3年間空気吸って生きてた
I can't take responsibility, and I make mistakes at least once a day. You can spend quality time by reversing the positions of teachers and students. Super black school rules because the cultural difference is too great for aging teachers and us today. Recommended for those who want to know the importance of time and those who want to waste time. I lived here breathing air for 3 years
あかあお on Google

素晴らしすぎて尊敬と感謝の気持ちでいっぱい! 興陽高校の素晴らしいところを紹介致します! この高校の教員は頭が良くない?? ・効率の悪い素晴らしい授業 ・何しても反省文にして「私たちの時間を奪っている」という素晴らしい被害妄想をしている。 ・生徒には「人を馬鹿にするようなことを言うな」と言うにもかかわらず教員は生徒を馬鹿にした素晴らしい発言をする。中には説教をしているのを見て笑ってくる素晴らしい教員もいる。 ・素晴らしい教員がいじめ、からかいを助長している。 ・生徒との簡単な約束も守れない。素晴らしい ・揚げ足ばかり取り、まともに素晴らしい話もできない ・実習という名の無賃労働。ほんとに無意味 ・「うちはうち、ほかはほか」と「○○高校も〜やっている」を巧みに駆使し生徒を論破してくる。なおやっていることは嘘つき同然 以上興陽高校の素晴らしいところでした!
It's so wonderful that it's full of respect and gratitude! Introducing the wonderful things about Koyo High School! Isn't this high school teacher smart? ?? ・ Inefficient and wonderful lessons ・ I have a wonderful paranoia that "I'm taking our time" in a remorse. ・ Despite telling the students, "Don't say things that make people foolish," the teacher makes wonderful remarks that make the students foolish. Some wonderful teachers laugh when they see them preaching. ・ Great teachers are promoting bullying and teasing. ・ I can't keep a simple promise with my students. You look amazing ・ I can't talk about wonderful things because I only take fried legs ・ Unpaid work called practical training. Really meaningless ・ Skillfully use "Uchihauchi, others" and "○○ high school is also doing" to refute the students. What you are doing is like a liar That was a wonderful place at Koyo High School!
なおの on Google

18年前の被服デザイン科卒業生です。ここ2~3年で何があったんでしょうか? 先生の指導の仕方が時代に合ってないんですかね?生徒達はそれに反発してるのでしょうか?私の時代はもう20年近く前なのであれですがボランティア活動が盛んで倍率もかなり高い高校でした、確かに校則とか意味の分からないものもありましたが、タバコとか生徒の態度が悪いとか聞いた事ない時代だったのでびっくりです。私達世代ですらゆとり世代、今の子はさとり世代なんで校則も緩めれる所は緩め、命に関わる事、タバコやお酒、イジメなどは絶対にさせない様に厳しめに指導するなど時代にあった対応をして楽しく意味のある充実した学生生活をさせてほしいです。
I am a graduate of the clothing design department 18 years ago. What has happened in the last couple of years? Isn't the teacher's teaching method suitable for the times? Are the students repulsing it? It was almost 20 years ago in my time, but it was a high school where volunteer activities were active and the ratio was quite high. Certainly there were things that I did not understand the school rules and meaning, but I heard that cigarettes and students' attitudes are bad. I was surprised because it was a time when nothing happened. Even our generation is a generous generation, and the current child is a Satori generation, so the place where school rules can be loosened is loosened, life-threatening things, cigarettes, alcohol, bullying, etc. are strictly instructed so as not to be allowed. I would like you to respond and have a fun, meaningful and fulfilling student life.

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