車検のコバック 横浜新子安店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 車検のコバック 横浜新子安店

住所 :

Koyasudori, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒221-0021 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88889
Webサイト : https://kobac-yokohama01.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–6PM
Sunday 8:30AM–6PM
Monday 8:30AM–6PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 8:30AM–6PM
Thursday 8:30AM–6PM
Friday 8:30AM–6PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Koyasudori, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒221-0021 Kanagawa,Japan
とりひろ on Google

We ask for inspections and vehicle inspections every time. I think the polite explanation is very good.
前川典男 on Google

I am always indebted to you. The customer service is really good!
mi on Google

値段が安い その日に終わる車検も良いですね 2階の待ち合い室でスマホいじってたら終わります 次回もお願いしようと思います
The price is cheap. The car inspection that ends on that day is also good. It will end if you play with your smartphone in the waiting room on the 2nd floor. I will ask you again next time
ディ-リィー on Google

今までも車検はコバックを利用していましたが、今回新子安店に変更しました。 フランチャイズなので、法人は別になり、多少費用がかわります。 今までお世話になっていたコバックは、領収証は税金毎にくれていましたが、今回の新子安店は、税金と工賃等でまとめて一枚の領収証でした。 1日車検では台車は無料なのはかわりありません。 待ち合い室は、2階にありました。 車両を持ち込んで簡単な手続きをすると、車両が車検に通るか簡単な点検を整備士の方がしてくれて、その後説明にきてくれます。 車検以外にオイル交換等の要望はこの時にも言えますし、受付に言っても大丈夫です。 時間通りの案内なので、ビジネスで利用するにはいいと思います。
Until now, Kobac was used for vehicle inspections, but this time it was changed to the Shinkoyasu store. Since it is a franchise, the corporation is separate and the cost will change slightly. Kobac, who had been indebted until now, gave me a receipt for each tax, but this time the Shinkoyasu store was a single receipt for taxes and wages. The dolly is still free for the one-day vehicle inspection. The waiting room was on the 2nd floor. If you bring in a vehicle and perform a simple procedure, a mechanic will do a simple inspection to see if the vehicle passes the vehicle inspection, and then will come to explain. In addition to the vehicle inspection, requests for oil change etc. can be said at this time, and it is okay to tell the receptionist. It's a timely guide, so I think it's good for business use.
cold summer on Google

車検後、ホイールキャップの取付位置が間違っておりバルブが隠れ空気を入れる事ができませんでした。 後日直してもらいに訪問した際、謝罪はしっかりとして頂きました。 ですが、検査機関という職種柄、この様な間違いは不安が残りますよね。チェック体制が整っていないことが分かります。 薄利多売の難しい所でしょうが、命を乗せる車なのでリピートは無いですね。
After the vehicle inspection, the mounting position of the wheel cap was wrong and the valve could not let in hidden air. When I visited for a fix at a later date, I received a firm apology. However, due to the nature of the inspection agency, such mistakes leave us uneasy. You can see that the check system is not in place. It's a difficult place to sell at low profits, but it's a car that can carry lives, so there is no repeat.
齋木雅洋 on Google

いつも車検をお願いしています。点検で部品の摩耗などを正確に調べてどこを交換すべきか等を丁寧に説明してくれます。お店の方もみんな対応も良いし、メカニックの方も車好きな方がやっていて作業も丁寧だと思います。 サービスで実施してくれる洗車もレーシング用のパッド粉がガッツリついたホイールが丁寧に磨かれていたり、車内も綺麗に清掃されていて、車載していたブランケットも綺麗にたたまれていたりと素晴らしい仕上がりに感謝です。これからも利用します(≧◇≦)
I always ask for a car inspection. The inspection will accurately check the wear of parts and carefully explain where to replace them. I think that the shop staff and all the staff are very friendly, and the mechanics are also car enthusiasts, and the work is polite. The car wash that is carried out by the service is also wonderful, as the wheels with the pad powder for racing are carefully polished, the inside of the car is also cleaned cleanly, and the blanket that was in the car is also neatly folded. Thank you for the finish. I will continue to use it (≧ ◇ ≦)
田中利明 on Google

He kindly and politely responded from the estimation of the vehicle inspection to the maintenance. I am very satisfied with the cost. I also wanted to ask for the next vehicle inspection.
eage cross on Google

2021/11/4追記 めっちゃ腹の立つ出来事もすっかり忘れてた今日この頃 また本日「車検のコバック横浜新子安店」から車検の営業の電話が来ました。しかもトラブルのあった「トラックの車検は如何ですか?」の営業。 先日口コミへの返答で「お詫び」をしてきたがなぁーんにも伝わっていなかった様。さすがに腹が立ったので怒鳴ってしまった。マジなんなん、この会社・・・。 2021/4/27追記 本日「車検のコバック横浜新子安店」から電話があり何かと思ったら別の車の車検の営業でした。社内で「こんなことがありました。気を付けましょう」なんて話もなかったんだとさらにがっかりさせられました。トラブルがあった客くらいきちんと対応すべきではないかと思います。口コミを見ている皆さん、不快な思いをするのが嫌なら利用しない方が賢明です。 会社で使っているトラックの車検をお願いしたら予約が立て込んでいるので次の日に必ず取りに来てほしいという約束のもと車検をお願いしました。約束の次の日の17:00に引取りに行ったらタイヤが全部外れていて整備の方に「あと2時間はかかります」「書類も間に合いません」と言われその日の引取りは断念。無駄足で帰宅。 約束の時間に間に合う様に高速を使い2人で取りに行ったのだがお店の都合で納車できなかったといういきさつがあったので一応次の日にでも納車してほしいとの旨を伝えたがあっさり「人手不足で無理です」と言われた。人手不足はお互い様!! 歩いて取りに行ける距離ではないので車で2人でいかなければならず段取りが付かなかったので「しばらく取りに行けない」と伝えたところ「預かります」となりこちらの都合がつくまで預かっていただくことになった。 2週間ほど経ちやっと引取りに行ける日が来て電話をして引取りに行く。屋外保管されていたようで洗車はおろかトラックの幌もかけていない状態で荷台はビチョビチョ。敷いていたベニヤ板は濡れて結構な勢いで傷んでいるし車内の灰皿の吸い殻は捨てられていない(ちなみにうちに喫煙者はいない) 納車で運べなかったことに対しての謝罪はあったが約束の日に納車できなかったことに対しての謝罪は一切なく帰りの誘導も挨拶も一切なし。 この店は最後にタイヤの締付トルクを客とトルクレンチを使い確認するのが恒例なのですがこの時は前輪だけしかやらず気になって会社に戻ってから後輪を増し締めしてみたところ緩いナットが2つほどあった。 嫌なことは続くもんだなと実感。 とりわけ丁寧だったり技術的に優れているわけでもなかったがキチンと時間通りにはやってくれるお店だったので気に入って何度か利用していただけにショックでした。 客とは向き合わず効率だけを考えて動く店は何事も無ければ悪くはなかったのですがミスした時ぐらいきちんと対応してほしかったです。
2021/11/4 postscript I completely forgot about the very angry events these days Also, today I received a phone call from "Kobac Yokohama Shinkoyasu Store" for vehicle inspection. Moreover, there was a problem with the sales of "How about a truck inspection?" The other day, I made an "apology" in response to the word of mouth, but it seems that it was not conveyed to me. I was so angry that I yelled at him. Seriously, this company ... 2021/4/27 postscript I received a phone call from "Kobac Yokohama Shinkoyasu store of car inspection" today, and when I thought something, it was a car inspection business of another car. I was even more disappointed that I didn't say "I had something like this. Let's be careful" in the company. I think that customers who have trouble should respond properly. If you don't like to feel uncomfortable, it's wise not to use it. When I asked for a car inspection of the truck used by the company, I had a reservation, so I asked for a car inspection with the promise that I would definitely come to pick it up the next day. When I went to pick it up at 17:00 the day after the appointment, all the tires were off and the maintenance staff said, "It will take another 2 hours" and "I can't make the documents in time", so I gave up picking up that day. I went home with wasted legs. We used the highway to pick up the car in time for the promised time, but there was a story that we could not deliver the car due to the store's circumstances, so I told him that I would like the car to be delivered the next day. Was simply told, "It is impossible due to lack of manpower." Labor shortages are like each other! !! Since it is not within walking distance, we had to drive with two people, so we couldn't set up, so when we told him that we couldn't go to pick it up for a while, it would be "keep it" and we would like you to keep it until it's convenient for you. is what happened. After about two weeks, the day when I can finally pick it up comes and I call and go to pick it up. It seems that it was stored outdoors, and the loading platform is bichobicho with no car wash or truck hood. The plywood that was laid was wet and damaged with a lot of force, and the ashtray butts in the car were not thrown away (by the way, there are no smokers) There was an apology for not being able to deliver the car, but there was no apology for not being able to deliver the car on the promised day, and there was no guidance or greeting on the way home. At this shop, it is customary to check the tightening torque of the tires with the customer using a torque wrench at the end, but at this time I was worried about only the front wheels and after returning to the company I tried to tighten the rear wheels. By the way, there were about two loose nuts. I realized that the unpleasant things will continue. It wasn't particularly polite or technically superior, but I was shocked to find that it was a shop that did it on time, so I liked it and used it several times. It wouldn't be bad if there was nothing wrong with a store that didn't face customers and only considered efficiency, but I wanted them to respond properly when they made a mistake.

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