Kotobuki - Tokyo

2/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact Kotobuki

住所 :

1200-1 Hakonegasaki, Mizuho, Nishitama District, Tokyo, Tokyo 190-1221, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 190-1221
Webサイト : https://www.reform-kotobuki.co.jp/

1200-1 Hakonegasaki, Mizuho, Nishitama District, Tokyo, Tokyo 190-1221, Japan
Sky Brillio on Google

blue sky on Google

職人さんが丁寧に仕事をして頂き大変 感謝しています。様々な要望の確認や色の注文も受けて頂きました。また、営業さんとの工事日程や計画も随時話して打ち合わせを頂きました。ありがとうございます。 青梅市 :M
I am very grateful that the craftsmen have worked carefully. We also received confirmation of various requests and color orders. In addition, we talked with the sales staff about the construction schedule and plans as needed and had a meeting. thanks you. Ome City: M
qwtos ebkaz on Google

私の家の塗装をここでお願いしてひどい目にあいました。 家の周り全てに足場を組む見積もりを立てながら実際は一部だけ。だからシートで囲えず高圧洗浄をした際に水しぶきと一緒に汚れ、ゴミ、苔などが隣家に飛び散ったが作業員は気にも留めない。おまけにベランダの手すりの細かい部分で毎日塗り残しが見つかり指摘。それが数回続くとあろう事か職人は「ペンキあげますから自分で塗ってくれ」と。嘘と手抜きだけで生き残ろうとする、意地もプライドもない会社です。
I asked here to paint my house and it was awful. Actually, only a part is being made while making an estimate of building a foothold around the house. Therefore, when high-pressure washing was performed without enclosing the sheet, dirt, dust, moss, etc. splattered along with the splashes, but workers were not aware of it. In addition, every day left unpainted in the fine part of the handrail of the veranda pointed out. The craftsman said that it will last several times, "I will paint, so apply it myself." It is a company that has no intention and no pride, trying to survive only by lies and omissions.
oo Un on Google

何ヵ所かリフォームをお願いして酷いめにあった。 年配の営業だったが、打ち合わせと実際の工事内容が違い、話しになら無い。 原因をよく調べずに無駄な工事をしてお金を稼ぐ会社。 おすすめしません。 他の口コミにもあるが、嘘と手抜きだらけ。
I asked for some reforms and it was terrible. It was an elderly business, but the meeting and the actual construction work were different, so I couldn't talk about it. A company that makes money by doing wasteful construction without investigating the cause. Not recommended. There are other reviews, but it's full of lies and omissions.

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