Kouhanji - Hitachiomiya

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kouhanji

住所 :

2247 Kamiose, Hitachiomiya, Ibaraki 319-2401, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 319-2401
Webサイト : http://www.kouhanji.jp/

2247 Kamiose, Hitachiomiya, Ibaraki 319-2401, Japan
4-3 shino3 on Google

Greatness of large ginkgo, stairs next to stairs. And a tengu. Those who climb can enjoy the victory.
齋藤二三男 on Google

The temple visits the Temple of the Flower and the residence is very kind, and various stories and tourist information, tea and tea sweets are also available in the service. It seems to be Kakuji.
Take Kamo on Google

It is located on the hill seen from No. 293, and is the fourth temple of flowers. There is a large ginkgo.
koheiji on Google

巳年、辰年のご本尊守りである普賢菩薩様のお寺です。 普賢菩薩単体のご本尊は珍しいです。 また、歴史も古い寺院です。 ここは、基本的に坂がありますのでご注意ください。
It is a temple of Boken Bodhisattva, who protects the deity of the year of the New Year. The principal image of Fugen Bosatsu alone is rare. It is also a temple with a long history. Please note that there is a slope here basically.
Yukie Teruyama on Google

巳年の普賢菩薩をお祀りしていらっしゃるお寺さんです。 本堂もお庭も綺麗に手入れなさっていて、 田舎の静かなお寺で雰囲気も穏やか。 ありがたくお参りさせていただきました。 全体的にとても良かったのですが、寺務所の方がいらっしゃらず、御朱印を頂けなかったのが残念です。 また近いうちに写経を持って行きたいと思います。
It is a temple that enshrines Samantabhadra of the year of the Snake. The main hall and the garden are in good condition, It is a quiet temple in the countryside and the atmosphere is calm. Thank you for visiting us. Overall it was very good, but it's a pity that there was no temple office and I couldn't get the red stamp. I would like to bring a sutra copy in the near future.
小嶋直幸 on Google

こちらも花の寺の一つです。 車は境内まであがれますが、下の駐車場に停めて階段で上がる方が雰囲気良いです。
This is also one of the flower temples. You can drive up to the precincts, but it's better to park in the parking lot below and go up the stairs.
Ponchang Dover on Google

花の寺4番のです。読みは江畔寺(こうはんじ)です。 大きなイチョウの木があり紅葉の時期は大変見事です。
It's the 4th temple of flowers. The reading is Kouhanji Temple. There is a big ginkgo tree and the season of autumn leaves is very beautiful.
Jハードラー on Google

花の寺4番。境内はよく整備されている。石段ー登ってすぐにある大銀杏は素晴らしい。 開基 建武三年(1336)北朝方佐竹一族が、瓜連南朝方楠木勢を撃破一掃して、佐竹九代貞義の三男義春が、常陸介の官職と緒川流域一帯・大田武石屋敷(8貫500文)、白方(300貫文)、小亀(100余文)、岡田郷(150貫文)の領地を与えられ、領地の中心小瀬に居城を築き、小瀬氏を称した。 康永三年(1344)剃髪入道して、城域の大手門に小庵を営み、小瀬一族の菩提寺の基礎とした。死後、西側山上に勝軍地蔵菩薩を祭祀し、義春の化身仏と尊崇された。 開山 観応元年(1350)義春の三男悟真妙頓(幼名孝繁)が、夢想疎石に学び、夢想疎石を招請開山として孝繁が、開山二世になり南内山 孝槃寺と称し、長兄義益の援助で当寺を開いた。 佐竹一族、秋田に国替 佐竹氏が関ヶ原の戦後処理によって秋田へ転封となり、慶長七年(1602)小瀬一族も宗家に従い秋田に移住し、水戸藩の領地となった。袴田善兵衛栄斎の御縄(検地)の時に、栄斎が江畔寺と改字した。 慶安元年(1648)江戸幕府三代将軍家光公より、ご朱印15石5斗1合・寺内6石7斗3升4合を賜り、上小瀬、氷之沢、野沢村民3百戸の檀家寺となった。 水戸藩徳川光圀の宿泊参詣 元禄五年(1693)光圀が、当山に二泊三日参籠し、漢詩を作った。 門前の小川の清流で斎戒沐浴したので、この地域一帯をお留渕と称されて、聖なる場所として一般人の立ち入りを禁止した。 元禄六年(1694)に古作地蔵菩薩を当山に寄進下された。 幕末の水戸藩 明治維新政府の廃仏毀釈 明暦三年(1697)水戸藩主徳川光圀は、彰考館を開設して「大日本史」の歴史編纂事業をはじめた。それが、幕末の水戸藩主斉昭の尊王攘夷となり、天狗諸生の内乱に発展し、水戸藩は藩内の廃仏毀釈を徹底して行い、多くの由緒寺院を破壊し、神道復古による神葬祭を行うことを領民に強いた。 当寺も無住職状態になり、伽藍は荒廃し、本尊釈迦牟尼仏をはじめ、多くの寺宝は消滅した。 明治二年(1896)江戸幕府が大政奉還し、また、神仏分離令により、当寺は境内地一町歩を残し、明治政府に寺領を全部接収された。
Flower Temple No. 4. The precincts are well maintained. The stone steps-the big ginkgo that is right after climbing is wonderful. In the 3rd year of Kenmu Kaibu (1336), the Satake clan of the Northern Court defeated the Kusunoki group of the Urizura South, and Yoshiharu, the third son of Sadayoshi Satake, took the official position of Hitachisuke and the Ota Takeishi mansion (8 kan 500). Given the territories of Shirakata (300 kanbun), Kogame (100 kanbun), and Okadago (150 kanbun), he built a castle in Ose, the center of the territory, and named him. In the third year of Koei (1344), he started shaving and ran a small hermitage at the main gate of the castle area, which was the foundation of the Ose clan's family temple. After his death, he worshiped the Jizo Bodhisattva on the western side of the mountain and was revered as the incarnation of Yoshiharu. In the first year of Kaisan Kanyo (1350), Yoshiharu's third son, Satoru Satoru (childhood nickname Takashige), learned from Yumeso Sekiseki and invited Yusou Sekiseki. The temple was opened with the help of Masu. Satake clan, national change to Akita Mr. Satake was transferred to Akita due to the postwar treatment of Sekigahara, and in 1602, the Ose clan also moved to Akita according to the Soke family and became the territory of the Mito clan. At the time of the Onawa (kenchi) of Zenbei Hakamada Eisai, Eisai changed the character to Kouhanji Temple. In the first year of Keian (1648), the third shogunate of the Edo Shogunate, Iemitsu, gave us 15 red stamps, 5 to 1 go, 6 stones from Terauchi, 7 to 3 squares, and 4 go. It became. Visiting Mitsukuni Tokugawa of the Mito Domain In the 5th year of Genroku (1693), Mitsukuni visited the mountain for two nights and three days and wrote Chinese poetry. Since I took a bath in the clear stream of the stream in front of the gate, the whole area was called Odomebuchi, and the general public was prohibited from entering as a sacred place. In the 6th year of Genroku (1694), an old Jizo Bodhisattva was donated to the mountain. The abolition of the Buddha of the Meiji Restoration Government at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate. It became the sonno jōi of Nariaki, the lord of the Mito domain at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, and developed into a turmoil in the life of Tengu. I forced the people to do that. The temple became unemployed, the temple was devastated, and many temple treasures, including the principal image of Shakyamuni Buddha, disappeared. In 1896, the Edo Shogunate repatriated the great government, and due to the Shinbutsu bunri decree, the temple was requisitioned by the Meiji government, leaving a town walk in the precincts.

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