ハンバーグ&定食の店 セブン

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ハンバーグ&定食の店 セブン

住所 :

Kotobukicho, Toyooka, 〒668-0024 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
街 : Hyogo

Kotobukicho, Toyooka, 〒668-0024 Hyogo,Japan
蒲田繁廣 on Google

I entered the restaurant at the beginning today, but the hamburger steak was crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside, and it matched the sauce and was very delicious.
ユークレース on Google

A savory hamburger rather than a gravy. Not only is it delicious, but the vegetables are crispy and the best (๑ • ̀ ㅂ • ́) و✧ Peppers are my favorite. Please add more peppers.
イイダのんこ on Google

Business hours end at 2 pm As early as possible デ ス Hamburg steak, you can choose the number of grams ク 150 grams I ordered Perori ? Salad ド レ ッ シ ン グ dressing, traditional French dressing ? Oishii 〰️ ? Showa Showa It was. It seems to be sticking to rice.
ginoa ginogino on Google

ハンバーグがおいしいと評判のお店ですが、これまでご縁がなく、行ってみたら定休日という感じでしたが、今回、やっと入店できました。 以前は色々とメニューがあったらしいですが、最近はハンバーグ定食のみみたいです。 ハンバーグが食べたかったので全然オッケーです? 入店するとオヤジさんがハンバーグ作って、女性2名が配膳とご飯よそったりサラダを添えたりとテキパキ分業されてました。 接客も温かみがあり、ホッコリ。 オーダーしたのはもちろんハンバーグ定食の一番大きいヤツです。200gのハンバーグで1,600円くらいでしたか。少しお高めかなと思います。 肝心のハンバーグは外はカリカリで中はジューシーでメチャメチャ美味しいです❗️ ご飯もおかわりできますので、満足度は高いのではないでしょうか。 カウンターに座らせてもらったので、ハンバーグ定食ができるまで観察させてもらいましたが、オーダーのたびにタネから重さを確認、ハンバーグの形に成型し、フライパンに入れ、蓋をしてじっくり焼き、カリカリに仕上げておられるようです。 先にお会計した女性のお客さんがオヤジさんに美味しかったとの感想と、肉は牛肉かどうかを質問されてましたが、牛肉と豚肉の合挽きを使っているそうです。牛肉だけだと崩れやすいそうです。 お会計すると、次回使える100円の割引券をいただきました。45周年記念特別割引券と書いてありましたので、今年だけの配付なのでしょうか。 せっかく割引券ももらったことですし、またお伺いしたいと思います。
The restaurant has a reputation for delicious hamburger steak, but I had no connection with it so far, and when I went there it seemed like a regular holiday, but this time I finally entered the restaurant. It seems that there were various menus before, but recently it seems that only hamburger set meals are available. I wanted to eat hamburger steak so it's okay ? When I entered the store, my father made a hamburger steak, and two women were divided into serving meals, serving rice, and serving salad. The customer service is also warm and refreshing. Of course, I ordered the biggest hamburger steak. Was it about 1,600 yen for a 200g hamburger steak? I think it's a little expensive. The essential hamburger is crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside and delicious ❗️ You can also refill the rice, so I think you are very satisfied. Since I was allowed to sit at the counter, I observed until the hamburger set meal was ready, but every time I ordered, I checked the weight from the seeds, molded it into a hamburger shape, put it in a frying pan, covered it and baked it carefully , It seems that it is finished crispy. The female customer who paid for it earlier said that it was delicious, and was asked if the meat was beef, but he said he was using a combination of beef and pork. It seems that beef alone is easy to crumble. When I made the payment, I received a 100 yen discount coupon that I could use next time. It was written as a special discount ticket for the 45th anniversary, so is it only distributed this year? I have received a discount voucher, and I would like to ask you again.
山ちゃん on Google

お値段以上のお得感? とっても美味しくいただきました‼️ いわゆる、工場製造ではない、手作りのキチンとした食事を提供いただきました‼️ 美味しかったぁ? ご飯も美味しく、大にしておけばよかった?
Greater value than the price ? It was very delicious! ️ They provided us with homemade chitin meals that were not manufactured at the factory! ️ It was delicious ? The rice was delicious and I should have kept it large ?
部隊鹿師 on Google

クラブや居酒屋などが集まった小さなアパートの一角にある、小ぢんまりしたお店です。複数店で共用の駐車場になっているようで、車で来店しても安心だと思います。 現在の営業メニューはハンバーグ(定食/単品)だけでした。 お店の雰囲気は良いですが、45年はやっているみたいなので所々に古さは感じます。 頂いたハンバーグは、巷で持て囃される「ふっくらジューシー」ではなく、カリッと香ばしく焼き上げたタイプです。自分でお家で焼くようなカリカリですが、そこはやっぱりお店の仕上がりで、中までカチカチになるようなことはなく柔らかなものでした。不思議ですね。 味も雰囲気もいいんですがお値段は少し張るので、気軽に何度もというわけにはいかなそうです。
It is a small shop in a corner of a small apartment where clubs and taverns are gathered. It seems that the parking lot is shared by multiple stores, so I think it's safe to come by car. The current business menu was only hamburger (set meal / single item). The atmosphere of the shop is good, but it seems that it has been around for 45 years, so I feel it is old in some places. The hamburger steak I received is not the "fluffy juicy" that is whispered in the streets, but the type that is crispy and fragrant. It's crunchy like baking it at home, but it's the finish of the shop, and it's soft without ticking to the inside. that's strange. The taste and atmosphere are good, but the price is a little high, so it seems that you can't feel free to repeat it.
小牧清美 on Google

ハンバーグが美味しいのはもちろん! 付け合わせの野菜もボリュームあり、ご飯も味噌汁も美味しかったです。 何より、お店の方々の優しい気持ちが伝わる雰囲気の良い癒されるお店です。
Of course the hamburger is delicious! The garnished vegetables were also voluminous, and the rice and miso soup were delicious. Above all, it is a relaxing shop with a nice atmosphere that conveys the gentle feelings of the people in the shop.
Pilot 2101 on Google

Very cozy restaurant with some really tasty food. The steak was medium and tasted really great! The service was very friendly.

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