ラップドクレープコロット 錦糸町メトロ店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ラップドクレープコロット 錦糸町メトロ店

住所 :

Kotobashi, Sumida City, 〒130-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Webサイト : http://www.korot.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Kotobashi, Sumida City, 〒130-0022 Tokyo,Japan
奥村正和 on Google

An old acquaintance was on his birthday. It's just been 3 days. She likes sweets and went to Google for a delicious cake ? shop. I searched for cake, but it's crepe. You can eat it with one hand in a reasonable size, and there are about 7 types of crepe, so please come to the store and choose.
サハラ砂漠 on Google

お声が大山のぶ代さんにそっくりな店員さんがかいらっしゃるとのことで行きましたが… 残念ながらお会い出来ませんでした? しかし、美味しいクレープを購入することはできました? ありがとうございます?
I heard that there is a clerk whose voice is similar to Nobuyo Oyama ... Unfortunately I couldn't meet you ? But I was able to buy a delicious crepe ? Thank you ?
life Owata on Google

食事の後に甘いものを探してたら見つけました! 苺クレープが好きなので他にも種類は沢山あったんですが、ちょこっと買って食べてみました! 売っているサイズが一口サイズだったので、 食後にぴったりだったし、造りもとても食し易かったので、ちょこっと寄るのにお勧めのお店です!
I was looking for sweets after a meal and found it! I like strawberry crepe, so there were many other types, but I bought it a little and tried it! Since the size being sold was a bite size, It was perfect after a meal and the structure was very easy to eat, so it's a good place to drop in a bit!
ironcerica on Google

I bought strawberries and chocolate bananas. I was always worried about it every time I passed in front of me, so I was really looking forward to eating it, but unfortunately it wasn't good enough. Only the crepe dough was strongly insisted, it was chewy, and it didn't match the ingredients inside at all, so I didn't feel it was very delicious. The taste of the crepe dough itself did not feel delicious and I was very disappointed. It is more satisfying to eat ordinary fresh crepes at ordinary stores. sorry.
RA URA on Google

【ラップドクレープコロット】錦糸町メトロ店 錦糸町メトロ改札を出て左、JR方面に向かう 途中に店舗があります。店名通り、クレープが 四角くラップに包まれていて色々な味の種類が 販売されてます。やっぱりチョコバナナが1番 美味しかったですが、他の味も美味しいです。 ペイペイも使用可です。残念なのは価格かな。 割高感は否めません。もう少し安ければ…。 消費期限は日持ちしないのでお土産・差し入れ 持ち帰りする場合などは注意が必要です。
[Wrapped Crepe Corot] Kinshicho Metro Store Exit the Kinshicho Metro ticket gate and head toward JR on the left. There is a store on the way. As the name suggests, the crepe Wrapped in a square wrap, there are various flavors It is on sale. After all chocolate banana is the best It was delicious, but the other flavors are also delicious. PayPay is also available. The price is unfortunate. I cannot deny the feeling of being expensive. If it's a little cheaper ... Expiration date does not last long, so souvenirs and gifts Be careful when you take it home.
長谷川あぐる on Google

ドラえもんの声の店員さんいました。 クレープは生地がモチモチで美味かったです。 気軽に食えるサイズなのでお土産にも良さそうです。
There was a clerk with Doraemon's voice. The crepe was chewy and delicious. It's a size that you can easily eat, so it looks good as a souvenir.
ゆぅ on Google

包装が変わりました 箱や紙袋が可愛くて好きです ちょっとした手土産にちょうどいいです 全部1種類ずつ入れてくれるセットは2400円でした ドラえもんの声にそっくりなスタッフさんに会えるのを目標に通います
The packaging has changed I like boxes and paper bags because they are cute It's a perfect souvenir The set that puts all one type at a time was 2400 yen My goal is to meet a staff member who looks exactly like Doraemon's voice.
Keith Pang on Google

2019.02 they are underground. Near subway station exit 1. Not jr station. Their crepe is mini and pre mixed. So it is cold not hot. OK. Taste not bad... Just small... Good for snack. U can find this in shinjuko station too

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