マグロ酒場 ほんじょ屋

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact マグロ酒場 ほんじょ屋

住所 :

Kotobashi, Sumida City, 〒130-0022 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–9PM
Sunday 11:30AM–9PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Tokyo

Kotobashi, Sumida City, 〒130-0022 Tokyo,Japan
。。 on Google

It's different from the menu, but the cutlet is delicious.
MOTO IKEBE on Google

錦糸町でマグロならココ。いつも繁盛してる理由も来ればわかります。 メニューの多さに納得。とことんマグロを知り尽くし、食い尽くした店主がお客さんを饗します。
Click here for tuna in Kinshicho. You can see why it is always thriving. Convinced by the large number of menus. The owner, who knows all about tuna and eats it up, treats customers.
ねあ on Google

ランチで利用しました。微妙な時間にやってて助かりました。 唐揚げ定食。唐揚げは小ぶりだけど女性には嬉しい。味は可もなく不可もなく。 これにマグロの刺身がついてきたのが良い!刺身は美味しかった〜
I used it for lunch. I was saved by doing it at a delicate time. Fried chicken set meal. The fried chicken is small, but it's nice for women. The taste is neither good nor bad. It's good that this comes with tuna sashimi! The sashimi was delicious ~
マツタケ社長のグルメチャンネル on Google

#錦糸町 #居酒屋 マグロ居酒屋ハシゴ2件目できました! 創作マグロ料理で飲めるお店だけど、色々なお店がありますね!!
#Kinshicho #Izakaya The second tuna tavern Hashigo has been completed! It's a restaurant where you can drink creative tuna dishes, but there are various restaurants! !!
ゆっきー on Google

料理全般食べてみたい 店員さんも気さくで良いお店 天身トロの唐揚げ定食最高でした ブリと中トロさしのおまけご馳走さまでした 次何たべるか楽しみです
I want to eat general food The clerk is also a friendly and nice shop The fried chicken set meal of Toro was the best It was a bonus treat of yellowtail and fatty tuna. I'm looking forward to what to eat next
木村公輔 on Google

なんか、雑な接客が目立つ店だったな~と感じました!! 流れているテレビにコメントしたり、お客さんが入ってきた後に、アルコール消毒はしたか?と、客に無駄な動きをさせているのが目につきました。。。 ランチメニューは種類が多かったですが、お米の表面は乾いていたり、味噌汁の具が写真よりあきらかに少なかったりと、残念な気持ちになります。 感じんのさばの味噌煮は味が少し薄いとゆーか、甘さが際立って、おかずになるしょっぱさが足りないきがしました。 これは個人の味の好みだと思いますが、自分的には物足りないと感じました!
I felt that it was a shop where the miscellaneous customer service was conspicuous! !! Did you comment on the TV on the air or disinfect with alcohol after the customer came in? I noticed that the customer was making unnecessary movements. .. .. There were many types of lunch menus, but I was disappointed that the surface of the rice was dry and the amount of miso soup was clearly less than in the photo. When the taste of mackerel boiled in miso was a little light, the sweetness was outstanding, and I felt that the saltiness of the side dish was not enough. I think this is a personal taste preference, but I found it unsatisfactory!
Hei Wusi on Google

Used for lunch. Throat meat yukhoe bowl @ 980 yen. It was my first time to have throat meat, but it was delicious with a slightly crunchy texture. It is good to be able to eat rare parts in Kinshicho.
南中丸信之輔 on Google

魚系のランチを食べたくなり、この店に行ってみた。以前に行ってみようと試みたことがあるが、開店時刻とされる時間に行ってみたが、まだ準備中のまま。正午になっても状況は変わらないので、その時は他の店に行くことにした。 改めて今日は1時半を過ぎて行ってみると、さすがに営業中の札が出ていた。 先客は一名のみだが、店員の姿はなく、奥の厨房からは雑談する主婦のトークが聞こえる。声をかけてまだいいか尋ねると、明るくドーゾと返事する。それでも店員は雑談を続けて奥から出て来ないので、何にしようか十分に考える時間が与えられた。だいぶ経ってからパートの主婦らしい店員が、おしぼりとお冷やを持って来た。 限定8食の早い者勝ちとある本生鮪ブツ丼は もうないですよね~とダメ元で聞いてみると、こちらに背を向けて、ありますよと言う。 厨房に引っ込む前に、ごはんを大盛りでと付 け加えた。 再び雑談が始まりそれが止むと、ママさんはお膳を持って来て、それを置くとごはんとアラ汁はおかわり自由と背を向けて言った。 マグロは7切れくらいで確かに生で悪くない味だが、ご飯は酢飯でなくムラのある炊き加減。 おかわりをお願いするとママさんはこちらをみずに別の丼にご飯を山盛りにして、アラ汁とともに機械的に置いて行った。 もしこれで食べ切れなかったら客に恥をかかせるしフードロスになる。 今まで行った中で、断トツに客をナメた店だった。
I wanted to have a fish-based lunch, so I went to this restaurant. I've tried to go there before, but I went there at the opening time, but it's still in preparation. The situation did not change at noon, so I decided to go to another store at that time. When I went there again after 1:30 today, I found a bill that was open. There is only one customer, but there is no clerk, and you can hear the talk of a housewife chatting from the kitchen in the back. When I call out and ask if it's still okay, he replies brightly with Dozo. Still, the clerk kept chatting and didn't come out from the back, so I was given enough time to think about what to do. After a long time, a part-time housewife-like clerk brought a hand towel and a cold towel. The first-come-first-served basis for the limited 8 meals is the Honsei Tuna Butu Don When I asked him that he didn't have it anymore, he turned his back on him and said that he had it. Before retracting into the kitchen, I added a large serving of rice. When the chat started again and it stopped, Mama brought a set and put it down, and the rice and arajiru were free to refill and turned her back. The tuna is about 7 slices and it tastes raw and not bad, but the rice is not vinegared rice but unevenly cooked. When I asked for a refill, Mama piled up rice in another bowl without looking at it, and left it mechanically with arajiru. If this doesn't eat up, it will embarrass the customer and cause food loss. It was the store I've been to so far that I didn't like the customers.

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